Reading Online Novel

The Lover Beneath Me(20)

“Daimon, why don’t we head back to your place? I have a few hours before my next class,” Lisa said quietly as she leaned into my arm, her chest rubbing against me.

“Sure, baby, whatever you want,” I agreed.

“Daimon?” Lisa said as we reached my place.

“What is it, baby?” I said absentmindedly.

“When we get married, I want us to live in downtown Manhattan,” Lisa said happily as we came close to my condo.

“When we what?” I asked, annoyed at her.

“When we get married,” she said happily.

“Listen, Lisa, I’m not the marrying type. I’m the fuck them and leave them type. Right now, you are the one I’m fucking, the one I’m going to have fun with. So get it straight, I’m never getting married. Not to you or anyone,” I clarified, making sure she understood where she stood in our relationship.

“You’re a fucking asshole, Daimon,” she exclaimed.

“I know. Now are you going to come up and let me fuck you until you can’t see straight? Or are you and I done?” I asked knowing she would cave.

“One more time, Daimon, after this, you and I are done,” she said defiantly as she passed me.

“Sure thing, sweetheart,” I smiled as I followed her up to my condo.

Present Day: Daimon

In My Office

“Aren’t you going after her?” Linda said over my shoulder as I looked at the violin that little demon had bought me.

“No, not yet,” I said gruffly as I feathered the strings.

“I'm going to cancel the lunch reservations. Don’t be stupid. Go after her,” Linda urged. After I ripped her a new asshole for her little stunt with Addie the last time she saw her, Linda knew Addie was the only one for me. She even started to like Addie and how bitchy she was to her.

“Not yet. I want her to stew a little,” I murmured.

“You know, you can be a real asshole,” Linda noted.

“So I’ve been told,” I laughed.

Linda left, leaving me to deal with what just happened. I knew Addie never signed those papers and I only sent them because I thought that was what she needed. I was upset at her when I heard she quit school. I didn’t want her to revert back to the old Addie, but when I saw her today. I knew she had changed. She came in here wearing an expensive little black suit. Her soft brown hair in luscious waves with her perfect make up. Fuck, she looked hot. I waited, letting her play out the cards to her little game. I wanted to see what she’d do. But never did I think she would bring me this. I picked it up and felt it. It was lighter than the one I had before, but it looked just like it.

So my Addie wanted to be with me on her terms. I didn’t think so. If she thought signing those papers meant we were divorced, she was crazy. That hot little number belonged to me and would always be mine. Now I had the proof, I could go after her the way I wanted.

I stopped asking about Addie after I sent the papers. It was painful enough to know she was out there in the world and no longer belonged to me.

“Addie, Addie, Addie, Addie,” I muttered to myself as I mulled over exactly what I was going to do.

Addie would have been a great negotiator. The girl knew how to drive a hard bargain and fought with me at every aspect I asked of her in our two contracts. She didn’t like control, maybe because she loved to control all that was around her. But that changed. I made sure of it. When Addie first came to me, I wanted to give her the freedom she didn’t know she wanted. I wanted to take her control and let her live the life she deserved. No more caring for everyone else; she needed to care for herself, yet here was Addie still wanting control. But I didn’t care. It was hard on her. Addie wasn’t used to someone treating her to nice things. But I did everything I needed to give her a better life, even if it meant dragging her kicking and screaming.

So my little Addie was a rich little heiress and no longer needed me. Fuck that! I wanted her to need me. It was in my DNA to want to care for my woman. Besides, I had a lot more money than she did. Now what do I do with my Addie? I thought as I looked out the window of my office.

“Samantha?” I called my new secretary over the intercom.

“Yes, Mr. Evans?”

“Do you have Ms. Smith’s information?”

“Yes, I have all her contacts. She said if you needed anything to call her.”

“Was that before or after she left?” I grinned, knowing my Addie.

“Before, sir. She was in a rush after your meeting,” Samantha offered.

“Thank you. Make sure you give me her contact sheet. I'm intrigued about her little contract,” I laughed.

“Yes, sir.”