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The Lover Beneath Me(64)


“Daimon,” she whispered as I held her in my arms after our lovemaking. Carefully, I picked her up and carried her back into our room and onto our bed.

“What?” I asked as I held onto her tighter, pulling her into my embrace.

“It hurts. It really hurts,” she said quietly as she trembled beneath my hands.

“I know, beloved. I know.”

Hugh Harris

“What is it, Rafe?” I asked as I entered my office. My mood lately wasn’t the best, for obvious reasons. Rafe was sitting on one of the couches, his legs crossed as he watched me carefully.

“Its Hugh Harris,” Rafe answered. The very name of the fucker brought out a murderous feeling from within me. “The police picked him up. He’s being detained, but he insisted on speaking to you first, says once he does, he’ll admit to everything.”

“Son of a fucking whore, right to the very end, the asshole has to have control,” I growled as I slammed my desk.

I walked into an overcrowded, dingy precinct and was introduced to the lead detective of the case, Gino Mateo. He was young, fierce and I was almost certain he must have done something fearless to be a detective at his age. “The prick is in the cell down the hall.” The detective pointed down past the locked door he opened.

“You’re not going to come with me?” I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

“Let’s just say I didn’t see you come in. I figured you’d want a few minutes with the asshole,” Gino said while smirking.

I nodded and headed down the hall with Rafe close behind. He refused to leave me alone with him, saying Addie already lost enough, and couldn’t lose me too if I tried killing him. Don’t think the idea hadn’t run through my mind several times a day, but Addie needed me, but if I was honest, I needed her more.

“So what the fuck to do you want, Hugh?” I asked the moment I stepped into his cell. He was out of place with his expensive suit, surrounded by iron beige-colored bars.

“Good afternoon, Daimon,” he smiled as he stood from his seat and straightened his suit, coming closer to me. Seeing him right in front of me—Fuck I wanted to—but I had to think of Addie, of us. “Honestly, Daimon, this was entirely your fault. Had you just let us be, like we had discussed, I wouldn’t have felt so cornered,” he stated so calmly that my blood turned cold.

“So why didn’t you go after me instead, why Addie?” I snarled.

“Why not? She is your weakness, your special someone. Of course I would go after her. That way you would live with the pain of losing her because of the asshole you are. It was just too bad she was pregnant, stupid waiter should have given her a bigger dose. Now the poor woman has to live with the loss of that baby. It was an unfortunate casualty.” He was eerily calm and grim, yet I could see that slight smugness in him. At his words, I saw red, I reached into his cell, grabbing his shirt and pulled him against the iron bars with force, his head making a loud sound.

“Daimon, don't do anything stupid,” Rafe warned, glancing around to check we were still alone.

“You piece of shit, you better pray they give you a long sentence, because there will be no way you’ll live with me out here,” I threatened. “For as I long as I live, I will make sure you pay for all you did to me and my family.”

“Daimon?” Rafe pulled me off him and pushed me back.

Gino entered and watched us carefully. “Are you two done?” he asked us.

“Yes, I’m done.” I gritted my teeth as I watched a very pale Hugh, with blood trickling down his nose. The fucker was scared.

“Mr. Evans, if you’re done, then it’s best you go now, before I have to arrest you too,” Gino said, staring right at me.

“Daimon?” Hugh cried out. I barely stopped as I turned and saw him clinging to the bars. “I never meant for her to lose the baby. Had I known…”

A low growl began to reverberate through my body as I turned completely and was ready to lunge at him. “Come on. Let’s go.” Rafe grabbed onto my shoulder and pulled me away.

Feeling My Love

The person who ever said that time heals all was a fucking idiot. Addie and I both knew time did nothing when it came to true heartache. She and I both lost something so important that neither one of us could truly deal with the other. Addie had become somewhat of her former self, lost in her idiotic thoughts, while I delved into work, not wanting to deal with her or myself for that matter.

“Daimon, is that you?” Addie called out when I entered the house.

“Yes, it’s me.” After what had happened, I had a hard time leaving Addie alone. Both Ted, who I had removed from her security and promptly brought back under her orders and Jimmy, who I found to be the best match, were both hovering over her, neither one letting her out of their sights. My Addie would have hated it, but this Addie hardly ever said anything about it.