Peter tried to jerk free. “Let me go. I have to go.”
“She’s here,” said Gamache. “She came to find you.”
“Clara’s here?” Peter demanded. “Where?”
“She’s with Myrna at the diner,” said Gamache.
“I’m going,” he said.
“No, you need to stay here until Beauvoir returns and we know where we stand. I’m sorry, Peter, but the priority has to be to arrest Vachon for murder. Time enough to see Clara after that.”
Gamache walked to the door and stepped onto the porch, scanning the horizon in case Beauvoir was returning with Vachon. But there was no one, and nothing, there.
He turned back to the cabin and saw Peter approach the bed. Then Peter reached out and did what he knew he shouldn’t. He broke the rules, and brushed Norman’s hand with one finger. The lightest of strokes.
Gamache gave him that private moment. He stepped off the rickety porch and looked around, turning full circle in the bright sunshine.
There was no movement. There was no sound.
How bleak it must have been for No Man.
For Peter.
When the only sound was the hacking, rattling cough of a dying man.
When the only activity was shopping, cooking, cleaning. Bathing a dying man.
How tempting it must have been, to leave.
But Peter Morrow had stayed. Right to the end.
“I’ll pray that you grow up a brave man in a brave country,” said Gamache.
Peter had come onto the porch and was watching Gamache.
Armand turned and said to Peter, “I will pray you find a way to be useful.”
Peter stood, as silent and solid as the world around them.
“Gilead,” said Gamache. “The tenth muse is not, I think, about becoming a better artist, but becoming a better person.”
Gamache stepped onto the porch. “You found a way to be useful.”
Maybe this wasn’t Samarra after all, thought Gamache. Maybe it was Gilead.
Peter seemed to relax. Some tension, held all his life, escaped.
He followed Gamache inside.
Armand stared down at the body in the bed. Thinking, thinking.
Peter had been here alone this morning. Standing sentinel. Guarding the body until help arrived. But there had been one visitor.
Luc Vachon. Who’d helped Massey kill Norman. Who’d delivered the asbestos-infected supplies.
But, but … what had Beauvoir said? What had Peter said, when told?
That the beauty of the plan, for Vachon, was that he could delude himself into believing he wasn’t doing anything wrong. But suppose. Suppose. It wasn’t a delusion?
Gamache held his hand to his mouth and rubbed as he looked down at Sébastien Norman.
He brought out his device and hit it rapidly with his finger until that painting appeared again. The distorted, demented face glared at him. Dared him.
Peter looked at it. “I remember that. From the yearbook. Professor Norman painted it. We’d assumed it was a self-portrait.”
Peter was caught between revulsion and awe. He looked over at the body on the bed.
“But it’s not him.”
“No,” said Gamache. “It’s Massey. Professor Norman had seen it even then. That there was some other Massey, beneath the veneer.”
Gamache looked closely. His eyes sharp. Studying the contours of the face, the eyes, the strong chin and cheekbones. Looking beyond the expression, to the man.
“Oh,” he said, the word coming out as a sigh. “Oh no.”
Gamache knew that face. Not the same expression, but the man.
He’d seen it on the dock, when they got off the ship. The elderly, grizzled fisherman in the wide-brimmed hat and thick, battered coat.
Not watching for the boat. But waiting for it.
The man who’d warned him to leave.
Had Clara and Myrna turned around, had they come closer, they might have recognized him. But they didn’t.
Vachon wasn’t setting it up to look like a murder-suicide. Massey was. If there was another body to be found, it would be Luc Vachon’s.
And Massey would be long gone. Presumed drowned. Another victim of Vachon. But actually safely on the ship.
“Damn.” Gamache shoved the device back into his pocket. He looked at his watch. He hadn’t heard the cry of the Loup de Mer’s horn. It was possible it hadn’t left port.
Gamache turned to Peter, about to ask him to stay there while he ran back to Tabaquen to stop the boat. To find the fisherman. To tell Beauvoir to stop looking for Vachon, and start looking for Professor Massey.
But the words died when he saw Peter’s face, and followed his eyes.
To the door.
Clara Morrow was standing there. A knife to her throat.
Behind her was Massey, out of breath.