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The Lover Beneath Me(44)


“You missed me that much?” I can almost hear her smiling. Burrowing my face into her chest, I wrapped my arms around her.

“My Addie,” I breathed.

“I love you,” she said quietly, yet it echoed through the room. She said the three words that melted away the last of my anger.

“My Addie.”

I feasted on Addie, I ate away at her, enjoying her quiet moans and gasping whimpers. I fucked her hard. I fucked her softly. I did what I wanted because Addie gave me the power to love her my way. She let me be the man I wanted to be for her. Addie held my heart and soul, and I no longer had a problem admitting it. She was my everything and the more I was with her, the more I knew I needed her, wanted her, and desired her. Addie was able to soothe the parts of me that ached, parts I ignored for years. With her, I was better.

“I won't have time for you the way you deserve. You deserve to be happy,” I said to her as I held her in my arms after.

“Daimon, I did the time apart and it sucked. I'd rather be with you. I don't care how.” She lifted her head and looked at me with a soft smile.

“But—” She stopped me, placing her fingers on my lips.

“I didn’t realize you became such a softy,” she mocked as she traced my lips with her fingertips.

“Quiet, woman,” I said gruffly as I watched her marvelous eyes wander to my mouth.

“Say it,” she murmured.

“Say what?” I asked, knowing what she wanted to hear, but like the asshole I was, I wanted her to tell me.

“Forget it,” she huffed as she tried to move, but I held her close, grinning at her as she looked upset at me.

“I love you, Addie.” I watched her face slowly change. “I love you,” I repeated. She smiled timidly as she lay her head on my chest.

“Say it again.” I heard her muffled voice say. I told her a few more times until she fell sound asleep. She was sexiest after we had sex.

Back Home

Just as my lawyers predicted, we won the case. I sat there in that stuffy old courthouse and watched as Hugh remained expressionless. I stood up the moment the verdict was read and left. It was time to head back to New York, and back to our lives.

“I’m so excited,” Addie said in the elevator on the way up to our home.


“‘Cause, crazy, I missed Drako.” She looked at me shocked that I hadn’t missed him.

“He’s my dog, Addie, of course I missed him, but with you around, I highly doubt the pup even notices me,” I said, disappointed, knowing exactly the scene that was going to play out the moment the elevator doors opened.

“You’re being ridiculous.” She laughed.

“Yeah, says the dog hogger.”

The moment the elevator stopped and the doors opened, the scene which had played out in my head happened. Drako came running toward us but stopped only at Addie. Damn dog. I walked by them both as they happily reunited.

“Welcome back, Mr. Evans,” Ana said the moment she saw me.

“Hello, Ana.”

“I’ve prepared some dishes. Would you like that I heat them for you?” Ana asked.

“No, I’m a bit tired from the flight,” I said as I headed upstairs to take a shower. I emerged from the bathroom after taking a long hot shower; my muscles feeling somewhat more relaxed, but not entirely.

“Hey,” Addie greeted from the bed, wearing nothing but my high school gym shirt.

“Why do you wear it? Doesn’t it bring you back shitty memories?” I leaned on the doorframe and crossed my arms.

“Not really,” she said as she looked down at it. “I hardly wore my gym shirt in high school, thanks to a special someone.”

“Yeah thanks for reminding me,” I said bitterly as I pushed off the doorframe and passed her so I could sit on the couch that overlooked the Hudson River.

“Do you think it’s time?” she said from behind me.

“Time for what?” I asked.

“Time to talk about everything?” she retorted.

“Everything?” I asked confused.

“It’s not liked we really talked about what had happened and why?” she said quietly.

Fuck me. I really wasn’t in the mood for this, but I knew I had no real choice in the matter, I had fucked it up and therefore Addie the answered she needed.

“What do you want to know, Addie?” I asked as I looked out the panoramic window.

“How did you come up with the idea? I mean—God, I was so stupid to fall for it, but still...”

“My dad,” I said quietly.

“Your dad? But I thought you said you were never forced to marry Clara?” she said quickly.

“He didn’t, but the idea came from him.” I sat back and remembered that day; it was clear in my mind.