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The Rake's Redemption(17)

By:Sherrill Bodine

Lord Rodney raised her gloved fingers to his lips, and then kept them  imprisoned between his palms. "Sophia, you haven't changed. You're still  as beautiful as you were twenty years ago  …  more so!"

Chuckling, Aunt Sophia raised her eyes to Juliana. "Rodney, I'd like you to meet my niece, Juliana Grenville."

He glanced briefly at her. "Charmed," he murmured vaguely before turning  back to her aunt. "Why don't you go dance with Juliana, Dominic, so  Sophia and I can have a nice, long chat."

"Heard that, you old dog!" interrupted Freddie's voice. "This is my dance with Juliana."

Shaking his head, a slow sensual smile moved across Dominic's marvelous  face. "You heard my uncle, Freddie." Taking Juliana's hand he placed it  in the bend of his arm.

"It's robbery, Dominic!" Freddie good-naturedly called after them.

Her heart was pounding in her throat, but she managed to return over her  shoulder as Dominic led her away, "The next two dances are yours,  Freddie!"

The musicians hidden away in the gallery above them began at that moment  the first strains of the first set-a waltz. Dominic drew her into his  arms, holding her lightly. For an instant the intimacy of their embrace  sent a tingling sensation through her and she stiffened. But she  remembered her plan to best the marquis and decided she would treat him  like George or Freddie or any other young man. Of course, he was not any  other young man, he was Dominic, and he had kissed her in the garden.  Pleasant but vague fantasies danced in her head as she forced herself to  relax. They swept and swirled around the room, Juliana's feet barely  touching the ground so expert was Dominic's lead.

Dominic was conscious of her slender, softly rounded body within his  embrace and the sweet-smelling masses of auburn curls tickling his chin.  There had been that in her eyes when she had first glanced up and seen  him and it struck a cord within him just as it had in the garden of the  Blue Boar.

Long ago there had been a young man inside Dominic who could have  responded to Juliana and the feelings she evoked. There had still been a  ghost of that young man in him when he had met Will Grenville on the  Peninsula.

They had been of an age, he and Will. Their paths had crossed many  times, for Dominic's spying activities for Wellington had kept him  coming and going to camps the length and breadth of that battle-scarred  piece of earth. Often at night he would sit over camp fires staring into  the flames seeking answers to the questions that had driven him away  from all he held dear. It was then that he had come to know Will, when  men had talked of home. Dominic listened to tales of sweethearts,  mothers, sisters, and wives. But Will Grenville had spun the most  appealing of stories about his country estate and the child he had made  his bride in the few weeks before he left for war. Will's stories of the  young wife with the spirit of a lion and the heart of a lamb had in  some small way touched the hard core that was becoming Dominic's soul.  It was then that he had forged an image of her that he had tucked away,  safe and clean, in his subconscious.

The years of corruption since those nights had been long, and the task  of slowly destroying that part of himself that still cared about all  that he had once held dear was nearly complete. The more unsavory his  reputation became, the more every woman he wanted became his for the  asking. And the one memory of his mother and his half brother that had  scarred his soul burned brighter than ever.

But now he had met Juliana and come to know her. And to desire her in a  way totally different than he had ever experienced. At the Blue Boar he  had wanted nothing more than to cup her beautiful face in his hands and  lower his mouth upon her softly yielding lips. And he realized he wanted  that still. Of course, that would never happen again, now that he  realized who she was. Perhaps, that was what had drawn him to her, he  speculated. He had known, somehow, that here at last was the woman he  always wanted. She had pushed all the horrible memories, the promises  he'd made to stop the taint within himself far away. Vibrant and alive,  she was more than the memory of the young girl who had embodied all he  had once wished for himself; she was everything any man could hope for.

The shock he'd experienced realizing Juliana was Will Grenville's  bride-the very woman he had dreamed of-had jolted him to reality. He had  withdrawn back behind the walls he had so carefully erected around  himself long ago. He wouldn't allow himself to think about what might  have been. It was too late for such folly. He must not forget that  Juliana could never be for him; one night, long ago, had robbed him of  the future. The man he had become did not deserve any happiness. Any  chances to forget the taint. It was his legacy. His and Jules.                       


Dominic's arms tightened almost painfully about her and Juliana looked  up, nearly crying aloud at what she saw on his face. How could a  notorious rake like the Marquis of Aubrey look so sad and lonely?

"Pardon me, Dominic. But the music has stopped you know," said a crisp strong voice behind the marquis.

Juliana gazed around in surprise to discover the ballroom had fallen  silent and that most of the dancers had already left the floor.

Dominic dropped his hands, stepping back from her. A tall, slightly  graying, solemnly dressed gentleman with a distinctive military bearing  stood beside him.

"I beg both an introduction and the next dance with your charming partner," the stranger requested quietly.

Dominic seemed to hesitate for the space of a heartbeat before bowing over her hand.

"Juliana Grenville, may I present William Seymour, Lord Edgemont."

Her curtsy was as natural as breathing, but she was giving the gentleman  in front of her little thought, for she was still dazed by what she had  seen in Dominic's eyes.

"A pleasure." Presenting his arm in a stiff, decorous manner, Lord  Edgemont smiled charmingly. "May I have the honor of leading you out for  the next dance?"

Juliana wished she and Dominic could be back in the garden at the Blue  Boar, alone. For a moment the wall he had erected between them had  fallen. She would have liked to explore the strange vulnerable being  visible only momentarily, but he was gone.

Hardening her resolve, she remembered her plan. This man was not  vulnerable, just another rake who knew women's softness and played fast  and loose with all of them, even herself.

"I would be delighted, sir," Juliana answered, forcing herself to smile  at Edgemont. Before she accepted his arm, she couldn't resist another  look up at Dominic, scanning the perfection of his features, seeking a  glimpse of the man she had so briefly seen. He was gone.

"Thank you, my lord marquis." She steeled her voice. "I enjoyed our waltz."

For an instant she thought he would respond with nothing but a cool nod,  but instead she saw the Dominic who had walked with her in Mrs.  Forbes's garden, as his wonderful smile transformed his face.

"I too, Juliana."

Why did he play this game with her? First he was one man and then  another. She wanted to stay with him, to talk to him, to touch him  again. But there was nothing to do except place her hand upon Lord  Edgemont's sleeve and allow him to lead her away into the next set.

From the side of the ballroom Dominic watched as Edgemont led her through the patterns of the country dance.

"Didn't take him long." Dominic glanced around as Freddie's strolled up,  a half-empty champagne glass held loosely in his fingers. "Heard he was  on the lookout for a wife. The late Lady Edgemont left a brood of five  children in Dorset they say."

"Shouldn't listen to idle gossip, Freddie," Dominic said absently watching Juliana grapevine, toe point, and cross to the music.

"Don't. Just thought I'd warn you on the chance you've changed your  opinion of dashing young widows." Freddie searched Dominic's face  carefully. "Watched your dancing. Never saw you hold anyone so correct  and careful. Never saw you treat any woman with consideration for their  reputation before. You had a certain look I've never seen before. Except  with Juliana."

"I haven't changed, Freddie." Turning away from the dancers, he took the  champagne glass, tossing the contents down his throat, and placed it  back in Freddie's hand. "Ah  …  the delectable Dora has just arrived. I  mustn't keep her waiting."

Juliana glanced back to where she had last seen Dominic, but he was no  longer there. Crossing to the next form, she turned to face her partner  and over his shoulder she saw Dominic with Lady Dora Stanwood. The  raven-haired beauty was laughing and nearly leaning against him, giving  him every opportunity to view her indecently shallow bodice.

The look on Dominic's face was one of sensual pleasure. There was  nothing of the vulnerable man who had so deeply touched her heart as  they danced. Juliana missed a step, but quickly regained it and her  senses. Lonely and sad  …  the Marquis of Aubrey! Obviously it had all  been the trick of candlelight. He was indeed the heartless flirt Freddie  had described to her, and it would give her great pleasure to put him  firmly in his place!