Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(57)

“Okay, fine,” I heard my­self say­ing. God, who knew what Salt was go­ing to think of this? But there was no choice.

Lean­ing between my part­ner’s spread legs, I found the top of his zip­per and pulled it down.

Salt jumped.

“Mishka?” I heard him say, sound­ing un­cer­tain.

I squeezed his thigh hard, try­ing to let him know it was me and hop­ing he would just let me get on with it. Then I reached into his ex­pens­ive trousers and through the slit in his box­ers to grasp the hot, hard length of his cock.

Salt jumped again and I heard him take in a deep breath but he didn’t try to stop me. A little re­as­sured, I pulled him out as gently as I could, us­ing both hands to be cer­tain I kept him well clear of the zip­per. He’d already been half hard when I first touched him but now, as I handled him, his shaft grew to a very im­press­ive length and girth.

Mandy eyed him and gave a low whistle.

“All right, now I can see why you’re scared of let­ting your Daddy fuck you,” she re­marked. “That’s one mon­ster cock he’s got.” She soun­ded im­pressed.

I couldn’t help but agree with her. Salt was long and thick and hot in my hands—he was also much big­ger than any­one I’d ever been with.

“You can see why I need the medi­cine,” I told her ap­peal­ingly. “I, uh, need some­thing to help me loosen up.”

“Yeah, well…” She sniffed. “But you still haven’t proved you really want it.”

“What are you talk­ing about? Look at me.” I stroked Salt’s long shaft from the thick root to the broad, plum-shaped head to il­lus­trate my point. He shif­ted rest­lessly in his chair but still made no move to stop me. Good.

“You’re just touch­ing him,” Mandy said flatly. “I said suck him—get as much of that thick mon­ster in your mouth as you can. Maybe then I’ll tell you about the secret medi­cine.”

I took a deep breath. Could I do this? And more to the point, would Salt let me do it? Also, how was it go­ing to af­fect our part­ner­ship when this was all over? I didn’t know but if it was the only way to get Mandy to tell me what she knew, I didn’t think I had a choice.

Lean­ing for­ward ex­per­i­ment­ally, I rubbed my cheek against the long, rock-hard shaft. I could feel Salt throb­bing in my hands and I thought I heard a muffled groan from him as I caressed his hot length.

I had never let my­self think about this part of my part­ner’s ana­tomy be­fore—it was off lim­its, after all. But now I found that I liked this part of him—liked it a lot. Other than be­ing al­most scary-big, Salt’s cock was hot.

I mean that lit­er­ally—I could feel his heat ra­di­at­ing off the long, na­ked length. His warm, spicy musk was stronger here and I found that I liked that too. There was already a bead of pre­cum form­ing on the broad head, prov­ing that he liked what I was do­ing as well—or at least he was re­act­ing to it. Ex­per­i­ment­ally, I dar­ted out my tongue and lapped the bead away.

Salt shif­ted and I thought I heard him groan again but as be­fore he did noth­ing to stop me. To my sur­prise, I found I en­joyed the feel­ing of power I got from lick­ing and touch­ing him while he was sup­posed to be par­ti­cip­at­ing in a so­cial en­gage­ment. I could do any­thing I wanted to him and he had to just sit there and take it and pre­tend noth­ing was hap­pen­ing. It oc­curred to me that this was the per­fect re­venge for the too-hard spank­ing he had just given me.

“Do more—go on,” Mandy taunted me but she didn’t have to prod me into it. I found that I wanted to touch and taste and suck my part­ner’s shaft. I wanted to tor­ture Salt with sexu­ally con­fus­ing feel­ings just as he’d tor­tured me when he spanked me and made my pussy so wet.

Lean­ing for­ward again, I swirled my tongue around the broad head of his cock. Then I took it all the way into my mouth, be­ing care­ful to shield my teeth with my lips, and sucked and licked for all I was worth.

There was an­other muffled groan from above me and then I saw Salt’s big hands curl into fists on his knees. I felt a surge of tri­umph at the re­ac­tion I was get­ting from him. Oh yes, I was in con­trol here—in con­trol for the first time since we’d walked into the In­sti­tute. And I in­ten­ded to prove it right here and now by suck­ing him un­til he couldn’t see straight.