The Pieces We Keep(12)
No plane this time—gratefully. Rather, a wild-eyed figure sat in a chair, a domed helmet on his head and bands on his wrists. A wiggly X covered his chest like a shield. A Viking warrior, or a king on a throne.
“He did this one yesterday,” Dr. Shaw said, “for a cause-and-effect assignment. Other kids drew things like sunlight that turned a seed into a flower. Or a rainbow that appeared after a storm.”
If a warrior won a battle, Audra supposed, the effect would be his ruling from a castle. It wasn’t a rainbow or a flower, but still harmless enough—unless you were seeking out an issue. “I really don’t see the problem,” she said with a touch of relief.
Miss Lewis chimed in. “When asked about the man, Jack said the chair had killed him.”
Audra more closely inspected the drawing. The wavy lines, common indications of movement, were jagged enough to suggest ... electricity. The man was being electrocuted.
“My God,” Audra said. Where had Jack seen such a thing?
“Naturally,” Miss Lewis added, “the teacher asked him questions, to get an idea of what prompted the idea. But the only thing she could get out of Jack was the reason behind the man’s death.”
Audra swallowed, tightening her hold on the folder. “And? What did he say?”
“That the man was a Nazi spy.”
Then it became clear: The spidery design wasn’t a shield, but a swastika.
Miss Lewis attempted an encouraging look. “When asked by his teacher, Jack did agree to draw ... happier things. Even so, we felt the need to bring this to your attention. Especially since one of the class volunteers is an elderly Jewish woman. You can imagine why she was pretty shaken up.”
Dr. Shaw leaned closer, elbow on his wooden armrest. “Do you know if Jack is watching any movies that might be giving him these ideas? Kids often absorb images, or song lyrics from the radio, and actually don’t understanding their meaning.”
Audra grappled for the source, hindered by an overload of thoughts. “We don’t watch TV at home. Rarely anyway. When he does, it’s only cartoons. Disney. Pixar.”
“Maybe when you’re not around, then?”
“I’m always around. I mean, I wasn’t in the beginning, but—that was before.”
He was only three months old when she entered her final year of veterinary courses at Pacific University. Yet it was never a challenging juggle, with Devon’s dedication as a father.
“Jack does stay for after-school care now,” she admitted, “but just for a few hours. I get there as soon as I can. Being the only parent, and working full-time—”
“It’s okay.” Miss Lewis reached forward and gave the desk a light pat, as if meant for Audra’s arm. “Nobody’s criticizing you as a mother. We’re just trying to solve this, to create the best possible environment for Jack. And for the other children.”
So that was the point of this meeting: to keep the class safe from Jack.
“My son wouldn’t hurt anyone,” she told them. Then had to add, “Not on purpose anyway. It was obviously an accident.”
“I’m sure it was.”
“As for these drawings,” Audra said, “he could’ve learned about all of this from another kid. Maybe from a video game. Somebody might’ve snuck one into class. Just think about how violent those things have become.”
Whatever the case, Jack had every right to be fascinated by death. He was still comprehending the passing of his father. At the clinic, plenty of children processed loss in their own ways, at their own speed.
“You’re absolutely right,” Miss Lewis said. “That might be all it is. However, coupled with his behavior this week—more distressed and isolated than usual—it might help Jack to see someone. A person he can talk to.”
Distressed. It seemed a lightly veiled word for disturbed, a description that didn’t pertain to Jack. The label applied to other kids, violent ones. The vicious shooters at schools and malls and movie theaters who took their own lives when cornered by a SWAT team.
Miss Lewis produced a business card from her top drawer. “With summer around the corner, I thought you might consider setting up a private session with Dr. Shaw.”
“Or if you’d be more comfortable,” the man assured Audra, “I also know several other therapists in town who are excellent. I’d be happy to refer you.”
Audra studied the card without taking it. All points and edges like a perfect paper shard. She looked up at Miss Lewis before making her own cause-and-effect inquiry. “And, if his behavior continues as it is ... ?”
The woman glanced at Dr. Shaw, a message traded between them. “Why don’t we cross that bridge when we get there.”