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The Lover Beneath Me(48)


“I fucked up and I hurt her. Seeing her like that—I promised to make her life easier. I promised I would help her—I fucked it all up.” Sofia choked up as her tears fell.

“So? Fix it,” I said. “Addie just wants to be with you like before. Let it go. Life is too damn fucking short. Addie and I both understand that now.”

“How?” Sofia sniffled.

“I don't know. Just do it,” I said gruffly.

“Daimon, where are you?” Addie called out.

“Shit,” I muttered.

“What?” Sofia asked.

“If she sees me in here with you crying, she'll freak on my ass. She’ll go all big sister and blame me,” I grumbled.

“Good,” Sofia whispered as she smirked.

“Yeah, thanks, the feeling is mutual.”

“Addie? He's in here!”

“You just sold me out,” I said in a hushed voice. Sofia shrugged. Addie walked in, her eyes narrowed as she looked at Sofia then at me. “What did you do?” she shouted.

“He yelled at me, Addie,” Sofia offered.

“You yelled at my little sister?” Addie accused. Oh, fuck me! I looked over to the little shit, her eyes now beaming. She liked that I was going to get yelled at.

“Thanks,” I muttered at Sofia.

“You told me to fix it,” she grinned.

“Yeah, but don't sell me out,” I bit out.

“Would one of you mind telling what the hell is going on here?” Addie hissed.

“Nothing, beloved.” I kissed her forehead, left the room and closed the door behind me. That night I slept alone, Addie stayed with Sofia. I could hear them laughing and telling each other stories. Women!

Couples Date

Sofia left a few days after. Addie was finally in a good mood and I was happy they both figured things out. Damn this family and its broken relationships. Addie announced we were going out with her friends Elissa and Jace. When Addie had her back to me, I rolled my eyes. I seriously didn’t want to do this, but Addie cared for her friends, which meant I had to.

Addie and I stepped over the dimly lit threshold; the words Death & Co were engraved on the bottom in calligraphy letters. I loved this place and was glad Jace picked it. Normally, I would have tried to get out of being with Addie’s friends, but once she mentioned this bar, well, I had no choice but to come.

“Don’t think I don't know you, Daimon. Be on your best behavior,” Addie said, and then grimaced, knowing me all too well. “Just try to be nice.”

“Lover, I'm always nice.” I smirked as I wrapped my arm around her waist, pulled her in and kissed her neck. The place was buzzing with people enjoying their drinks. The mute light, soft music, the bar wall lined up with hundreds of bottles of good drink, what was there not to like about this place? “Come on, Addie, I’ll be nice.” I winked and took her hand, taking her further inside. Addie spotted both her friends who were sitting at a small table off to the side.

“Addie.” Elissa waved.

“Hey, babe.” Addie went willingly into her arms and they hugged.

“Hi,” Jace said awkwardly to me and he held out his hand to shake mine.

“Hey,” I responded, taking his hand and shook it.

The girls continued their jabber while Jace and I sat quietly, both of us not knowing what exactly say to each other. Addie and I ordered our whiskeys, while the other couple nursed their drink.

“Fuck, Addie I had the worst day last week. I'm going to have to move out of my place.” Elissa pouted.

“But, babe, I made you laugh didn’t I?” Jace added and poked her in the side.

“Don’t you dare say a fucking word.” Elissa laughed as she pointed at him.

“Ah, come on, you loved the leopard undies I wore,” Jace said and winked as he teased her. I picked up my drink watching their exchange. They were so different from Addie and me. More playful and light hearted. Our relationship was hard and serious.

“Jace, it was utterly ridiculous,” Elissa muttered her face turning red.

“Did it make you laugh? Did you forget for a split second about losing your place?” Jace asked, taking her hand into his.

“Yes.” Elissa smiled.

“What are you guys talking about? No wait, should I even ask?” Addie held up her hand.

“He wore a leopard thong thing. It wasn’t even a thong…I think…it was…” Elissa held out her hands and tried to explain in. “It was like a tiny triangle with a leopard print and a huge metal hook that hooked itself in his crack!”

I had to close my mouth not to spit out my drink. I swallowed without choking myself as I began to laugh. Addie’s head fell back, her stunning laughter filling up our area.