“Daddy…Daddy, I’m going to die if you don’t fuck me!” the blonde girl in the video brayed. I had sort of tuned it out for a minute but now I realized she was pulling down the Hello Kitty panties to show her bare ass. She started rubbing herself between her legs frantically, crying and panting and moaning. Her pupils were dilated so wide I couldn’t even tell what color her eyes were and her breathing was ragged.
For the first time, the man on the screen spoke.
“Fuck or die, Babygirl,” he said, his voice coming out in a lustful growl. I still couldn’t see his face, clearly he was taking pains to keep his identity secret. “You told me you’d rather die than let me fuck you before. Is that still how you feel?”
“No, Daddy, no—I swear!” the blonde girl sobbed. “I’ll be your good little girl! So good—just give it to me, please.”
Finally, mercifully, the Captain stopped the video.
“I think you can see why we need to get a handle on this,” he said quietly. “Please is not only dangerous, it’s shaping up to be the most effective date rape drug ever created. Can you imagine how damaging a video like this is to the victim when it gets out? The girl is literally begging for it. And even though she’s under the influence of the drug, a lot of people are going to blame her because…well, because people are assholes. We all know that.”
“Isn’t there any way to get someone down once they take the Please other than to have sex?” I asked.
The captain frowned. “There was one case where a girl was given a hit of Please at a party and her older brother took her home before she could fall into the wrong hands. It wasn’t until after he got her back to the house that the symptoms hit.”
“Oh no…” I put a hand to my mouth. “Please tell me he didn’t—”
“No, he didn’t have sex with his own sister, Sugarbaker,” the Captain said. “But people who take Please are in desperate need of intense physical sensation. So instead of having sex with her, he beat the hell out of her.”
“He what?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at him.
“You heard me—he beat her black and blue.” The Captain shrugged. “It worked. She didn’t die but when she came down off the Please high she was a mess.”
“Did she press charges?” I asked.
The Captain shook his head. “No. She gave a statement to the effect that she’d rather have a few bruises than have been raped by some stranger. She was grateful to her brother, if you can believe that.”
“Well, he did save her from being date raped,” I said, shrugging. “And then he gave her what her body needed, even if it probably wasn’t exactly what she wanted at the time.”
“This must be stopped.”
I was surprised to hear the vehemence in Salt’s voice. Turning, I saw that there was a grim expression on his normally blank face, a murderous anger I rarely saw.
“So you’re up for this?” I asked him. “You want to go in undercover as my “Daddy” so we can bust these guys?”
He looked at me seriously. “I know this will be hard for you, Andi. Much harder for you than for me. For that, I am sorry. But yes—I think we must stop this at any cost.”
Well, that was something to consider. I’d been prepared to put up more of a fight on this one but Salt seemed to feel really strongly about it.
“All right,” I said, nodding at last. “I still don’t like it but we’ll do it.”
“Great.” Captain Douglas looked very relieved. Clearly, he’d expected more of an argument from me. “We’ll make the arrangements and in the meantime, I’d like Professor Stevens here to coach the two of you on what to expect and how to act.”
I looked at my watch. “Sounds good but it’s almost quitting time, Captain. Can we pick this back up tomorrow?”
“Actually, we were hoping to get you into the Institute sooner rather than later,” the Captain said.
“Okay.” I sighed. “Maybe the three of us can all go out to dinner together? Talk some more now?”