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The Purchased Wife(15)

By:Michelle Reid

'Not feeling so sarcastic now’ Nell hit right back, still fizzing and popping inside with fury. He stopped on the stairs, blazing black eyes capturing sparking green. His wide, sensual mouth was tight with fury, nostrils flaring like warning flags. The cold mask had broken she saw and felt the hectic sting of a dangerous excitement vibrate just about every skin pore.

'You are goading me for some reason,' he ripped down at her. 'I want to know why!'

'Death wish’ Nell answered in defiance, only to bury her top teeth in her bottom lip when his glittering eyes narrowed for a moment, widened-then flared.

He caught that bottom lip with his own teeth and robbed it from her. As she drew in a startled gasp he held on and sucked, turning the whole crazy thing into a very erotic kiss.

Downstairs in the salon Thea Sophia made a jerky move to follow them. 'They will need-'

'Stay where you are, Thea,' Gabriela murmured quietly. 'I don't think they will appreciate the intrusion right now.'

'Oh.' Thea stopped.

'Mmm,' Gabriela agreed with the older woman's dawning expression. 'Your calm mountain spring is about to turn into a raging torrent, cara,' she said thoughtfully. 'And our angry, high-principled boy is about to learn what it is like to be caught up in such an uncontrolled flood.'

'You sound pleased about that.'

'Pleased?' Gabriela considered. 'I suppose I am. He never forgave me my raging torrent. Let him learn and understand how I felt.'

'Those two are man and wife. Your torrent took place out of wedlock and devastated more people than you care to recall,' Thea said curtly.

The sighed-out 'Yes,' took place as Gabriela came to her feet then walked restlessly over to the window, where she stood staring out at the glinting swimming pool, beyond which lay a crescent beach and an ocean of glistening blue. 'I've had enough of this place,' she decided suddenly and, turning back to the room, went to collect her purse. 'Tell Alexander we will deal with our business some other time-'

'Oh, I did not mean to chase you away, Gabriela,' Sophia said anxiously.

'I know.' Gabriela kissed the old woman's worried cheek. 'But I should not have come. Alexander did warn me he had no time for my problems and now I know why.'

'They've been apart for two weeks, Gabriela.'

'They've been apart for much longer than that, Thea.' Gabriela smiled ruefully at the older woman's rose-tinted view of life. 'Those two might be married, my sweet darling,' she broke the news gently, 'but they are not yet man and wife...'

The kiss lasted all the way up the stairs and into the bedroom. Nell only thought to pull back from it when she heard the door slam behind them with the help of a foot. Xander watched the liquid bewilderment darken her beautiful eyes as she stared up at him. He could feel her heart racing beneath the flat of his palm.

'I'm going to ravish you senseless until you tell me what it is you are up to,' he bit out thinly.

The heart rate speeded up. 'I'm not up to anything!' she denied.

But her cheeks began to heat-a sure sign that she was lying, the little witch. 'You have been playing me hot and cold since I arrived here! Do you think I cannot tell when someone has a hidden agenda? And don't blink those innocent eyes at me,' he rasped. 'I know when my strings are being pulled!'

'Your strings are being pulled?' Nell tried to wriggle free of his arms but he was having none of it, strong muscles flexed in a show of pure male strength. 'You've been threatening to ravish me since you turned up at my sick-bed!'

'What a good idea,' he gritted out with a teeth-clenching smile and headed for the bed.

Oh, my God, Nell thought and started to tremble. 'My foot!' she jerked out in the wild hope it would pull him up short.

It did. He stopped in the middle of the bedroom, cleft chin flexing, tiny explosions of angry frustration taking place in his eyes. Without a word he changed direction, carrying her into the bathroom, where he slotted her down on the marble top between the his-and-hers washbasins.

Her hair stroked Xander's face as she straightened away from him, her fingers trailing a reluctant withdrawal from around his neck. Her heart was still racing, the fine tremors attacking her slender frame, making his teeth grit together because he couldn't decide if they were tremors of anger or desire.

It was novel; he didn't think he'd ever been in this kind of situation before in which he was having to out-guess the confusing signals he was being sent. Women usually fell on him wholesale. Having this beautiful, contrary creature try her best to tie him in knots was stinging to life senses he'd had no idea he possessed. A taste for the fight. A deeply grudging willingness to play the game for a while just to see where she thought she was going with it. He knew where it was going. Hell, he was already there. She might have earned herself some respite with the injured foot but that was all it was, a brief time-out while the rest of it throbbed and pulsed in the quickened heat of his blood.

Reaching above her head, he opened a cupboard and fished around for a clean cloth and some other bits and pieces he kept up there. He was standing between her legs, her thighs touching his thighs and she wasn't moving a muscle. Yet another surge dragged on his senses as he dropped his arms and saw the way she was staring at the flexing muscles beneath his shirt. Narrowing his eyes, he watched as the tip of her tongue sneaked out to moisten her upper lip as he ran his fingers lightly down her thighs to go in search of the offending foot.

Mine, he thought as he watched that nervy pink tongue-tip, and let his hands pause so his fingers could draw some light, experimental circles across the soft skin behind her knees. She jolted as if he'd shot her. Her chin came up, their eyes clashed, his carefully unfathomable, hers as dark and disturbed as hell.

'Foot,' he said.

Her teeth replaced the tongue-tip, burying into the full bottom lip as she lifted her knee so he could grasp her ankle and remove her shoe. One glance down and he realised she'd offered him the wrong foot.

'The left not the right,' he said then began to frown.

Something was niggling him about the left and the right side of this aggravating woman. What could aggravate him when they both looked more or less the same?

Beautiful, perfect, ripe for seduction.

She offered him the other foot. Removing the shoe, he dipped his head and used the cloth to wipe away the blood so he could check out the cut.

'You did this on the hill,' he recalled and she nodded.

'It didn't bleed then. The hot shower I took must have aggravated it-ouch,' she added when he pressed the pad of her foot around the small cut in search of foreign bodies.

Her toes wriggled, small, pink, slender toes with a shading of gold across their tops from the sun.

Xander's tongue moistened. 'Feel anything in there?'

'No. It's just stinging a bit.'

'Clean cuts do.'

'Speaks the voice of experience,' she mocked huskily. Swapping the cloth for a packet of antiseptic pads, he ripped a sachet open with his teeth.

'I wet-shave,' he answered, bringing those incredible eyes flickering curiously up to stare at his lean, smooth chin. That pink tip of a tongue returned to replace the teeth as she studied him with a fascination that set the skin all over his body tingling. If this wasn't the most intimate she'd ever been with a man-not counting the interlude in the cove-then he did not know women as he thought he did.

'I cut myself sometimes. Usually when I'm-distracted.' The colour bloomed in her cheeks as she caught his meaning. 'Hence the antiseptic pads.' She sounded breathless.

'And wound strips.' He ripped the protective cover off a small plaster next and bent to press it over the cleaned cut.

But he didn't let go, his gaze recapturing hers as his thumb began lightly stoking the smooth, padded flesh at the base of her foot in the same circling action he had used on the backs of her knees. Silence followed. He didn't think she was even breathing. No two people had ever been more aware as to where this was leading and any second now she was going to disappear in a shower of her own prickling static.

'Xander…' His name feathered helplessly from her.

He responded by releasing the foot so he could run his hands back up the length of her legs-only this time he slid them beneath the clingy little dress.

'You are gorgeous, you know that?' he murmured softly.

'You don't have to say-'

'Gorgeous eyes, gorgeous hair, smooth, satin skin...' His hands moved higher in a slow, sensual glide. 'You have the heart-shaped face of an angel and the mouth of a siren, the blush of a virgin and the teasing skills of a whore.'

'That isn't-'

With a controlled tug he slid her towards him across cold marble until she fitted neatly to his front. Her eyes widened when she felt the hardening thickness at his crotch. He felt her revealing little quiver, watched her breasts shift on a stifled little gasp. Then her thighs tightened against him, narrowing his eyes on her very-very expressive face.

'You like this, don't you?' he taunted lazily.

Nell dragged her eyes away. 'I don't know what you're talking about.'

'Sex, agape mou,' he named it. 'You are quivering with delight because you love to know you can affect me like this.'

'For all I know you're like this with any woman you come into contact with,' she tossed at him, making a jerky shift in an effort to move back.

His hands held her clamped to him. His hips gave a slow, smooth, sensual thrust. She quivered like a trapped little bird as damp heat spread across the exposed and vulnerable centre of her sex.

'Do I apply the same reasoning to your response?'

He knew what was happening to her, Nell realised. How could he not when she was so burning hot? A stifled gasp shot from her when he bent his head, his lips moulding hers and taking control of them, his tongue darting into her mouth. Each time they did this it got worse, she thought dizzily as she fell into it with a hopeless groan and let her slender arms snake up and around his neck.