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The Institute, Daddy Issues(96)

By:Evangeline Anderson

Everything had gone re­mark­ably well in the af­ter­math. The Vice de­part­ment’s tim­ing had been in­cred­ibly lucky, des­pite the fact that they hadn’t had any idea they were but­ting into an on­go­ing un­der­cover in­vest­ig­a­tion. They’d had a re­port of a huge ship­ment of heroine be­ing smuggled through the In­sti­tute and had come to break up the party. In the pro­cess they had nabbed Berkley and his Baby­girl slash lab as­sist­ant Mandy, as well as all the mak­ings of a first-class Please lab.

Also, thanks to Berkley’s need to have the fi­nal say while he was re­cord­ing what he hoped would be a steamy sex show by my part­ner and I, we’d got­ten his com­plete con­fes­sion on tape. The Dir­ector of the In­sti­tute was go­ing away for a very long, long time and Mandy was headed up the river too.

Things really couldn’t have worked out bet­ter—ex­cept for the dis­tance that the whole sorry situ­ation had put between me and my part­ner. I had tried to reach out to him sev­eral times—though it hurt my pride to do so—but he al­ways re­buffed me. I thought he might hate me now for all the sick things we’d been forced to do to­gether and to each other while we were play­ing “Papa” and “mishka” but I couldn’t help wish­ing I might be wrong.

Still, so far Salt was giv­ing me no in­dic­a­tion that my guess wasn’t cor­rect. He wouldn’t touch me, wouldn’t look at me, and would barely speak to me. I didn’t want to let him know how much that hurt so I tried to keep it to my­self, tried to tell my­self that things would get bet­ter between us. But when? It had been two weeks—how long would it take for us to get back to nor­mal? A month? A year?

As if you really wanted to go back to nor­mal, whispered a little voice in my brain. What you want is what you can never have again—to be Salt’s Baby­girl and hear him call you “mishka” one more time. To know that your “Papa” still loves you.

I tried to push the voice away. It was all stu­pid bull­shit—everything we had been forced to do to­gether was just for show, I told my­self. And it wasn’t like I had ac­tu­ally en­joyed any of it. I was just as glad to get away from the crazytown en­vir­on­ment of the In­sti­tute as Salt prob­ably was. Right?

Right, I told my­self firmly. And Salt will come around even­tu­ally and then everything will go back to nor­mal.

I hoped.

“Fine,” I said stiffly, look­ing away from my part­ner and stand­ing to go. “Is that all, Cap­tain? Can we go now?”

“I’m afraid not.” The Cap­tain soun­ded ex­tremely un­com­fort­able. “I’m sorry, Sug­ar­baker, but there’s one more thing I need to touch on be­fore we wrap this up.”

“Oh?” I raised an eye­brow at him. “What’s that?

“It’s the fact that De­tect­ive Saltanov has asked for…for…”

“A new part­ner,” Salt fin­ished for him.

“What? What did you say?” I felt like someone had punched me in the gut. Lit­er­ally—all the breath left my lungs and I couldn’t seem to fill them again. I had been stand­ing, ready to leave the Cap­tain’s of­fice. Now I sank back down on the hard wooden chair and looked at Salt.

He stared back at me, his face a mask I couldn’t read.

“I am sorry, Andi, but it must be this way,” he said.

“I…” I didn’t know what to say. He couldn’t have hurt me more if he’d pulled out a gun and shot me—that was how pain­ful his be­trayal was. “So you’re leav­ing,” I whispered be­fore I could stop my­self. “Dump­ing me like every other man in my life. Leav­ing just like my—” Some­how I caught my­self and man­aged to stop there but not be­fore I saw the pain flash in Salt’s eyes.

“I am sorry,” he said earn­estly, his tone a little softer. “But I feel that after what I did—”

“No, no—please. No ex­plan­a­tion ne­ces­sary,” I said briskly. In­side I felt like dy­ing but I had shown enough weak­ness already. It was time to pull my­self to­gether.


“You’ve fi­nally had enough of me—just like the other two part­ners the Cap­tain tried to put me with,” I said stiffly. “I un­der­stand, Salt—really I do. It was just a mat­ter of time.”