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The Lover Beneath Me(58)


“I’ll do this as long as you never do it again,” I said as I brought her hand up to my lips.

“Just as long as you don’t pull any shit either.” She winked.

“Where to?” I held onto Addie’s hand as we walked around downtown. It was still February but the weather had grown mild as the snow melted a little.

“Don’t know. Any where you want,” she said to me as she leaned into my arm.

“How are you feeling today?”

“I’m okay. I'm not getting any morning sickness. The only thing I want to do is sleep.” She tightened her arm around me.

“Good. I was worried you’d be feeling sick.” I leaned in and kissed the top of her head.

“It seems the baby is already controlling me. I think he takes after you,” she murmured quietly.

“He?” I asked.

“Can’t help but think it’s going to be a boy,” she offered. A boy. My boy. Our boy. We continued to walk around, Addie laughing and telling me what kind of parents we’d be. I watched her as she was happily dancing around me and kissing me.

“Will you love me when I get huge?” She pouted.

“Since all I see is you, then yes. I will still love you when you get huge. With my baby inside you, there will be more of you to love.”

“Daimon, I’m scared. How big will I get?” she said, making a face.

“I doubt you will. You hardly eat and you run all the time,” I reassured her. I stopped us in front a store.

“What are you doing?” Addie asked.

“Let’s go in here.” I pointed and winked.

“Daimon, it’s a baby store?”

“I know I can read.” Taking her hand, I dragged her inside.

“Yes? Can we help you?” a sales lady asked as we stood around, no doubt looking like new parents.

“I need everything,” I said to her as I looked down at Addie.

“Daimon, seriously?”

“Whatever she wants, just order it,” I instructed.

“Yes, sir.”

“What are you doing?” Addie asked.

“We’re new parents. Shouldn’t we start by getting ready?” I watched her carefully.

“I thought you didn’t want all this. So I didn’t push for more, worried you’d be upset,” she breathed nervously.

“I didn’t plan for a baby, but now he’s here, I want to be the best I can be for the both of you.” My voice was low as I leaned in and took her in my arms. “Excuse me? Can you please tell us which is the best crib?” I asked over Addie’s head.

“Right this way, sir.”

“Why can’t you always be this way?” she asked as she playfully narrowed her eyes at me.

“Lover, you know I’m special.” I gave her a peck.

“Don’t I know it.” She shook her head.

After clearing out the store with everything we needed and no doubt more, we headed home I knew Addie was getting tired I could see it on her face as her eyes slowly closed and she became quieter. “Let’s go to bed,” I said softly to her.

“No, it’s early still,” she whined.

“Addie, you look like the walking dead. It’s time for bed,” I insisted.

Addie hardly argued as I picked her up and carried her up the stairs to our room. I helped her undress and put her to bed. Taking her in my embrace, I curled up around her.

“Daimon?” Addie said quietly.


“I know I said I wanted to travel and see the world, which I still do, but right now, I think I found what I’ve always wanted.” Addie slipped her hand over her belly. She smiled contently; happy she was pregnant and that we were starting our little family soon.

Addie’s hand slowly slipped down as she drifted into sleep. I watched her as she slept soundlessly. My heart grew, marveling at her beauty. Her body was already changing, bringing a content smile to my lips. She dug herself in deeper into my arms and the word “Daimon” escaped her soft lips. “My Addie,” I whispered as I kissed her.

After a few hours of her laying my arms, I got up and made my way to the spare bedroom. I leaned up against the doorway and looked into the room. I was going to hire someone tomorrow and get it ready. I might have hated the idea of being a dad, but once I found out Addie was pregnant, I soon realized I was just a pussy, afraid of wanting something I couldn’t comprehend. But together with Addie, I knew we could do this. I knew we could finally have what we both wanted.

Baby Fever

“What are you doing?” Addie asked as she woke up from her afternoon nap. By the afternoon, her hormones hit her hard and wiped her out. She walked into our spare bedroom. A few workers were busy painting and putting in soft lighting.