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The Reluctant Duke (A Seabrook Family Saga)(20)

By:Christine Donovan

“So, tell me what’s troubling you,” Thomas urged. “I’ve not seen you look this forlorn since we were boys and your father sent away the young maid you were infatuated with. Of course, you had politely announced to your father at the mature age of ten-and-five that you were going to marry her, so it was understandable.”

Those words brought a smile to Myles’s lips. “Yes, well, first love and all that. Wish it were that easy now.”

Puzzled, Thomas asked, “Wish what were that easy?”

Myles jumped up and paced the small cabin. Six strides one way and four the other. Not much room for pacing off one’s frustrations.

“I met someone in New Orleans, or rather on the ship going to Orleans.” Myles flopped back down on the hard surface of the chair.

“Do tell,” Thomas encouraged.


Normally Myles would not discuss intimate details involving liaisons with young women. This time, the excruciating pain of keeping his feelings to himself overwhelmed him, and he needed to talk it out. Needed his good friend’s advice since Myles knew he was too far gone, too much in love, to think clearly.

“While on my travels I had the great privilege of meeting and attending a ball given by the Conte and Contessa Com Du La Fleur who reside in the French Quarter of New Orleans.” Just thinking about Sophie had his pulse raging. “I had the misfortune of falling for their daughter, Sophie.”

“Yes, well, the look on your face makes perfect sense now,” Wentworth said.

“Humph.” Myles took pride in hiding his feelings like any other properly bred Englishman, and this was not easy. “I left abruptly as Sophie is betrothed to another, a Mr. Bernier. I didn’t want to cause more of a scandal.” At the raised brow from Thomas he added, “Dueling with her intended with rapiers caused enough embarrassment to Sophie’s family.”

Wentworth appeared incredulous. “To have you duel with her intended caused more than embarrassment; you caused a scandal for the poor girl.” He paused, rubbing his chin. “What shocks me is that you dueled at all. Not to be insulting, but your skill with swords is less than desirable. And if you dueled, how is it you are here today, alive and unharmed?”

Myles raked his hands through his long hair. “I sought the help of a Mr. Basile Croquere, a talented fencing master. I believe it will not be long before he belongs to the famous Maitre d’Armes. His skill is like nothing I have ever seen. He moves with the skill and grace of a panther. Mr. Croquere is so quick that most of the time I never saw him coming.” Myles paused and chuckled. “One day with Mr. Croquere’s instruction and I prevailed over Mr. Bernier.”

Wentworth leaned forward in his chair and eyed him with raised brows. “Let me get this right. You spent only one day with a fencing master, and that was enough to perfect your handling a rapier? You actually won the dual?”

“Yes, well,” Myles said, frowning. “It helped that Mr. Bernier was a novice himself. I nicked him once in the shoulder, and it was over.” Myles sighed loudly. “I don’t think he wanted to challenge me to a duel. But Sophie’s honor was in question after I kissed her on the balcony of her parents’ home. Mr. Bernier felt he had no choice. By now they are likely married and on their honeymoon.”

Myles did not like the pity he glimpsed in his friend’s eyes. He hadn’t told him the story to be pitied. Bloody hell; he did not know why he’d told Wentworth at all. It did not matter now because Sophie was lost to him forever.

“I would like you to consider me for Emma.”

“Come on, Myles. You cannot be serious. I don’t know, in good conscience, how I can give my blessing for you to marry my ward when you just confided your love for another.” Thomas groaned. “It would not be fair to Emma. Wait until her first season is well under way. If she doesn’t fancy anyone, we’ll discuss this again.”


Thomas leaned back in his chair and tried to picture Myles and Emma. Oh, he could see them together easily, too easily. And the thought of Myles and Emma together made him want to do physical harm to Myles.

Ever since he met Emma last year, she’d plagued his dreams and undermined almost every coherent thought. And because of her he hadn’t sold Mr. Hamilton’s fleet of whaling ships. Somehow he knew if he held on to her legacy, she would be part of his life. Because, bugger all, she tortured him with her womanly curves and her beautiful smile. Never mind her soft blue eyes that sparkled with life, innocent life.

Emma was not of noble birth, however, so nothing could come of this lust Thomas felt for her. Everyone expected him to marry a lady of breeding. Emma would be perfect for a second or even a third son. She had a large dowry that would attract many eligible bachelors along with any number of unsavory rogues. For the first time he considered his younger brother with a degree of envy. Then he shook himself.