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The Lover Beneath Me(68)


“Not now, Daimon,” she mouthed.

I held onto her hoping…I didn’t know what the fuck I was hoping for. I just wanted to make sure she was going to be here when I came home. Something inside kept telling me otherwise.

“Listen to me, Dad…please…” I left Addie in our bedroom. The muffed murmurs of her arguing with her father left me even more unsettled as I departed the penthouse.

“Mr. Evans?” called out a reporter while photographers kept taking pictures, blinding me with flashes of their cameras.

“Is it true? Did you really buy Addie Sakis?” another reporter pestered.

I wanted to lunge at him, but Phil grabbed onto me and nearly threw me into my car. “You better go now, sir,” Phil said to me. “I’ll take good care of Mrs. Evans.” Phil then slammed the car door.

Fuck, fuck and son of a fuck!

“Call the lawyers and have them stop the article from running,” I hissed at my personal assistant.

“They tried,” she answered carefully.

“Tell them to try harder!” I yelled.

“Yes, Mr. Evans,” she said nervously and left.

I came to work this morning with a dozen messages from reporters and magazines wanting to be the first to interview me. I made sure both Jimmy and Ted were at Addie’s side and that no media was to go near her. Security at the office building had to be warned and yes, there was a mob of fucking soul sucking reporters outside, waiting patiently for me to come out.

“Ms. Linda is here to see you, sir,” my secretary said through the intercom, interrupting my thoughts of what the fuck I should do next. The fucking thing was I only kept thinking of Addie. What could I do to keep her safe and close to me? I didn’t care about my money or my businesses; all I cared for was my wife, my Addie.

“Not now,” I said roughly, as I glared out the window down to the street below. I watched as journalists and reporters camped outside. Fuckers!

The door of the office opened as Linda walked in, just like she always had done; not caring if I didn’t want to see her or not. “I’m not in the fucking mood,” I hissed at her. The only one who knew about this stupid contract was Darren. I had told him after Addie left me. He hit me hard, knocking me down. I deserved it. Fuck me! Please let it not be him.

“What? No goodbye? I’m leaving for London tonight. I should at least get a kiss,” Linda smiled.

“I have enough on my plat—” I started.

“I heard,” she smiled slightly.

“So you can understand that I don’t give a shit that you’re leaving,” I said slightly distracted.

“Part of me thought you might. No, that’s not true. Even though I knew you wouldn’t care that I changed my life for you and your wife. I really wanted you to not want me to go. This was my little test; I needed to know what I meant to you. I really meant that little to you. Now I know,” Linda said resentfully.

“What the fuck are you talking about? Linda, please, enough of the past.” I waved her off.

“That’s why I did it,” she said, slightly proud.

“You did what?” I questioned her angrily.

“I like, Addie. She’s strong, smart and beautiful. I mean, I like Addie now. I didn’t then; you were with me, Daimon,” Linda said as she stood close to the door, not bothering to come into my office.

“I was fucking you. You knew what we were doing,” I spat out angrily as I made my way to her.

“I was better suited for you!” she refuted.


“Look, Daimon, now that the contract is out there, you and I can maybe be together now. I get it. She was your high school crush and you saw her and wanted to save her. It was noble of you. But she can’t offer you anything. I can be not only your business partner, but your lover and friend,” she said quietly as she watched me carefully.

“You have to be FUCKING KIDDING ME!” I roared.

“Daimon, when I found the contract…” Linda started, but I swear I just couldn’t hear her anymore.

“You went to the press and had the fucking nerve to expose Addie to all this, even after what she and I just went through?” I questioned her. Her demeanor changed and her eyes slowly began to glisten as tears welled up.

“Daimon, I love you. I care for you. It’s best for Addie to leave and then—”

“You love me? Give me a fucking break, Linda. You didn’t do this for love. You did this for control. You like the power I have and the way I yield it,” I said, sickened by her behavior.

“You did far worse to Addie,” Linda accused.

“She and I are created for one another. You? You were nothing but a fucking toy for me!” I roared loudly. I had to control my anger. Never in my life did I want to hit a woman, but I was blinded by my rage.