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The Lover Beneath Me(57)


“Because Jimmy is better,” I said nonchalantly, stirring my coffee.

“I don't care if you think he’s better. I want Ted, not Jimmy. No offence,” she said to Jimmy as he stood behind her.

“None taken, Mrs. Evans,” Jimmy said quietly.

“Daimon, you can’t control everything. Shit happens and Ted would have kept me safe.”

“Ted didn’t tell me about your appointment with your doctor,” I bit out annoyed.

“Ted didn’t tell you?” she repeated quietly.

“That’s not all. He seems more on your side then the man who pays him,” I added.

“I wanted to tell you. I mean shouldn’t I be the one telling you that I'm pregnant?” Addie looked at me hurt.

“He should have told me what you were up to. But he keeps his mouth shut and I hate it,” I said, watching carefully as Addie started to get angry.

“You don't need to know everything, Daimon!” she snapped.

“Why not?” I asked. “How can I keep you safe? How can I know you’re okay if I don’t know?” I could feel my blood rising.

“All you want is control. Are you still afraid of me leaving?” Addie breathed angrily.

“I want my wife and my baby safe. That is all that matters to me and if you don’t like it, I don’t care. Not about this.” I rose from the chair and walked up to her. “I realize I have my issues. I get it, Addie, but you are the most important person in my life. I will do whatever it takes to protect you both,” I said low and clear for her to hear. Addie’s eyes became wet with tears. “I love you and this is the extent of my love. I don’t give a shit if others don’t like it. I don’t give a shit if others think I’m overbearing.” I leaned in closer, cupped her face and I wiped away her tears as I kissed her softly.

“You’re such as ass,” she choked out. I smiled and kissed her again. “I know you love me, too.” I grinned.

“Daimon.” She stopped pushing me away a little. “It’s not okay for you to do these things without talking to me first. You don't own me,” she said, trying to calm down.

“I own your heart,” I said without hesitation.

“Yes, you do, but you won’t own it forever if you keep this up. I am my own person. I don't want to be the old Addie. I want to live and you can’t cage me up thinking you can control me,” Addie replied, looking right into my eyes.

“God, this was so much easier with our contract,” I muttered, annoyed.

“You signed my contract which stipulated none of this,” she pointed out. I signed the damn thing wanting her back, not thinking she would use it against me.

“Are you seriously using the contract now?” I asked roughly.

“I'm saying you can’t do anything you like without informing me. You said we were equals.” She threw the damn words I used on her.

“That was then. Now you’re carrying my baby,” I retorted.

“Our baby,” she corrected. “I'm going for a run. This is the one and last time you pull this shit, Daimon. Next time, I swear it’s not going to go so easily,” she threatened.

“Addie, I do what I want when you’re involved.” I narrowed my eyes. Since when did I lose to her?

“Fine then I’ll do the same.” Addie smiled at me. “Jimmy?” she called as she stepped out of my arms. “I'm off for my run. Let’s go.” She passed him and headed to the elevator where Drako was already waiting for us to finish. I was left there alone. Damn, she had me wrapped me around her little finger. She wanted the real me, but she didn’t always like it. I sighed. Our future would no doubt remain interesting.

“Your meetings have been cancelled this afternoon,” my secretary announced to me as she stood in my office.

“What? Why?” I hissed at her.

“Because I told her to,” Addie said, walking in with Rafe.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I said angrily at Rafe.

“Don’t look at me. Your wife did it.” Rafe pointed at her.

“Beloved, I don’t like you doing that,” I said, trying to hold back my anger.

“Now you know how it feels when someone rules your life.” She smiled.

“Addie, it’s not funny.”

“Relax, I made sure it was okay with Rafe first. He told me there wasn’t much of anything today so I took my chance,” Addie added.

“Daimon, just leave already,” Rafe said, dismissing me.


“You don't think I cancelled your day for nothing. Come on, grumpy, I planned us a date,” Addie said, still smiling. I stepped around my desk, taking her hand.