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The Institute, Daddy Issues(90)

By:Evangeline Anderson

I tried to feel ex­cited too, but all I could feel was weird. The tingling in my nipples and pussy was in­tensi­fy­ing un­til it was al­most pain­ful. It was dis­tract­ing and made it hard to keep my mind, which was already hazy at best, on the case.

“We do have such medi­cine,” Berkley said mock­ingly. “And you’re go­ing to get the full be­ne­fit of it to­night.”

“I don’t know.” Salt soun­ded guarded. “What is it ex­actly? And what does it do?”

“Maybe you’ve heard of it—it’s called ‘Please Daddy’ or just ‘Please’ for short,” Mandy said, smil­ing.

There it was—she had said the ma­gic word! I wished I could be more ex­cited but I was be­gin­ning to be really un­com­fort­able and it was hard to con­cen­trate.

“I have heard of this, yes,” Salt said, frown­ing. “But I have also heard it can have ser­i­ous side ef­fects. Will make a girl feel like she is des­per­ate need of…”

“In des­per­ate need of be­ing fucked, yes in­deed, it will. It will make her beg you to shove your cock in her sweet little cunt and pump un­til you fill her with your cum.”

The ob­scene lan­guage com­ing out of Berkley’s mouth made me jerk my head up and look at him. What was go­ing on? Was this the same man who had got­ten so up­set about me say­ing “hell” when we first came to the In­sti­tute? Why the sud­den about-face on his stance on “filthy lan­guage?”

“I do not wish to make my little mishka feel so des­per­ate and un­happy as that,” Salt was ob­ject­ing. “But maybe you could give me half dose for her?”

“Too late.” Mandy gave an­other one of her an­noy­ing giggles. “She’s already had a double dose.”

“What? What are you talk­ing about?” Salt de­man­ded. At the same time I said, “What double dose?”

“A double dose of Please. What do you think was in the punch?” Mandy grinned at me. “What’s wrong, De­tect­ive Sug­ar­baker? Aren’t you happy? You’ve been try­ing to get your hands on some Please since the minute you got here and now you’ve had enough for two Baby­girls.”

“What did you call my mishka?” Salt’s voice was low and dan­ger­ous.

“Oh please, De­tect­ive Saltanov—enough pre­tense,” Berkley said. “We know who you are—we have from the minute you first ar­rived. Don’t feel bad though—it wasn’t your ac­tions that tipped us off. I have a little friend in the po­lice de­part­ment.”

“So you…let us play along for all this time?” I asked through grit­ted teeth. God, I was on fire here! And my mind kept want­ing to go back to Little-space where I was ab­so­lutely use­less.

“Yes, it was most amus­ing to see the two of you try­ing so hard to pre­tend you wanted to be here as a Daddy and Baby­girl.” He cocked his head at me. “Al­though to be hon­est, I won­der if pre­tense might have turned to real­ity. At least in your case, De­tect­ive Sug­ar­baker.”

“You bas­tard,” I snarled at him. “You made me…the things you made me do…”

“And the things we made your part­ner do to you, too—right?” Mandy smirked at us. “Now that’s got to be awk­ward—let­ting someone who’s ba­sic­ally just a coworker shave your pussy and shove a plug up your ass. Tell me, De­tect­ive,” she said, turn­ing to Salt. “How did you like do­ing all that to your part­ner? Was it fun? Did it turn you on to spank her un­til her little bot­tom was all rosy red?”

Salt glowered at her.

“I will not listen to this. Everything you have forced mishka—Andi—and I to do to­gether while we are here has been for one pur­pose only—stop­ping the dan­ger­ous drugs you are re­leas­ing onto the streets.”

“I’m afraid you’re not go­ing to get your wish, my dear De­tect­ive,” Berkley drawled. “Far from stop­ping the flow of Please, you two are ac­tu­ally go­ing to help us dis­trib­ute it.”

“What?” I ex­claimed and at the same time Salt growled, “Fuck you.”

“It’s your little mishka you’re go­ing to be fuck­ing, De­tect­ive,” Mandy sneered. “She’s the one who had a double dose of Please so she’s the one who’s go­ing to need to be fucked. Oh, and fucked hard too.” Her eyes widened. “But I’m sure that won’t be a prob­lem. I’ve been watch­ing the two of you on the mon­it­ors in the view­ing room—I’ve seen how hot you are for each other. Really, we’re do­ing you a fa­vor, giv­ing you a reason to screw.”