Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(91)

“I’m afraid Mandy is right,” Berkley said, smil­ing nas­tily. “Your part­ner is go­ing to need you in a new and spe­cial way very shortly, De­tect­ive Saltanov. I just hope you’re up to ser­vi­cing her the way she’s go­ing to need to be ser­viced.”

“You bas­tard…” Salt took a step to­wards the other man, his hands flex­ing into fists. “How dare you give my mishka such a dan­ger­ous drug? How dare you risk her life?”

“Oh, she’ll be fine—as long as she gets the in­tense sen­sa­tions her body is crav­ing,” Mandy said, grin­ning. “You see, Please en­gages the pleas­ure cen­ters of the brain and at the same time, it over­loads the auto­nomic nervous sys­tem cre­at­ing a crav­ing for sen­sa­tion so strong, the heart can stop if it isn’t ful­filled. The brain will lit­er­ally stop send­ing mes­sages to the heart to beat if the crav­ing isn’t sat­is­fied.”

Salt and I stared at her and she laughed.

“What? You thought I was just a dumb blonde? I don’t think so—I hold a PhD in Bio­med­ical Sci­ence. How do you think I met Dr. Berkley? I was his lab as­sist­ant.”

“That’s enough show­ing off, Mandy,” Berkley said but he didn’t really sound angry. “The point is, De­tect­ive Saltanov, you’re go­ing to have to fuck your part­ner, De­tect­ive Sug­ar­baker there very hard in just a mo­ment if you want to keep her alive.”

“I will never do this—it would be rape,” Salt pro­tested an­grily.

“Not when you’re high on Please, it’s not,” Mandy said snarkily. “Then all you want is to get your pussy pumped by a big, hard cock. By your Daddy’s cock—isn’t that right, ‘mishka’?”

I wanted to rap out a comeback but when I opened my mouth, only a moan came out. My whole body was in des­per­ate need now—my nipples were so sens­it­ive I wanted to rip down my dress. My pussy felt swollen and empty at the same time.

You need to be filled, whispered a dark little voice in my brain. You need to be fucked or you’re go­ing to die.

“Andi? Mishka?” Salt was look­ing at me, his pale blue eyes filled with anxi­ety. “Are you all right?”

“I…I…” I wanted to say I was fine but the words wouldn’t come out. All I could see when I looked at my part­ner was the man I wanted more than any­thing else in the world. All I could think about was hav­ing his thick cock bur­ied to the hilt in­side me, filling me, fuck­ing me, com­ing in me…

“Mishka?” he said again.

“Salt,” I whispered brokenly. “Papa…I need…need you so much. I’m sorry but I can’t help it.”

“Ah-ha—I do be­lieve that’s the Please kick­ing in.” Berkley soun­ded in­suf­fer­ably smug. “Such a pity we can’t stay and watch but we thought you might like some pri­vacy.”

He star­ted to go for the door but Salt was sud­denly block­ing his path.

“No,” he growled men­acingly in the other man’s face. “No, you will fix this—fix Andi right now! There must be an­ti­dote to help her re­cover. Give it to us now.”

“Alas, De­tect­ive, I fear the only an­ti­dote is in­tense phys­ical sen­sa­tion and only you can give it to her. Ah-ah—not an­other step closer.” A snub nosed re­volver sud­denly ap­peared in one ar­is­to­cratic, long-fingered hand. “Mandy, come here,” he called and she came to him im­me­di­ately, put­ting an arm around his waist.

“Salt,” I begged. “Papa, please…I need you…need you in me.” The words were dragged from my throat. I didn’t want to say them but I couldn’t help my­self—I was burn­ing and I felt so empty in­side.

“You—I will kill you!” Salt snarled at Berkley, who only shook his head.

“I don’t think so, De­tect­ive Saltanov. Now listen care­fully, be­cause this is how it’s go­ing to go. First Mandy and I are go­ing to leave while you and De­tect­ive Sug­ar­baker stay here. You will help her with the Please crav­ings—I know you will be­cause you don’t want to see her die. Cor­rect?”

“You bas­tard,” Salt said thickly. “Of course I do not want her to die but neither do I wish to rape her.”