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The Rake's Redemption(22)

By:Sherrill Bodine

"His name is Caesar and he is still fresh this morning," Dominic warned.

Juliana hid a small smile while they rode through the streets to Hyde  Park. Dominic could have no way of knowing that she had often risen at  dawn to ride bareback and shoeless through the fields of Berkshire  before her marriage to Will.

A curricle raced past, far too close to her gelding, and she steadied  the frightened animal quickly, leaning over and whispering into his  neck. She straightened when she felt the horse relax back into a brisk  walk.

"That was well-done, Juliana." Dominic gave her a breathtaking smile,  which reached into his eyes deepening their color, drowning her in their  depths. "You ride just as I knew you would."

His words and his smile made her dizzy with joy. Her heart pounded like a  drum and her stomach knotted into a tight bow. It was not right for her  to feel this way about this man. She knew it was wrong, terribly wrong.  Dominic appeared to be many things to many different people. But to  Juliana Vane Grenville he must be only a man who, for reasons she did  not understand, extended kindnesses to her, which she accepted  gratefully. To her he must be a friend, nothing more.

They passed through the stone posts at the park's entrance and turned  down a bridle path that was still sparsely occupied. It was a bit early  yet for the ton's daily promenade. Dominic remained silent, and Juliana  was grateful for the moments to relax and steady the uneven beat of her  pulse. Her eyes roamed slowly over the park's rolling green hills, tall  copse of trees, and wide fountains, whose sprays of water sparkled like  diamond chips in the sunlight. Across the gardens the scent of hundreds  of flowers perfumed the air.

Her lips parted in a smile. "It really is quite lovely you know."

He glanced around, an amused expression softening his face. "Is it? I  must confess I haven't taken note of it for years." He looked at her,  almost grimly, she thought. "You have a way of making me see things in a  new light."

The horses stopped, conspiring with the beauty of the park and the depth  of sincerity in his voice to allow her to search his eyes.

He's sincere, she thought. If only he would stay this way: gentle and tender. If only I could understand his moods.

When a rider approached, Juliana looked away suddenly, confused by the  intangible connection she felt to the marquis, as if they had been  communing without words.

Lord Edgemont checked his horse and embraced her in such a warm smile  that Juliana felt sure she blushed. "You ride like a goddess, Juliana,"  he effused, extending his hand to take her fingers. Peeling back her  glove, he kissed her wrist lightly.

Embarrassment warred with a flash of triumph that Dominic should see  that, at least in one quarter, she was a complete success. She quickly  glanced up at him to gauge his reaction, but he appeared completely  absorbed in flicking a speak of dust from his perfectly proportioned  shoulder.

"Thank you, Lord Edgemont. You are very kind." She laughed lightly, a  little higher pitched than usual, a habit when she was nervous. His  lordship's rather intense pursuit, for she could think it nothing else  when he had called every day this past week, was a bit unnerving. She  was vastly relieved when Dominic gave him a cool nod and moved ahead so  abruptly, with her gelding following, that Edgemont was forced to back  up several paces and be left behind.

When Dominic finally slowed, she raised her eyebrows while he coolly  inquired if she had wished to dally longer and perhaps have Edgemont  join them.

"No." Juliana drew her horse alongside his. "I am very much enjoying myself with just the two of us."

"Good." The warmth she had felt and responded to in the Blue Boar Inn  was back for an instant caressing her. "Edgemont is right. You ride like  Diana. I believe you might even be able to handle Bucephalus."

Juliana was sure she went scarlet with pleasure. Such a compliment from  an acclaimed rider like the Marquis of Aubrey was praise, indeed. And  she admitted ruefully, any compliment from Dominic was precious. "Thank  you, my lord. I do not believe I have ever been compared to a goddess  twice in one day!"

Juliana's light green eyes shone so brightly and her luscious cherry  lips were curved in such a delicious smile that Dominic reached out to  touch her flushed cheek, but a shrill female voice called his name,  stilling his hand.                       


An open town carriage lacquered in red was stopped, blocking the path in  both directions. Dominic and Juliana trotted carefully over to pay  their respects to Lady Grenville and Charlotte.

As Dominic bent over her ladyship's hand, awkwardly extended over the  carriage side, Juliana exchanged a fond smile of welcome with Charlotte.

"Dominic, my boy, how wonderful to see you! I received your note this  morning. I can't tell you how happy it made me." Lady Grenville's full  face actually seemed to glow with pleasure, reflecting the carriage  upholstery-red with gold frogging. It matched her unfortunate choice of  dress.

"Juliana, we haven't heard from you and Sophia as yet. Do you join us?" Charlotte asked eagerly.

Juliana looked puzzled. "I am sorry, but I do not understand."

Charlotte shot her mother a cool look before smiling up at her friend.  "Your note must have gotten misplaced. We give a supper party at  Vauxhall tomorrow evening. The marquis and Lord Rodney are joining us. I  hope you and Sophia are free. Don't we, Mama?"

"Of course, of course," murmured Lady Grenville, merely favoring Juliana  with a flick of her small, bulgy eyes. "I shall send another note  around immediately."

"Thank you, Lady Grenville. We shall look forward to it," Juliana said quietly, a slight color rising in her cheeks.

Dominic again had an absurd wish to reach out and touch her. Damn Lady  Grenville! The old biddy had never sent the note and Juliana knew it.

"We must take our leave. The horses grow restless," he said lazily  moving away with a nod. He sensed that Juliana was eager to go on, and  he had certainly had enough of Lady Grenville's company, although she  had given him another opportunity to further Sophia's ambitions.  Vauxhall with Juliana would fit nicely, all the young bloods would be  there. By the end of the week she would be besieged with callers eager  to follow in Aubrey's footsteps. He had seen it happen time and time  again. He refused to acknowledge that this thought did not give him the  pleasure it should.

He looked at her profile, strength evident in the high cheekbones and  fine brow, vulnerability peeping through in her rapidly fluttering  eyelashes and slightly pouted mouth. "Charlotte Grenville seems to be  quite an intrepid girl for one so young," he offered blandly. Juliana  relaxed her tight grip on the reins and her horse stopped fidgeting. She  cast him a glance to see if he was mocking her, but he continued in the  same bland tone, "With a Mama like that she must find a need for social  facility."

Juliana smiled in response and he laughed, absurdly pleased that he had  been able to bring that curve of delight to her beautiful mouth. "Follow  me to the canter."

They took a side path, now little used, where they could let the horses  go. Juliana was warned by only a side glance before he called, "Race  me!" and their canter developed into a full-blown gallop. They were  flouting convention by racing, but there was no one to witness their  rackety behavior.

Juliana laughed, her hair tumbling from under her hat and her riding  skirt billowing like a russet sail about her legs. Dominic's horse  seemed to tire and she surged ahead, tasting victory, but in an instant  he shot past to win.

Her heart pounded in her ears and her breath was deep, straining her  breasts tightly against her well-fitted jacket. Confusion washed over  her when she reached Dominic's side and felt his eyes touch her body and  rise slowly to her face.

"Your hair looks magnificent falling about your shoulders, my dear, but  it might be in our best interest if you were to pin it back up." His  voice was low and sweetened with amusement.

He reached over and took the reins from her numb fingers. Bucephalus  snorted once, blowing gently at the gelding as the two horses nosed each  other familiarly. Juliana raised her hands, twisted the fallen coils of  hair up, and pushed them under the brim of her hat. The ride had  cleared away the cobwebs of confusion and hurt that Lady Grenville had  spun. Everything seemed clearer and brighter and easier to understand.  Everything except the man before her.

Dominic's gaze stilled her nervous hands and she lowered them slowly to  her lap, her eyes searching his face seeking understanding. Slowly, a  quiet contentment, a certainty of feeling filled her. Just like in the  Blue Boar Inn garden, she could feel him reach out to her. Then he took  one coil of hair, which still brushed her cheek, and curled it around  his fingers.