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The Institute, Daddy Issues(58)

By:Evangeline Anderson

Mandy was watch­ing me with wide, avid eyes as I began to suck and stroke my part­ner’s thick cock in earn­est but I no longer cared about her. Didn’t care that I was only sup­posed to be do­ing this in or­der to get in­form­a­tion for our case or that I was just play­ing a role. I flat out wanted to drive Salt crazy with lust.

I couldn’t get him all the way into my mouth—there was no way. But I used both hands at once, bob­bing on the broad head and strok­ing up and down at the same time. Salt’s fists clenched tighter and I could al­most pic­ture him, sit­ting there at the table, strug­gling to keep a straight face while I went down on him for all I was worth.

It made me want to laugh but it also made me hot. Even as I sucked him, I could feel my pussy get­ting wet­ter and wet­ter. God, I was turn­ing my­self on al­most as I was turn­ing on Salt! Part of my brain in­sisted that this was a ser­i­ous prob­lem but I ig­nored it and kept suck­ing. I es­pe­cially liked the taste of my part­ner’s pre­cum—it was salty and slightly bit­ter and com­pletely de­li­cious. Its taste re­minded me of the scent of the ocean he seemed to carry around him. Per­fect.

“Oh my God, I can’t be­lieve you,” Mandy whispered. “I never would have thought a vir­gin could be such a good cock-sucker.”

I ig­nored her—why should I care what she had to say? I was only in­ter­ested in Salt at this point. And what I was in­ter­ested in was mak­ing him come…

I was pretty sure it would hap­pen soon. I could feel him throb­bing in my hands and he was mak­ing more and more of that de­li­cious, salty pre­cum. I lapped it away eagerly and sucked his shaft for more. I wanted to make him lose con­trol—wanted to— Sud­denly Salt’s big hands grabbed me by the shoulders and pulled me up, out from un­der the table and into the light.

“Mishka…” He was breath­ing heav­ily and there was a fire in his eyes I’d never seen there be­fore.

“Let me go back un­der the table, Papa” I said, taunt­ing him. “I was al­most ready to make you fin­ish. Didn’t you like it? Don’t you want to come in your little mishka’s mouth?”

I could feel every eye on the table on me but at this point, I didn’t care. I was still half angry with Salt for the spank­ing and more than half turned on. Suck­ing and strok­ing him while he was help­less to do any­thing about it was a real power trip—even now I could feel how wet and swollen my pussy was. I was bet­ting that the little pink panties I was wear­ing were prob­ably soaked.

Salt’s eyes nar­rowed as he reached un­der the table to zip up his trousers.

“That will be enough of such lan­guage, mishka! Un­less you want an­other spank­ing,” he de­clared.

“Go ahead.” I put a hand on my hip. “I’m not scared of you, Papa.”

“That’s it!” Salt stood up, push­ing his chair away ab­ruptly, and grabbed me by the up­per arm. “I will take no more sass and back talk. Now we are go­ing to the pun­ish­ment room!”

Some of the other Baby­girls gasped and put a hand to their mouths and the Dad­dies nod­ded ap­prov­ingly. Even Berkley looked pleased.

“If you’d like to pun­ish her by in­sert­ing her first plug, I can have Nurse Nancy meet you in the med­ical wing,” he offered.

In­sert­ing a plug? No—hell no! I might have got­ten in­ex­plic­ably turned on when Salt was whip­ping my bare ass, but I was not ready to go there. And prob­ably never would be.

Thank­fully, my part­ner seemed to know that.

“Thank you but no,” he said to Berkley. “I have other pun­ish­ments in mind for little mishka this night.”

The dir­ector shrugged.

“Suit your­self. But the plug can­not be put off forever.”

Salt didn’t an­swer. He was too busy glar­ing at me as he dragged me away from the table.

“Ouch!” I cried, and I wasn’t act­ing. His big fin­gers bit deep into my flesh and his grip was ac­tu­ally pain­ful.

Salt ig­nored my cries and kept mov­ing.

“Come,” he growled and yanked me to­ward the din­ing room door. He pulled me through the long cent­ral hall of the In­sti­tute and to­wards the entry­way with its twin stair­cases. But in­stead of drag­ging me up to the pun­ish­ment wing, he took me up the right hand steps, to the guest suites.