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The Italian Billionaire's Pregnant Bride(34)

By:Lynne Graham

The silence fairly leapt and jumped and throbbed.

‘Are you saying what I think you might be saying?’ Sergio was studying her in disbelief. ‘Was that a reference to the stag cruise I organised for Leonidas Pallis? That event was blown up out of all proportion by the press. But was that what upset you?’

‘Lose the word, upset,’ Kathy advised, a shade tart in tone.

His brilliant dark eyes shimmering scorching gold, Sergio spread lean brown hands in a gesture that expressed his incredulity. ‘You were so angry about the cruise that you took off and put me through more than seven months of hell?’

‘Angry isn’t the right word, either—’

‘How about…revenge?’

‘I suppose there was a degree of that, although I didn’t see it at the time,’ Kathy conceded ruefully.

Sergio bit out a humourless laugh.

‘I think I’d just had enough of you. I didn’t want to be shipped off to France,’ Kathy confided. ‘There I was, throwing up every day and so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open at work and you were partying—’

‘I can explain—’

‘Don’t waste your time. In any case you don’t owe me any explanations,’ Kathy fielded with resolute brightness. ‘It’s simple—I needed to get on with my life just the same as you were.’

Sergio dealt her a measuring appraisal. ‘You don’t just get mad, you get even, delizia mia.’

Kathy experienced a very strong desire to get out of bed and slap him for his arrogance. ‘It’s not all about you—why do you think everything is about you? Stop trying to twist what I said into a backhanded compliment! I had no good reason to stay in London.’

Lean, darkly handsome face taut, Sergio stared down at her with brooding force. ‘You can’t afford to get mad with me at present. You’re supposed to stay calm and avoid all stress.’

In a frustrated movement, Kathy pushed her copper hair off her brow. ‘Then rewind my life and wipe the bit where we met!’

‘Even if I could I would not,’ Sergio admitted without hesitation. ‘I want that little girl. I also want you.’

Kathy was hugely unimpressed by that claim. Her green eyes glinted, her full rose-pink mouth curled with disdain. She was very tempted to tell him that the boat had not only sailed, but also sunk with all hands on board. He hadn’t wanted her enough when it had mattered. He hadn’t wanted her enough when she had been as available as a free sample. She said nothing, though, for telling him that would only make her sound sad.

‘And whatever it takes, I intend to have you,’ Sergio delivered in the same even tone.

Kathy blinked, for she was not quite sure she had heard that. Her curling lashes lifted high. She collided with the hot gold challenge of his gaze and it was like being hauled down into a whirlpool of heat and hunger. He made no attempt to hide the desire etched on his lean strong face and sheer shock paralysed her to the bed.

‘Okay. Glad we understand each other at last, delizia mia,’ Sergio murmured smooth as silk as he pressed the bell on the wall. ‘I asked for a meal to be brought and I’d like you to try to eat something.’

But when the meal arrived, Kathy was unable to oblige for she had no appetite at all. Sergio took a seat at the far end of the room and unfurled a notebook PC with a disturbing air of permanency, while she lay on the side she had been told to lie on and fretted. Why was it that every time she got her life back on track something happened to derail it again? She reminded herself that she had played a very active part in this particular derailment.

Frustration filled her at the awareness that the dependency she had been so determined to avoid was now being forced on her. Lying in bed in London wasn’t going to pay her bills. If her baby was born early and in need of specialist care, she would be even more dependent on Sergio’s goodwill and support to survive. She had planned to work right up to the last minute. How long would she be tied to London? For how long could she expect Nola to hold her job open? What about her rent? Her possessions?

‘Why are you frowning?’ Sergio enquired lazily.

‘Promise me that if I’m stuck in here for weeks, you’ll collect my belongings and keep them safe for me,’ Kathy urged abruptly.

With a wondering shake of his handsome dark head, Sergio sprang upright and strolled with lithe grace towards the bed. ‘What could possibly make you worry about something like that?’

‘I’m not fit enough to take care of it myself and everything I own is at Nola’s.’

‘But why on earth would you imagine that it could become a problem?’