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The Rake's Redemption(29)

By:Sherrill Bodine

When she turned her attention to the refreshment tray, he could not stop  his mouth from curling into a satisfied smile. He had come to realize  that through this woman his debt to Dominic could be paid.                       


Chapter 9

The Duke of Culter had sent his own luxurious traveling coach to convey  the party to the Towers. Juliana, seated across from Lady Grenville,  thought she looked like a cat that had just finished a particularly  large dish of cream. Aunt Sophia wore her usually calm expression,  although her lips did twitch now and again when she glanced at Eugenia.  The fourth occupant of the carriage, Sir Alfred, kept his mouth shut,  hiding behind his copy of the Times, just as always. Sometimes one did  forget that he was even there. She leaned back, trying to ease a small  ache in her lower back and gazed longingly out the window. Charlotte and  George rode side by side, totally engrossed in conversation. How nice  it would be to be out in the sunshine, riding with a pleasant companion  in the fresh air of the countryside.

Dominic, astride Bucephalus, cut off her view. On second thought, it was  better to be stuck in this stifling carriage than be out there with  him.

There should be a law against Dominic on horseback. The effect was  devastating to Juliana's peace of mind. Dressed in magnificently cut  pearl gray riding clothes, he was a veritable Adonis on his white  charger, sweeping all before him. No wonder rumor credited him with so  many hearts. And, she was no different than the rest. She, too, had  fallen victim to his legendary charm.

The problem was how to deal with it. She had had to come on this trip,  especially after Jules's cryptic remark about Aunt Sophia's reception by  the duke and duchess. She fumed inwardly. No one would be allowed to  say a word against her beloved aunt. Why, they should be happy that  Rodney had found such a prize!

Early that morning as they had gathered at Wentworth House for the  journey to the Towers, Dominic had greeted her carefully, showing her  only the degree of kindness he did Charlotte. And he had approved  heartily of her traveling in the carriage. Perhaps because Juliana loved  him, she sensed a constraint in him that had not been there before.  They were both so polite. Too polite. Did he never think of Vauxhall?  Had he no further desire to enfold her in his arms as he had that night?  Her thoughts centered on that moment in the ruin, and a delicious  shiver caused her to pull her light cashmere shawl tighter around her  shoulders. Those memories were so precious  …  if only she knew what to do   …  what Dominic was thinking. It was difficult feeling her way through  all the emotions surrounding her. It hadn't been this way with Will,  love had seemed so simple, so easy. With Dominic nothing was easy, and  she had no guidelines to follow. She sorted through each precious memory  of Dominic-the haughty autocrat was gone, replaced by the tender man of  the ruin of Mrs. Forbes's garden.

Unbidden, she thought of a gnarled hand pressing against her chest. Go  with your feelings, Mrs. Forbes had told her. And she had seemed  infinitely wise. But if Juliana acted on her feelings, she would go  against all that society expected. And if she risked that much, where  would it lead? She sighed softly and tucked her head against the cushion  propped in the corner.

Juliana's sigh pulled Sophia out of her reverie. If only Rodney hadn't  gone ahead with Jules. If he were here, he would keep them all  delightfully entertained with his stories. Then Sir Alfred wouldn't have  to doze behind his paper hoping to avoid his wife's censure, and  Juliana wouldn't be frowning in apparent concentration, and Eugenia  wouldn't be plotting whatever stratagems she had concocted to bring  Charlotte to Dominic's notice. Sophia was nearly ill with worry. She  noticed the strain between Juliana and Dominic, had sensed its  beginnings at Vauxhall. Something had happened to those two that night.  Juliana had looked as if she would shatter into a thousand pieces if  anyone had touched her. And Dominic  …  Sophia feared nothing and no one,  but the look on his face had chilled her. At the same time she wept  inwardly for him. The picture Rodney had revealed of his life was not  pretty. His was a complex, perhaps even dark personality, but she had  seen flashes of an inner spirit and warmth in his dealings with Juliana.  She was trusting her vaunted intuition totally. If anyone could touch  him, it was her precious niece. She only hoped she would not be sorry  later.

Culter Towers came into view late in the afternoon. Down a long avenue  of silver beech trees the twin stone towers rose against a glorious red  sunset.

"My goodness, it's magnificent," Aunt Sophia remarked, sticking her head out the window.

"I know you're not accustomed to such grandeur, Sophia," Lady Grenville sniffed, "but do try not to act the rustic."

"Eugenia, my dear, how kind of you to be concerned," Aunt Sophia said in  a dangerously soft voice. "But truly there is no need. Rodney has  assured me that the duke and duchess will find me enchanting  …  after all   …  I shall soon be their daughter."                       


The red fan that Lady Grenville had used constantly during their journey  snapped in two pieces as a horrible scarlet stained her cheeks.

"You think you're so clever, don't you!" her ladyship spit out between  clenched teeth. "But I shall best you. Charlotte will be the next  duchess, not you!"

Juliana, shocked into silence by Lady Grenville's viciousness, wondered  at her aunt's confidence. Jules had hinted Sophia might not be so  graciously received, but she clearly had no doubts. Her merry laughter  sang through the coach, instantly dispelling the charged atmosphere and  causing Sir Alfred to snore slightly as he automatically shifted back  farther into his corner.

"Don't be ridiculous, Eugenia. I have no desire to be a duchess and neither, I believe, does Charlotte."

"And Juliana? I certainly hope you have no aspirations for Juliana in  that direction, because we both know they won't allow the heir to wed  another widow. After the disas … "

"That is quite enough!" her aunt hissed.

"Aunt Sophia … " Juliana began, but stopped when her aunt shook her head.

Juliana sat stiffly upright, startled by this strange revelation. What  was going on here? A knot formed in her chest, right over her heart, at  the guilty look on her aunt's face. Her eyes were steadily avoiding  Juliana's. She clenched her hands in her lap, schooling her own face to  reveal nothing.

The coach lurched to a stop on the cobbled courtyard before the sweeping  stone steps where Rodney waited eagerly. Jules stood a little behind  him, smiling faintly when Juliana stepped from the carriage.

Lady Grenville bustled Sir Alfred right up the steps past Rodney, as if  he were totally unimportant, to the great carved door where the duke and  duchess waited.

Rodney embraced Sophia lightly and nodded welcomingly to Juliana before  escorting his fiancée up the stairs. George and Charlotte came racing  from the stables, laughing together, interrupting any chance of private  speech Juliana may have wanted with Jules.

"Dominic's seeing to the horses." George took a girl on each arm and  mounted the steps. Juliana hesitated, turning to Jules, her eyes  questioning, but he merely inclined his head, smiling, and stepped aside  so they might ascend to where the Duke and Duchess of Culter awaited  them.

The duchess was nothing like she had expected. Small and finely boned,  with beautiful, nearly translucent skin, she looked sweet and fragile,  unlike the haughty duchess of her imagination. On the other hand, the  duke was exactly as she had envisioned. She now knew what Dominic would  look like in his seventies, tall and straight, with a mane of pure white  hair. Austin Crawford, the eighth Duke of Culter, was in his own way  breathtaking, especially when he suddenly looked at her with the same  cornflower blue eyes as Dominic.

"And this is the beautiful Juliana." His voice was strong and deep as he  lifted her fingers to his lips. "Welcome to Culter Towers, my dear."

Her eyes searched his face and found nothing but welcome for her, for  Aunt Sophia  …  what had Jules meant by his remarks concerning Sophia?  Then over the duke's shoulder she saw Dominic move to kiss his  grandmother. What secrets did this family share? What had Lady Grenville  meant by her cutting remark? And more importantly, why had Aunt Sophia  looked so distressed?

Juliana had little time to pursue these thoughts for the duchess, with  much graciousness plus a large dose of firmness, sent everyone to their  chambers.