“You get her all settled in?” Rebecca asked as Gil came down the stairs and entered the front room.
“Yes. She’s exhausted. Just getting back from her long trip.” Gil paused knowing that Rebecca would like to know about the letter. “Catherine got back from her trip, and Aunt Josephine told her about the letter. Catherine admitted that she was the one who hid the letter in Lula’s desk.”
“Really? Why would she do that?”
“She didn’t want Josephine to run away with Paul. She went and told Paul that Josephine had changed her mind and didn’t want to go with him. That she was going to continue her education.”
“Oh. That’s terrible.”
“Yes, Aunt Josephine didn’t take it very well. I know they were both young then, but Aunt Jo felt so betrayed.”
“I guess Paul had no reason to believe that Catherine was lying to him, did he?”
“No, he took her at her word and disappeared.” Gil shook his head. “Anyway, Aunt Jo asked Catherine to leave. She’s been living with Aunt Jo for the last few years. They seemed to enjoy each other’s company. But Aunt Jo is so angry now. I guess it’s time that Aunt Catherine finds her own place to live.”
“Well, she’s welcome here for as long as she needs.”
“I appreciate that. I’ll help her look for a place.”
“Well, I hope they can work things out. It’s always hard on a family if a couple of siblings have a falling out.”
“I hope they can, too. But I think it will take some time.”
“Are you going to call Madeline and tell her how the letter got in the desk?”
He hadn’t thought that far ahead. She’d want to know, but he sure didn’t feel like talking to her. Maybe he’d have Aunt Jo call her. That would work.
“I’ll make sure she finds out.”
“I miss having Madeline here. She is such a wonderful woman, don’t you think?” Rebecca nailed him with a questioning look.
“Yes, she’s nice.” Very noncommittal, that should work.
“I thought you two had gotten close while she was here.”
“Well, we worked on figuring out about the letter and finding Paul.” They’d been unsuccessful at finding Paul or having a relationship.
“I know she really liked you.”
Rebecca just wouldn’t let it drop.
“No maybes about it.”
“Look, Rebecca. Things just didn’t work out.” He didn’t mean to be short with her, but he didn’t want to discuss it.
“Well, that’s too bad. She’s a wonderful girl. Lonely. No family. That’s really too bad.”
Gil left the Sweet Tea feeling guilty, which was absurd, because Maddy wasn’t lonely. She’d gotten back together with her ex.
Bella drummed her fingers on the table at the Magnolia Cafe and looked at her watch. Again. Owen was late. Which probably was just as well, because she still didn’t know how to explain to him that she couldn’t see him again. Not now. Not with Jeremy so upset. Not with Rick threatening to sue Owen over the whole “kitchen incident,” as she now thought of it. She twisted in her seat to turn around and see the front door. He was only five minutes late, but it seemed like forever. She just wanted to get the conversation over.
Becky Lee came by the table. “Want some sweet tea while you wait for him?”
“That sounds good.” Bella smiled at her friend.
“I still think that you’re making a mistake. Owen is a good man. Jeremy will get used to you dating, you just need to give him time.”
“Rick isn’t going to give me that time. He gave me an ultimatum. If I continue to let Owen be near the boys, he’s going to take legal action. Press charges against Owen. Sue for full custody of the boys. I can’t take the chance.”
“Rick is a controlling jerk. He threatened to take the boys away when you lost the shop. He wants to be divorced from you, but still control your life. Don’t let him.”
“Bec, you don’t understand. You don’t have kids.” Bella realized her mistake as soon as the words slipped out. “Oh, Becky Lee, I’m sorry. I’m being a jerk myself. I didn’t mean it.”
Becky Lee’s eyes held a trace of betrayal, but she quickly pasted on a smile. It didn’t fool Bella. She’d hurt her friend. She knew that not having children was one of Becky Lee’s biggest regrets. Bella grabbed her friend’s hand and squeezed it. “I am so, so sorry. I’m stressed and took it out on you.”
Becky Lee nodded.
“I have to break up with Owen. I just have to. Jeremy is so upset. I have no money to fight a legal battle with Rick. Besides, with Rick’s connections, it’s never going to be a fair fight. I just can’t have more upheaval in the boys’ lives.”