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The Lover Beneath Me(47)


“Listen, Addie—”

“I’ll get some food ready for Sofia.”

“Addie—” I grabbed her arm.

“Thank you, Daimon. I’m happy she’s here.” Addie smiled that plastic smile.

A little while later, I sat at our dinner table while Addie kept asking questions about school. In my head, I pictured two girls running around my penthouse, giggling and preparing the Christmas tree that was so important to Addie. But instead, I watched my Addie ache at her sister’s change. The close bond they once had seemed to have dissolved. The exchange between them was ridged at best.

“So tell me about your exams?” Addie asked.

“Hard, really hard. I had to study for a whole week for one. But you wouldn’t know anything about that,” Sofia said coldly. That was it.


“Daimon.” Addie grabbed onto my hand, her eyes pleading.

“Fuck it. I lost my appetite,” I said under my breath and stood up to leave. I couldn’t watch Addie deal with her sister. I left them both, Drako mimicking my actions as he headed to the bedroom. I lay down on the couch, Drako mimicking my move, placing himself between the couch and coffee table. “That’s right, boy. Down there is not a place for either one of us,” I murmured to him as I pet him with the hand that fell over to the side. Drako whimpered to my statement. I knew he understood me. I had fallen asleep only to be woken up to the loud clash of something breaking. I rose, jumped over the couch and ran down the stairs to see Addie picking up what looked like our plates. She looked up and smiled, that fucking fake smile plastered on her face irritated me to no end.

“The dishes slipped out of my hand,” she said as she went back to picking the rest up. I went down each step, my anger rising.

“Your sister?” I asked through my teeth.

“Upstairs,” Addie murmured. I stood next to her and took a deep breath so I wouldn’t yell at her. Instead, I held on to her arm and jolted her up.

“Leave it for now and go to bed,” I gritted through my teeth.


“Just do as I tell you to,” I all but snarled. I knew my eyes were nearly bugging out. Addie’s beautiful chestnut-colored eyes darted away from me when she left. It took me all of five minutes to clean the mess up, but I had a plan, and now that Addie was upstairs in our bedroom, I was going to go through with it.

I headed back upstairs but turned to where Sofia was staying. I saw her light was still on and the door was ajar. I knocked, making the door open wider.

“Hey, little twerp,” I said while she was sitting on the bed, looking through her computer.

“Don't call me that,” Sofia hissed.

“I'll call you what I want,” I bit out, annoyed that she barely looked at me. I walked over to her computer and slammed it shut. “What in the hell is your problem?”

“Hey!” she shouted.

“You haven't been back home since you left. And don't think I hadn't notice that it's Addie making more of the effort. I get it. You don’t want to be here. You want a new life without all the baggage, but the girl in there is your sister and she did things, gave up her own dreams to make your life better,” I snapped.

“Who the hell are you to tell me anything? I never asked Addie to do anything for me,” Sofia said with contempt.

“Let me clarify this for you. I'm your brother-in-law, your sister’s husband, which gives me the right to say, get off your high fucking horse and treat Addie with more respect. You didn’t ask for her help? Go fuck yourself. She did it because she loved you. She did what was needed,” I snapped. “So you’re looking down at her now? Why? ‘Cause you’re at Yale? Don’t forget this, little girl, I pay for everything for you and the only reason why is because I love her. I do it for her. You selfish little shit! Just know that,” I sneered.

“I'm not selfish,” Sofia refuted.

“Then what do you call a girl who leaves her family behind and never once looks back, but damn well makes sure she get the education she wants?” I was barely containing my anger as I continued. “Addie gave up everything for you! The very least you can do is show her the respect and love she deserves.” Sofia's face contorted as her eyes filled with unshed tears. “Yeah, I know; you want to call me an asshole. Do it. Your sister calls me one at least once a day, but you know I'm right,” I spat out.

“I just wanted a break. Everything was just too much.” Sofia began to cry. “Every time I saw her on Skype or heard from her, my resentment grew.”

“The good thing about Addie is she loves you to death. Unlike me who sort of likes you only because you're her little sister.”