Reading Online Novel

The Lover Beneath Me(35)

“I love kissing you,” I said as I pulled away from her.

“Thanks.” She winked and stood up.

“Thanks?” I said incredulously.

“Yeah, thanks, Mr. Evans. I like knowing you love kissing me,” she teased as she grabbed her handbag and headed out the plane.

“Addie,” I growled.

She turned and winked. “You’re too easy,” she mocked, but the low rumble in my chest and the stare in my eyes made her shift as she swallowed hard and nearly ran out of the plane.

“Fucking temptress,” I muttered as I let my head fall back, realizing how much she ruled me and how much I fucking loved and hated it.

We drove with a very silent, yet smirking, Rafe. I knew he was just waiting to fuck with me. I let it go only because Addie was placed nicely in my arms as we drove to the hotel. Our driver stopped in front of The Langham Hotel in West End of London. Addie was giddy in her seat as she looked up and saw the outside of the hotel. To me, all of this was the same, but through her eyes, everything was fresh and new. It actually made it somewhat exciting to see her light up. “Wow, the architecture is amazing,” she said as she looked up at the old building with yellow and white stone, which rose high into the sky. It was old school London at its best.

“Mr. Evans, Mr. Dyke,” said the doorman as he greeted us.

“Do you guys come here often?” Addie asked as I walked up the steps.

“It’s the only place Daimon will stay,” Rafe said in passing as he walked to the front desk.

“Mr. Dyke, oh and Mr. Evans, we are happy to have you back. Your suite is ready like always.” The hotel manager always greeted us whenever we stayed here, which due to the mergers, was quite often.

Addie let go of my hand and slinked behind me, hiding herself. What the fuck?

“I’d like for you to meet my wife, Addie,” I said proudly as I pulled her from the back of me and presented him to her. “Addie, this is James, the hotel manager.”

“It’s nice to meet you, Mrs. Evans,” James smiled.

“Likewise,” Addie said in a quiet voice.

I looked at Addie and wondered why the hell was she like this again. I hated when she reverted back to her old ways. I grabbed the key card from James, seized her hand and pulled her to the elevator, Rafe followed not too closely behind.

“Hey,” she said assertively, but I ignored her. “Daimon.” She tried pulling her hand back, but I held on. We reached the elevator and I slid in the card, taking us to our room. The doors closed and I finally released her. “Mind telling me what your problem is?” she said now in a catty tone. God, I loved it. That was my fighter coming back to life again, so where the fuck was she two minutes ago?

We reached our suite and I ignored her as I walked into our room. I waited by the door counting back from ten. That woman better get her ass in here now. I looked back to see her still in the entryway of the suite.

“Addie, get your ass in here now,” I hissed.

“Fuck you,” she fired back, and my dick stirred.

“NOW!” I shouted at her. She narrowed her eyes at me. “Addie, I'm waiting.” I pushed. She hesitated but finally came into our room.

“What is your problem, master?” she bit out.

“My problem is you,” I said roughly as I slammed the door.


“Why the fuck did you slink away? Are we back to the old Addie? ‘Cause I know there’s no way she could exist anymore.” My anger getting the better of me, it always did when it came to Addie. Yeah, I was pissed at the others. Yes, I ruined companies, took other people’s livelihood and wouldn’t even flinch about it, but I never would ever get as angry as I would when it came to Addie.

“Oh, my God, I knew you were crazy, but I never thought you were this crazy. Why? ‘Cause I was nervous meeting the hotel manager? So what? I have a hard time meeting strangers, especially when this is the first time, and let me tell you this will be the last time I come on a business trip,” she snapped.

“And?” What the hell was she talking about? I wanted her here.

“I didn’t want to fuck anything up, you asshole,” she fired back.

“Addie, you can’t fuck anything up. You’re you. You’re perfect. I fuck things up, remember?” I grunted. “I don't ever want to see you do that again. When we are together and I meet a business associate or anyone for that matter, you stand next to me. You will stand proudly next to me because you are my wife. My wife. Understand?” I said fiercely.

“Daimon…” she said meekly.

“No! I love you, in my own fucked up way I know, but I love you, and I don’t ever want my woman hiding away,” I said gruffly as I hit my chest. Addie’s eyes softened and her stance became more relaxed as a soft smile appeared on her face.