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The Lover Beneath Me(51)


“I didn’t say you did,” Addie said grimly.

“You didn’t have to.”

“Is there anything else?” she asked, her eyes no longer bright from her laughter; rather, they were severe and hurt.

“You look beautiful,” I murmured as I looked down at the black Grecian dress I bought her. It cascaded down past her feet, making her seem so untouchable. Beautiful.

She replied with a cold, “Thank you.”

“Don’t blame me for shit I didn’t do. Fuck, baby, I saw you before and you were so—so— utterly breathtaking, I watched you laughing and joking. Addie,” I breathed as I approached her, pinning her to the wall behind her.

“You’re a dirty bastard,” she murmured quietly as she looked at me, her eyes softening.

“Hmm…” The sound of her voice stiffened my cock.

“Prick,” she said with more heart.

I growled low, my dick straining against my suit pants. “Fish it out, Addie,” I ordered her, my eyes completely taken in by this stunning succubus. Her lips curled, that little devious smile appeared. “Now,” I bit out as I rubbed my hard cock against her. Addie’s hands moved deliberately as they opened my zipper and took out my cock, which sprang free. “Lift your dress,” I grunted. Addie followed my orders and lifted the front of her dress. I placed my hand cupping her sex. Goddamn, this woman was going to kill me by not wearing panties.

Her pussy was wet, dripping, anticipating my dick. I slowly massaged her saturated folds, her sweet honey scent hitting my nose, igniting the animal within me. I brought my fingers up to my mouth Addie watched me closely as I licked them clean of her essence. “My Addie,” I groaned, no longer able to hold back my instinct to fill her pussy with my cock. With one hand, I grabbed her waist pining her as I buried my dick deep inside her. I stilled for one moment, feeling her muscles as they contracted around my length. Her sweet heat scorched my dick as I rocked in a rhythmic pace. I placed my other hand around her throat as I forced her to look at me as I fucked her.

Our eyes fused, as the sound of our sex echoed in the stairwell, the smell of our aroma filled the air around us. I painstakingly hammered into Addie, as I fucked her hard and slow, her pussy responded to my assault. No words were needed as I claimed her; she knew I owned her body, just as she owned mine. I surged harder still as I felt her pussy pulsate around me. Her tortured moans only enticed me more as I kept fucking her. Her hands reached up to my chest grabbing onto my suit jacket as she steadied herself, her pussy hungrily lusted for more. I obliged by slowing down into measured strokes. She rocked back and forth, seeking relief from her aching clit. She moved against my strokes, lost as she sought out her release.

“Addie, come, come, fuck, I want that honey of yours on my cock all night,” I gritted out. With my final words, Addie came. Her juices, just as I wanted, flowed down my dick onto my sack. I followed suit and came inside her, filling her with my seed. Addie’s head fell onto my shoulder. Taking both hands, I cupped her face and brushed her hair away.

“I love you,” I said quietly.

“I love you, too,” she said, trying to catch her breath.

“Addie, look at me,” I demanded as my cock slipped out of her.

“What?” she said breathlessly.

“Don’t wash after this. I want my come dripping down your leg. I want you to know that only you exist in my world. So that if some stupid thought gets into your brain, you know I'm only yours.” I smiled at her devilishly, as she half smiled, still trying to find her bearings while I placed my slick cock back into my pants.

“You mean if Linda gets to me?”

“Linda has nothing to do with me.”

“I know,” she said softly. “But I still don’t like it.” Addie finally steadied herself and moved away from me.

“I transferred her,” I said quietly.


“I told her to go to London and work with Clark. She agreed,” I clarified. I had thought of it for a while, knowing that if by some slim chance Addie were to ever come back into my life, I would have to do this. So when she did, I made the offer to her.

“But her life is here?” Addie said, taken aback.

“Well she took the offer. It’s for two years.” I reached for Addie’s hand and intertwined our fingers.

“I never wanted to interfere in your world,” she said in a serious tone.

“You didn’t. I fucked up and I had to clean my own mess. I can’t make my past transgression disappear, but I can try to correct them,” I answered her, my voice slowly drifting off as I reached down and claimed her mouth. I kissed her gently, our lips moving slowly, my tongue darting into her mouth tasting her.