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The Lover Beneath Me(50)


“Nothing,” Elissa bit out.

“Sure, that’s why Addie is all fucked up now.” I stood up, waving the waitress over.

“Put the bill on my card,” I told her as I handed it to her.

“Daimon, wait!” Addie protested.

“No, I'm not waiting. We’re going, now. You want to talk about Darren with your friends go ahead. I'm not participating,” I said coldly.

“Darren? What about Darren?” Elissa asked seemingly surprised, but her face changed as she turned to Jace. “This is why I don’t tell you anything,” she said to him.

“Elissa didn’t talk to me about Darren. I'm really just not feeling well,” Addie said meekly.

Immediately, I felt shitty for going in for the attack. “Shit, are you okay?” I took her face into my hands. She was warm to the touch.

“I just feel tired,” she murmured.

“We’re going home.” I held her hand gently.

“Addie, I’ll call you tomorrow, to make sure you’re okay.” Elissa stood up and hugged her awkwardly since I was holding on her other hand.

“Sure,” Addie muttered.

I brought a sleeping Addie home. It was only just past midnight, but she was dead to the world. I laid her down carefully onto the bed, washed her face with a warm cloth, and undressed her. I laid down next to her and held her close, worrying and wondering what was wrong with her.


I had yet another business gala, something about Valentine’s Day. I had one of these business dinners at least once a month. Since I had to leave work late, Addie had to travel to the Ritz on her own, which upset me. Lately Addie hadn’t been feeling well. I was worried she was hiding something from me, but she never let on. She hated attending these galas, but she never told me, not directly, but I knew her well enough to know. This was part of my world, part of my work and Addie had no choice but to accept it.

“Hey, Daimon,” called out Jeffrey, an investment banker. I hated the fucker with his long, wavy blond hair and the attitude that he was God’s gift to women.


“I see you came late. Working after hours?” He nudged me and winked. The man was married but was the biggest whore in the city.

“No, asswipe, I actually work,” I bit out as I looked around for Addie.

I finally spotted her with Rafe sitting down at the table, with the usual overabundance of flowers and stupid charger plates. Addie was laughing with Rafe. A small part of me was jealous he could make her laugh and that it was not me responsible for her head falling backward as her full laugh livened up the air around her. I stopped, not letting my jealousy consume me as I watched while Addie conversed and joked with those who sat at our table. I put my hands in my pocket and observed as the men marveled at her, while their wives laughed with her. My Addie, she was changing like she said, slowly, but it was happening.

“Daimon?” I heard the stupid bitch calling. I honestly couldn’t stand her in high school and could stand her even less now.

“Hello, Clara. How are you?” I asked not really caring, as I made polite conversation. My eyes were preoccupied with a stunning Addie, who not only took my breath away, but also my heart.

“Daddy told me to come to the gala and see you,” Clara said sweetly in her condescending tone, which I loathed. I hated how fake she could be. Just say it like it was. ‘Please, Daimon, stop buying out our waterfront properties. Please!’ I laughed at their expense. Money was to be had and I wanted it, not once caring about their loss.

“Tell Daddy to play nice or else the last of his waterfront properties will be bought out,” I taunted her with the same tone she gave me.

“Daimon?” She stomped her foot.

“Listen, Clara, I’m here with my wife and you are interfering with my time. So just go back and do what you always do and shop.” I dismissed her and headed to where Addie was. I placed my hand softly on Addie’s shoulder and held her as she looked up and smiled at me. The world could burn down, Hell could have taken over the world, but all I saw was my Addie.

“Daimon, your wife is hilarious,” said an executive who worked for me.

“She is.” I smiled back at her.

“Daimon always says his wife makes him happy.” Linda appeared from behind me, making it seem like we had come together, which wasn’t true. Goddammit! Addie stiffened under my touch. I growled inwardly, knowing somehow I fucked up even if I didn’t do a fucking thing.

“If you would excuse us,” I said to the rest of the table and pulled Addie up, taking her out of the banquet hall into the lobby. I kept going until I finally stopped in the stairwell of the hotel. “I wasn’t working with her and I didn’t come here with her,” I started.