Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(67)

“Well, I guess that’s not sur­pris­ing con­sid­er­ing every bath product in this bath­room is peach flavored,” I said, try­ing to laugh. But the laugh caught in my throat when Salt spread me open with his thumbs, bar­ing the slick, in­ner folds of my cunt.

“I am not talk­ing about the fla­vor of the bubbles,” he mur­mured. “Just look at your­self, mishka—see how ripe and juicy you are. How wet.”

I bit my lip as I looked down and saw that he was right. I felt like I’d been in a near-con­stant state of arousal for hours now. From the minute Salt had taken me across his knee and spanked me, I had been turned on. Tak­ing Mandy up on her erotic dare and suck­ing my part­ner’s cock had also some­how ad­ded fuel to that fire and then the long, sen­sual bubble bath where he tugged and teased my sens­it­ive nipples had made my arousal even more acute.

Al­low­ing him to shave me in such an in­tim­ate way and then kneel be­fore me and ex­am­ine his handi­work was like the cherry on top of the cake. My pussy was swollen with need—my juices wet­ting my in­ner thighs. My clit was prom­in­ently dis­played, stand­ing out like a little pink pearl that wanted des­per­ately to be stroked and loved.

“I…I can’t help it,” I whispered, feel­ing my cheeks get warm when I saw how open and wet my pussy was for my part­ner…my Papa. “I don’t…don’t know…”

Salt shut me up with a kiss. Not a kiss on my mouth, though. He pulled me to­wards him and pressed his lips to my open pussy. I moaned softly as I felt the heat of his mouth on my trem­bling sex. His tongue pressed against me—not lick­ing but still mak­ing con­tact—tast­ing. I could feel its wet heat against my throb­bing clit and for a mo­ment all I wanted was more. God it felt so in­cred­ible, so good—too good.

With a little gasp, I jumped back, put­ting some dis­tance between us.

“For­give me.” Salt licked his lips, which were shiny with my juices. “I could not res­ist. I have wanted to do this for years.”

“Years?” I bit my lip and pressed my thighs to­gether.

“Yes.” He nod­ded and rose to tower over me but his eyes never left mine. Their pale blue depths were half-lid­ded with raw lust. “Years, mishka,” he mur­mured, his deep voice hoarse with lust. “That is how long your Papa has wanted to taste your sweet pussy.”

A flood of emo­tions ex­ploded in­side me. Lust…fear…de­sire… un­cer­tainty…they flowed through me so quickly I could barely breathe. But I knew that if we con­tin­ued down this path we were on, things would never be the same.

“Salt,” I whispered, us­ing his real name in­stead of the play-role per­sona.

He seemed to un­der­stand.

“For­give me,” he said again and this time there was real re­gret in his eyes.

“It…it’s all right.” My pussy still tingling from his kiss, I turned to get an­other pink towel to wrap my­self in.

“Wait…” Salt put a hand on my shoulder.

“What is it?” I turned my head to see him study­ing my back­side with a wor­ried frown on his face.

“You are still tender and red where I spanked you,” he mur­mured. He reached for some­thing on the counter and held it out for me to see. “I found the cool­ing oint­ment you were talk­ing about earlier. Will you al­low me to put it on you?”

“Oh, I…” I bit my lip, not cer­tain of any­thing. Though we were sort of get­ting back to nor­mal, I was still more than halfway into the Little-space where I just wanted to be loved and taken care of and pleas­ured. Let­ting Salt rub sooth­ing gel all over my sting­ing ass ac­tu­ally soun­ded really nice.

“Yes,” I whispered, at last, nod­ding. “Yes, that would be…would be good.”

“Good.” Salt nod­ded. “Then go lay face down on the bed and wait for me. I will be there shortly…mishka.”

Oh God, were we back to that again? Does it mat­ter if you are? whispered a soft little voice in my head. After all, isn’t that ex­actly where you want to be—safe in your Papa’s hands?

I couldn’t an­swer the ques­tion. All I could do was go into the bed­room and drape my­self na­ked over the king-sized bed, just as Salt had com­manded.

He let me stay there for a few minutes, my fear and an­ti­cip­a­tion build­ing, my mind buzz­ing with ques­tions and doubts. When he fi­nally came in, my body was tight as a wire, every muscle clenched as I waited for what was about to hap­pen.