When Mr. Gryce entered the carriage in which Howard sat, he noted first, that the young man was frightened; and secondly, that he made no effort to hide it. He had heard almost nothing from the detective. He knew that there had been a hue and cry for him ever since noon, and that he was wanted to identify a young woman who had been found dead in his father’s house, but beyond these facts he had been told little, and yet he seemed to have no curiosity nor did he venture to express any surprise. He merely accepted the situation and was troubled by it, showing no inclination to talk till very near the end of his destination, when he suddenly pulled himself together and ventured this question:
“How did she—the young woman as you call her—kill herself?”
The detective, who in his long career among criminals and suspected persons, had seen many men and encountered many conditions, roused at this query with much of his old spirit. Turning from the man rather than toward him, he allowed himself a slight shrug of the shoulders as he calmly replied:
“She was found under a heavy piece of furniture; the cabinet with the vases on it, which you must remember stood at the left of the mantel-piece. It had crushed her head and breast. Quite a remarkable means of death, don’t you think? There has been but one occurrence like it in my long experience.”
“I don’t believe what you tell me,” was the young man’s astonishing reply. “You are trying to frighten me or to make game of me. No lady would make use of any such means of death as that.”
“I did not say she was a lady,” returned Mr. Gryce, scoring one in his mind against his unwary companion.
A quiver passed down the young man’s side where he came in contact with the detective.
“No,” he muttered; “but I gathered from what you said, she was no common person; or why,” he flashed out in sudden heat, “do you require me to go with you to see her? Have I the name of associating with any persons of the sex who are not ladies?”
“Pardon me,” said Mr. Gryce, in grim delight at the prospect he saw slowly unfolding before him of one of those complicated affairs in which minds like his unconsciously revel; “I meant no insinuations. We have requested you, as we have requested your father and brother, to accompany us to the undertaker’s, because the identification of the corpse is a most important point, and every formality likely to insure it must be observed.”
“And did not they—my father and brother, I mean—recognize her?”
“It would be difficult for any one to recognize her who was not well acquainted with her.”
A horrified look crossed the features of Howard Van Burnam, which, if a part of his acting, showed him to have genius for his rôle. His head sank back on the cushions of the carriage, and for a moment he closed his eyes. When he opened them again, the carriage had stopped, and Mr. Gryce, who had not noticed his emotion, of course, was looking out of the window with his hand on the handle of the door.
“Are we there already?” asked the young man, with a shudder. “I wish you had not considered it necessary for me to see her. I shall detect nothing familiar in her, I know.”
Mr. Gryce bowed, repeated that it was a mere formality, and followed the young gentleman into the building and afterwards into the room where the dead body lay. A couple of doctors and one or two officials stood about, in whose faces the young man sought for something like encouragement before casting his eyes in the direction indicated by the detective. But there was little in any of these faces to calm him, and turning shortly away, he walked manfully across the room and took his stand by the detective.