Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(99)

My lec­ture to my­self didn’t make me feel any bet­ter but it did make me feel a little stronger. I poin­ted the re­mote at the screen and clicked it on, ready to watch.

“Wait,” Salt said, as a scene of the two of us en­ter­ing the room at the In­sti­tute came on the screen.

“What?” I paused the im­age for a mo­ment and looked at him.

“I think it would be mis­take to erase all im­ages of the two of us.” He ges­tured at the screen. “Would be bet­ter to keep some of the less…em­bar­rass­ing ones.”

“Right. Makes sense to avoid sus­pi­cion,” I ac­know­ledged. “So I think we can agree that this one stays?” It was just the two of us get­ting com­fort­able in the room and look­ing around. It must have been the first night we were there.

“Yes.” Salt nod­ded.

I picked up a yel­low legal pad and pen I’d placed on the arm of the love­seat earlier for just this pur­pose and made a note.

“All right. Mov­ing on.” I fast for­war­ded the im­age and saw the two of us sit­ting on the couch to­gether. Then I saw Salt pulling my feet into his lap and tak­ing off my shoes and socks. I couldn’t help re­mem­ber how won­der­ful his big warm hands felt when he mas­saged me.

“Do you wish to leave this part or not?” Salt asked me.

I cleared my throat. “Well, it is kind of awk­ward but not, you know, ob­scene.”

“Noth­ing we did was ob­scene,” he said quietly.

“Oh no? You pre­tend­ing to be my ‘Papa’ and me pre­tend­ing to be your ‘Baby­girl’ wasn’t ob­scene?” I snapped.

“No,” he said simply.

“Right.” I didn’t be­lieve him a bit. I had heard how he really felt about what went on in the In­sti­tute loud and clear when he’d told Berkley that it was sick and he was dis­gus­ted by it. Dis­gus­ted by you, don’t you mean, Andi? whispered a little voice in my head. Yes—that was ex­actly what I meant. I forced my­self to look at the TV again and tried not to think about it.

On screen, the foot mas­sage was fi­nally over. There was vid feed from the bath­room too but the cam­era in there had been fo­cused on the tub so you couldn’t see either Salt or I shower­ing or do­ing any­thing else—for which I was grate­ful.

Salt and I went about our nightly routine—well ex­cept for the part where I ex­amined his back which made me un­com­fort­able to watch be­cause I re­membered the past pain he had re­vealed to me. At last, I went to bed. The cam­era angle switched to the bed­room—did they have some kind of mo­tion sensors so the cam­eras only clicked on when someone was in the room? Or did who­ever was watch­ing just as­sume the ac­tion would be wherever I was?

I thought the scene would be nor­mal but I had for­got­ten about my night­mare that first night. There was no sound and only min­imal light but I saw my small shape huddled un­der the cov­ers and watched as I sat up, clearly agit­ated. Then the bed­room door burst open and Salt’s tall frame was sil­hou­et­ted by the light shin­ing be­hind him. He came to the bed and gathered me into his arms. Ten­derly, he cradled me to his chest and sat down in the large rock­ing chair to rock me like a child.

I felt a wave of long­ing as I watched the scene and then an equal wave of shame raced over me. I was a grown wo­man, for God’s sake—why was I wish­ing to be rocked and com­for­ted like a little girl? It was stu­pid and weak and it made me angry with my­self and with Salt too for act­ing the way he had.

“Look at this,” I com­plained, point­ing at the TV. “Why did you have to do that in­stead of just wak­ing me up and telling me I was hav­ing a bad dream? Now we don’t have any­thing even re­motely nor­mal to leave in the video.”

“I wanted to take care of you,” Salt said in a low voice.

“Oh, you took care of me all right,” I muttered. “You son of a bitch.”


“No. Don’t start.” I held up a hand to stop him. “You do not get to feel bet­ter about be­ing a com­plete shit by try­ing to ex­plain it away. Just keep your mouth shut and let’s get through this.”

“How am I be­ing ‘com­plete shit?’” he asked, his voice a low, angry growl. “I am giv­ing you what you should want.”