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The Lover Beneath Me(54)


She mewled and cried out as I slapped her ass again. Arching back toward my body, I wrapped my hand around her neck, turning her face to kiss me. I held on tight as I released her lips and continued to fuck her wildly. I held onto her body, kissing and moving my free hand up to her breast. I fucked her, charging into her, seeking out what I had tried to keep at bay.

“Addie,” I gritted out as I came inside her. I pumped my dick until nothing was left of my cum. She willing milked me clean. After a moment, I eased out. Addie was still on her knees. What a fucking sight! It was simply beautiful. She was about to move, but I placed my hand on her back. “Don’t,” I ordered.

“Daimon…” Her breathing was fast.

“I know, lover, my cum is inside you and I want to see it seep out. I want to see my ownership of this fine, fucking sweet heat that belongs to me,” I said to her as I leaned back on to my knees and watched Addie’s pussy gradually push out my orgasm; both mine and Addie’s cum seeped onto the carpet, just beneath her. Fuck me. I was hard again.

“You did say you wanted to fuck me into oblivion,” Addie said to me once we had finished fucking in the shower and were now laying back in the huge chaise that sat by the window.

“I did,” I said as I held her in my arms. We lay in the dark with a sheet over us, looking out into the night. A gentle snowfall had started and we were both were exhausted. I held onto her, her quiet breathing just what I had always wanted. It was calming. She was my everything. She had always been my everything. I didn’t care what we had done to each other, because whatever we did resulted in us being here. “I love you, Addie.” I kissed the top of her head.

“I love you, too.” She held onto my arms and pressed her head back into my chest.

Addie Acting odd

I sent Addie more peonies after Valentine’s Day. I figured that evening we’d fuck like crazy and I could finally rest in her arms. The thing was, Addie had been acting strangely. At first, she seemed tired, but it was far more than that. She’d been sick and hadn’t eaten properly. I hated that when she was stressed Addie hardly ate, but what the fuck was she stressed about?

“Addie?” I called out, but only Drako came to the elevator. “Where’s Addie boy?” I asked him Addie was a sleep on the couch. “Addie?” I said quietly as I tried to wake her. “Addie?” She groaned as she stirred.

“What the fuck is wrong with you lately?” I shouted at her, not intending to shout, but she was freaking me out. I was starting to really worry.

“I'm tired. I'm just tired,” Addie said sleepily.

“Stop bullshitting me.” I barked. “I know something is wrong. I kept my mouth shut, but I watched you for the last month or so. Whenever you’re stressed out, you don’t eat and you grow quiet, so tell me what’s wrong?” I demanded.

“Look, I'm just not feeling well, okay?” Addie waved me off, but her face was pale and her body shook.

“We’re going to the doctor right now,” I growled as I pulled her up from the couch. Addie fell silent, I turned and looked at her. Her head was down and her features grim. “Addie? So help me God, you better tell me what the fuck is going on!”

“I've been to the doctor already,” Addie muttered nervously.

“And? What the fuck is wrong?” I panicked.

“Daimon—I'm,” she stammered and began to cry. “I’m pregnant.”

“Addie, stop fucking with me. You’re on the pill,” I retorted, what the fuck was my girl saying? There was no way she would be…pregnant.

“I guess I fucked up, Daimon, because I'm pregnant,” she fired back, her tears blurring her hazel eyes.

I sat down on the couch, my ears ringing, my heart beating at a maddening pace. I clasped my hands together, trying to let the very word seep in. Pregnant?

“Daimon, say something?” Addie begged quietly.

“We discussed this, Addie. I told you to stay on the pill. Fuck! I didn’t want this. I can’t be a father. I don't want to be a father.”

“Yeah, we discussed this in our contract, because you didn’t want and still don't want complications, right? Well, fuck you, Daimon!” Addie shouted, then stormed off, running up the stairs and slamming the door of our bedroom shut.

I sat there wrecked. I wanted to go after Addie but I felt drained of all my blood. Pregnant?

I slowly stood up from my daze and made it to our room I knew the moment I walked through those doors I'd be a changed man. “Addie.” She was by the window looking out. She had her hands wrapped around herself, crying quietly. “Addie, fuck, I'm sorry. It’s just...” I stopped, not knowing what to say.