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The Perfect Happiness(4)

By:Santa Montefiore

“Yes, another child will bond you back together again. There’s nothing more romantic, darling,” Letizia purred encouragingly.

Kate shook her head, her eyes welling with tears. “Not in this case.” She bit her bottom lip. “If I’m pregnant, I don’t know whose it is.”

“Have I missed something?” asked Candace, stunned.

“You’re not the only one,” said Angelica. All three women looked at Kate.

“I had a one-night stand. It was a mistake. Pete was with The Haggis, and I was in despair. I’m an idiot. Now look at me. I’m a wreck. To think I’m a model. No one will employ me now except those ugly agencies.”

“In this state? I think you’d be lucky to be employed at all,” said Candace, teasing her gently.

“It was only once, and now I’m going to be punished for the rest of my life.”

“So, who is he?”

“I can’t tell you. I’m too ashamed.”

Angelica narrowed her eyes, considering possible candidates. Letizia put her arm around Kate’s skinny shoulder and gave her a reassuring squeeze, enveloping her in pale cashmere and perfume.

Candace looked at her watch. “I don’t mean to be rude here, but Jeremy Irons isn’t going to wait for me to turn up to Act Two. Can we move this along, please?”

“Sorry, Candace, you’re really good to me.” Kate sat up, bracing herself for the moment of truth.

“Have you got the kit?” Letizia asked. “There is no better time than the present.”

Kate pointed to four boxes on a side table. “Just in case . . . you know . . .”

“Sure, they lie all the time!” said Candace, striding over to get them for her. “Come on, Kate. Let’s get you upstairs.”

Letizia fetched her a glass from the kitchen, Candace handed her the tests, Angelica helped her up the stairs and pushed her into her en suite bathroom.

“Right, give it your best shot!” said Candace, throwing herself onto Kate’s super-king-size sleigh bed. She ran her hand over the brown furry bedspread. “This is nice.”

“Who do you think it is?” Angelica hissed.

“Must be Ralph Lauren,” said Candace.

“No, not the bedspread. Her lover?”

“Oh, well . . .”

“Robbie?” Letizia suggested.

“Robbie who?”

“Her trainer!”

“Oh no! That’s such a cliché! She’d have told us if it was him.” Candace waved her hand dismissively. “It’ll be someone we all know. One of us.”

“I can’t pee! I’m too nervous!” Kate wailed from the bathroom.

“Run the tap,” Letizia suggested. “I’ll kill her if this is all a false alarm,” said Candace.

Angelica glanced at her watch. “Not if Olivier gets here first. It’s eight-thirty!”

“Is it coming?”

There was a long pause, then finally a shriek. “Now I can’t stop! Help, the glass is too small!”

They all waited without uttering another word. Kate poked her head around the door. “Are you still here?”

“Of course we’re still here. It’s not like we’ve got anything better to do!” said Candace.

“Well? What does it say?” Letizia asked anxiously.

“I haven’t done it yet. I’m too scared.” She emerged with the glass.

“Oh really! Too much information!” Candace cried, hiding her eyes.

“You must all have a test,” insisted Kate, handing them each a box.

“This is insane!” But Candace took one anyway and opened it.

Letizia threw her empty box on the bed. “I’m confident it will be negative. What are we looking for?”

“Were you born yesterday? A blue stripe,” said Candace. “And you’re going to have to look at mine for me.”

“This takes me back a few years!” said Angelica, studying the device with nostalgia. “I should have had another one.”

“You can have mine,” groaned Kate.

“Don’t say that, darling. You might not even be pregnant.” Letizia was a natural optimist.

“Let’s see,” said Angelica. “All together now.”

“Oh Lord, can I do this with my eyes closed?” said Candace.

“You’re making more of a fuss than me,” said Kate.

“That’s simply not possible!” said Candace.

The four women dipped the sticks into Kate’s urine. “I think I’m going to be sick,” moaned Kate.

“You’re going to be sick. At least it’s your wee!” Candace grimaced.

Angelica pulled hers out and watched as the little window turned blue. She felt a wave of pity for her friend. “But it’s your baby, Kate,” she said quietly.