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The One and Only(30)

By:Mia Madison

“It’ll break. I—”

“Baby, please.”

I looked up into his worried eyes and suddenly it all made sense. The original plan was for him to spend the week home with me. After all, I was supposed to deliver four days ago.

“Is that why you came in today? To call the doctor somewhere that I couldn’t hear you?”

He hesitated for a moment before finally admitting, “I went to see him this morning before I came here. I’m worried and wanted some advice.”

“My mom said—”

“Stop right there. I love your mother—I truly do—but the only advice I’d ask her for is what kind of drugs to try before I die.”

“Are you calling my mom a hippie?”

“She kind of is.”

Well, he kind of had me there. My mom was the free-spirited type to the bone. Still, that didn’t make her advice any less valid in my eyes.

“You know, she’s the one who convinced me to go to your office and give us a try.”

“And I’m eternally grateful for that. But I’d still rather take medical advice from a doctor.”

His hand had ghosted back down to my hips while he spoke and he was tugging me back to the edge of the desk.

“Brian, no. It hurts.”

“I’ve got you,” he said, shushing me as he propped up my thighs and held my weight. “So what do you say?”

“About what?”

“Following the doctor’s advice.”

“I still don’t know what you want me to—oh,” I gasped when I felt his hard cock nudge against my thigh. He had a wicked grin on his lips as he waggled his eyebrows suggestively and I couldn’t stop myself from rolling my eyes. “Oh, come on. Your cock is big, but it’s not that big.”

“My cock is big?” he asked in a fake innocent voice. “I had no idea.”

“Sure you didn’t. I still don’t see how this is going to help.”

“Honestly, I’m really not sure either, but the doctor recommended it. I just have to be gentle.”

“Cause you’re so good at that,” I mumbled sarcastically, though I could feel my body betraying me as his lips moved up my neck.

“You know I am,” he whispered. His hands pushed my dress up and reached for my panties, tugging at them as he said, “Hips up.”

Using his shoulders as leverage, I lifted my ass from the desk so he could slide them up. I allowed him to maneuver my weight and hold me up while I worked to free his cock from his slacks.

He let out a sigh of relief when it bobbed free and it turned into a groan as he guided it to my core and pushed inside. His lips crashed down on mine as he slowly began to move, driving his cock in and out in a smooth rhythm.

“You okay?” he panted, raising one hand to put it on my stomach. After I nodded, he asked, “You’ll tell me if anything hurts?”


“Good,” he growled, his hand going back to support my weight while his eyes locked on my chest. “Let me see your tits.”

“They’re sore, Brian. I—”

“Just want to look at them,” he said, his voice a promise.

I released my death grip on his shoulders and pulled my dress down enough to free them, unable to stop my smile when he groaned and sped up his hips.

“Fuck. I love watching them bounce. So fucking sexy,” he grunted between slightly rougher thrusts. “I’m the luckiest bastard on the planet.”

My first instinct would be to disagree and moan about being a whale, but the orgasm that was starting to build reduced my vocabulary to two words.

“Brian. More!”

“Touch yourself. Rub your clit and come all over me,” he ordered, his ragged voice betraying just how close he was. “Let me feel it.”

I quickly reached down and rubbed myself as best as I could, which was more than enough. I clamped down tight as I came, his name echoing off the walls in my office.

“Love you, love you, love you,” he chanted before his voice broke off into a long groan. He pumped his hips one last time as he filled me with his seed, leaning his face against my neck as he shuddered hard.

When I finally regained the ability to speak, I said, “You’re lucky I’m petite. Otherwise, this position probably wouldn’t have worked.”

“Very lucky,” he agreed as he eased his softening length out with a wince. “That’s going to be a fucking mess. Let me run to the bathroom.”

“Help me down first. My ass hurts.”

He gently gripped my hips and allowed me to balance on his shoulders as he pulled me off the desk, settling me back on my feet and leaning down to kiss my lips.

“I’ll be right—”