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The Lover Beneath Me(21)


Once I hung up with my secretary, I buzzed my security. “Jimmy?”

“Yes, sir.”

“Make sure you follow my wife around. I want to know where she is at all times.” I grinned. The game was now in my favor. I wanted that woman. I wanted her always, and I was going to go and get her, no lies, maybe a little game, but that was who I was. But it would be just me after the woman of my dreams.

“Sir, your wife?”

“Yes, my wife. Call Ted. He’ll fill you in.” I then hung up. Now exactly what was I going to do? I sunk into my leather office chair and closed my eyes taking in her scent. I etched her image into my mind. Addie was finally mine. She may have signed on the dotted line, but it only meant Addie was finally my woman. I smiled as various devious little scenarios entered my dirty mind.

Once home, I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. All I could see was Addie and the way she looked when she was in my office. Fuck me, I wanted her badly. My mind raced with the thought of her tight little body, and how it would feel to touch her soft skin. I moved my hand down to my hard on. I always got a hard on when I thought of her. Eyes closed, I wrapped my hand around my cock and pictured her face as she rode me. Pumping my dick, I moved up from the base all the way up to the tip, reveling at the sensation. Fuck me. I swallowed hard as I continued, knowing how tight she would be as her pussy hugged my cock, while her warm, sweet heat clamped around me, with her juices dripping.

The echo of her panting with fill the room as she rode me, her pussy going up and down my hard shaft as she sought out her orgasm. “Addie,” I grunted as I came hard. I lay on the bed not moving, once more becoming angry. Would I ever have a chance to taste her again? To feel her? Would she care for me the way I cared for her? “Fuck,” I muttered as I stood up to clean myself. I know I conned her. I know I cornered her into this, but I wanted more. I needed more.

Addie was my woman. Mine. Everything inside me told me to love and protect her, to keep her safe and give her the life she deserved. Addie. My Addie.

The Bar

“Since when do you come to the bar?” Darren asked when I sat next to him. He and I got into a bit of a heated discussion after I had asked Addie to marry me. Heated…let’s just say Rafe had to pull us apart.

Rafe and Darren were my closest friends, only because I couldn’t stomach being around others. These two didn’t give a shit who I was. Darren never once asked me for money. He worked hard and paid his own way. I respected the hell out of the guy. Not everyone I knew could do what he did. Darren had more money than Addie. His parents were middle class, but both worked hard, which meant they left the kid alone most of the time. He worked through high school and through university to open up his own successful business, making him a lot of money.

Darren was smart using what he made and making more from it. While Rafe, well, Rafe was a spoiled rich kid like me, growing up with everything at our disposal. The only thing we had in common was that we both had shitty family lives. He was the only one who laughed at my expense. I trusted that bastard with my life. That was why I made him my business partner. He might seem like he was goofing off¸ but the fucker knew how to control a boardroom.

I missed Darren, but I hated the way he wanted my wife.

“Just shut up and get me a drink,” I snapped.

“I'm assuming you saw Addie.” Darren raised his hand to his bartender, Jace, to order me my drink.

“How did you know?” I grunted.

“Well, the look on your face pretty much says it, plus the fact Addie told me she was going to see you helps too.” He smirked.

“She told you?” What the fuck was running through her mind?

“Yeah, she asked me my opinion. She was worried you might have moved on. Said something like a guy like you wouldn’t pine after a girl like her,” he said as he swirled around his whiskey and looked at his glass.

“Stupid girl,” I muttered under my breath.

“That’s what I said.” Darren chuckled.

“Do you know what she did?” I looked over at him.

“What?” he asked.

“She got me a Stradivarius,” I grumbled as I looked back to my whiskey and took a sip.

“But you already have one,” Darren noted.

“No. Broke it when she found out,” I admitted.

“Fuck, Daimon. Why did you do it all?” Darren looked at me like I was fucked in the head.

“For her. I did it all for her,” I grunted.

“No, you asshole. You did it all for you. You were too much of a pussy to tell her how you felt so you came up with this stupid idea which backfired on you.” He shook his head and turned away.