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The Italian Billionaire's Pregnant Bride(12)

By:Lynne Graham

Forced back from her by her sudden unanticipated retreat, Sergio had discovered another even more immediate source for concern. He cursed under his breath in Italian. ‘Are you using birth control? In any form?’

Kathy was feeling dizzy and sick and distraught. She could not credit what she had done. She could not credit how stupid she had been. But while she was still in his presence she would not allow herself to think about those realities. All her energy was now concentrated on beating a very fast retreat from the scene of her worst ever mistake. She reached for her clothing. ‘No—but you used contraception.’

Lean dark features uniformly grim, Sergio was getting dressed. ‘The condom tore.’

Kathy flinched and turned paler than ever but she said nothing in response. Indeed she refused even to look at him. This is what it’s like when you get intimate with someone you don’t know—awkward, humiliating, shaming, she reflected painfully. She fought her way into her panties with trembling hands, hauled on her T-shirt and wrenched on her jeans with so much force that she scratched the skin on her thighs.

‘Obviously that doesn’t bother you too much,’ Sergio growled, outraged that she was simply ignoring him.

‘What bothers me most at this moment is that I had sex with a truly horrible guy. I know I’m going to live with this mistake for a long, long time,’ Kathy shared in a low-pitched tone of fierce regret. ‘Getting pregnant by you would add a whole new dimension to this nightmare and I can’t believe that even I could be that unlucky.’

‘I doubt if that will be your reaction if it happens. Having my child could be a very lucrative lifestyle choice,’ Sergio drawled with icy bite.

‘Why do you think everyone’s out to rip you off?’ Kathy demanded in the rage that was steadily banishing any desire she might have had to take refuge in a small dark corner. ‘Or is it just me you reserve the offensive accusations for? You really shouldn’t mess around with the cleaning staff, Mr Torrente. Your nerves aren’t cut out for it!’

‘You need to calm down so that we can discuss this like adults.’ Sergio breathed, glittering dark eyes locking to her with determined force, his expectations once again turned upside down by her behaviour. ‘Sit down, please.’

‘No.’ Kathy shook her head vehemently, her wildly tousled copper-streaked hair flying back from her flushed cheekbones in vibrant splendour. ‘I don’t want to discuss anything with you. I had too much to drink. I did something I wish I hadn’t done. You have been very, very rude to me.’

‘That was not my intention.’ Sergio aimed at striking a peaceful note, while he continued to watch her with shrewd concentration. Her heated distress was convincingly real and she was definitely slurring her words a little. She looked very young and quite magnificent.

Kathy loosed an unimpressed laugh, for she was not taken in by that smooth inflection. ‘No, you couldn’t care less if you were rude or not! You think you can get away with it.’

‘You could well be right,’ Sergio drawled in the same even tone. ‘It’s an unfortunate fact that gold-diggers target me—’

‘You deserve a gold-digger!’ Kathy snapped with furious conviction. ‘If you think for one minute that that explanation excuses you for talking to me as if I was a prostitute, you’re seriously out of line!’

‘I wasn’t aware that I made an excuse.’

Scornful dismissal flamed in Kathy’s shimmering gaze. ‘You haven’t even got the manners for that, have you?’

‘If you could rise above my failings in that department, I believe we have more important things to consider—’

‘I doubt if I’ll be pregnant, but if the worst was to happen, you don’t need to worry,’ Kathy tossed at him glibly as she walked to the door. ‘I wouldn’t even consider going for the “lucrative lifestyle choice” option!’

‘That’s not funny,’ Sergio intoned grimly.

‘Neither are your assumptions about me.’ Kathy marched down the corridor, and when she registered that he was following her she hastened into the lift at speed. There she stabbed repeatedly at the button that closed the doors but he still made it past them to join her. The enclosed space felt unbearably claustrophobic. Hostility radiating from her in waves, her willowy figure rigid, she ignored him. She could not understand why he refused to get the message and leave her alone.

Sergio glanced down at his watch only to discover that he was no longer wearing it: he had left his sleek timepiece behind in his office. ‘It’s late. I’ll take you home.’