Boyfriend? Is that what I am?
“Claude, my how… colorful you are tonight.”
“Thank you. I’m afraid Gray and I missed the memo about the dress code…?”
“What? Oh, the color! Yes, it’s our yearly black and white ball.”
“You didn’t tell me that when you invited me,” I tell her, wondering if this had been her plan all along. Women are spiteful creatures. Is this all because I shot down Cammie’s advances?
“I didn’t? I’m sure I did. Perhaps you didn’t hear me? You know how men are Claude, you mention a formal dance and their brains shut down.”
“I know exactly what happened,” CC says, and though she’s smiling, I can see the anger in her eyes. I really need to get her away from Cammie before this whole thing blows up.
“Oh well. It doesn’t really matter. You look lovely and you fit in just fine, Claude. It’s good you got here when you did, Grayson.”
“It is?” I ask, just anxious to put some distance between CC and Cammie.
“Yes! Father was asking where you were. He and Adams would like to see what a big time golf pro thinks of our greens,” she explains, wrapping her hand in mine and all but pushing CC out of the way. I look around her to try and see CC, but Cammie starts talking again. “You don’t care if I borrow your man for a little bit, do you, CC?”
“Actually, Cammie, if you don’t mind, I’d like to—” I start to argue pulling away from her.
“No, not at all,” CC says so sweetly, and it surprises me so much that I stop. She doesn’t?
“You don’t?” I ask before I can stop myself.
“Of course not. It’s all business. Right, Cammie?”
“Of course. Claude runs her own business, Gray. Of course she knows how this is done. She knows she’d just be in your way.”
“She wouldn’t—” I start again.
“I’ll be here waiting when you get back, Gray,” CC says, and she looks perfectly happy. I can’t tell if I’m falling into a trap or if she’s sincere. I’m still trying to figure it out when Cammie pulls me into the other room.
“Grayson! I was just wondering where you were,” Riverton says as we reach his side.
“I’m running a little late,” I tell him, looking over my shoulder to see if I can get a look at CC. I can’t find her anywhere. Did she just leave me here? Shit. I have to get out of here…
“It’s fine. Adams and I were just wondering how you like our greens. How about we take you for a quick tour?”
“Well, sir,” I start, but he cuts me off.
“Adams here is interested in working with you to create a line of clubs.”
“Exactly that, Lucas. And I’d like you to be the face of them.”
“Well, sir, I don’t know if I’d want my ugly mug on anything,” I joke, still trying to look around behind me for CC. I catch a glimpse of her smiling in the corner and talking to someone, which allows me to breathe a little easier. Maybe I’m overreacting after all.
“You’re the last person I ever expected to see here, CC!”
I look up at Jason and can’t help but smile. He doesn’t mean anything by it; he knows me and he knows everything that’s gone down between me, Cammie, and her father. He’s a hundred percent right. This is the last place I would choose to be. I’ve known Jason my whole life. His parents have money, and he does by default, I guess, but he doesn’t lord it over people. He’s as nice and easygoing as they come. In fact, I’m kind of surprised he’s here himself.
“No offense, but I didn’t really think I’d find you here either.”
“Yeah, it’s not my favorite thing, but my parents are out of town and mom is one of the ones that started this horse and pony show.”
“Ah. Family blackmail?”
“Exactly,” he laughs.
“What are you doing here? Not that I’m not glad to see you, but… well, you’re not exactly dressed for the black and white gala.”
I look down at my dress with a wry smile.
“Yeah, I’m a little…”
“Colorful?” Jason supplies helpfully and I have to laugh.
“Pretty much,” I sigh. “My boyfriend picked out the dress. I’m afraid he didn’t know about the whole black and white thing,” I tell him, and I’m pretty sure that’s the case after hearing Cammie talk. I’d lay odds that she’s somehow responsible.
“Oh, wow. I didn’t know you were dating someone. Who’s the lucky guy?”