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The Institute, Daddy Issues(56)

By:Evangeline Anderson

“Hey,” she said sul­lenly.

Well, at least she was talk­ing to me.

“So that was fun,” I ven­tured.

“Yeah—for you. I didn’t even get a spank­ing.” She was still pout­ing, I could tell. God, how could any­body want to be spanked like that? Of course, my wet pussy dis­agreed with my in­ner thoughts but I de­cided to ig­nore that.

“At least you got some pun­ish­ment,” I poin­ted out. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“No—I wanted my Daddy’s at­ten­tion.” She crossed her arms over her chest and then looked at me en­vi­ously. “You cer­tainly got your Daddy’s at­ten­tion—he gave you a really good spank­ing!”

“He cer­tainly did,” I ad­mit­ted, rub­bing my sting­ing ass gingerly.

“Yeah, you’re gonna be sore to­night. Have to ask him to rub some of the spe­cial cool­ing gel into your bot­tom after he gives you your bath and shaves you.”

I felt my stom­ach clench with ten­sion but I tried not to show it.

“Does, uh, your Daddy do that to you? Shave you, I mean?” I asked, want­ing to make sure Salt and I weren’t just be­ing singled out.

“Of course. He has to. Baby­girls don’t have hair on their pussies—that’s gross.” She made a face.

I thought about say­ing that what was gross was let­ting a grown man shave your pu­bic hair but de­cided not to. At least Mandy was talk­ing to me now—I wanted to keep our con­ver­sa­tion go­ing.

“So I guess I showed you,” I said, lift­ing my chin. “Who’s a goody-two-shoes now?”

She gave me a re­luct­ant smile.

“Yeah—you were pretty brave call­ing my Daddy an as­shole like that. Usu­ally I’m the only one who can get away with stuff like that.” She looked at me sus­pi­ciously. “You’re not try­ing to come after him, are you? Be­cause you can for­get it—he’s mine.”

“Of course not.” I made a face. “I don’t want any­thing to do with him. I just want…” I cleared my throat. “I just want to be able to give my Papa what he needs from me.”

Mandy raised an eye­brow. “Still hav­ing is­sues with fuck­ing your Daddy?”

“So what if I am?” I de­man­ded. “Any­way, you prom­ised you would tell me about the medi­cine that helps Baby­girls be more sexy for their Dad­dies.”

She looked at me ap­prais­ingly.

“Yeah…maybe. But you have to prove you really want it first.”

“What?” I de­man­ded. “What else do I have to do? My ass is already sore from that spank­ing—I don’t want an­other one!”

She scoffed. “You’re such a wimp. Your Daddy only used his hand on you—wait un­til you’ve been flogged and caned!”

I had no in­terest in either one of those scen­arios so I just frowned at her.

“What do you want me to do?” I said flatly.

“Prove you really want to be your Daddy’s sexy Baby­girl.” Mandy’s green eyes were prac­tic­ally glow­ing with ex­cite­ment in the dim space. “Go on—prove it.”

“How?” I asked, hon­estly mys­ti­fied. What did she want me to do?

Mandy leaned for­ward.

“Take out your Daddy’s cock and suck it,” she said.

“What?” For a mo­ment my brain wouldn’t pro­cess her re­quest.

“Go on,” she taunted me. “Do it.”

“But—” I looked at the crotch of Salt’s black dress slacks. The suit he was wear­ing looked ex­pens­ive and im­pec­cable but I’d never ex­pec­ted to be try­ing to get into it when I ad­mired how it looked on his tall frame—es­pe­cially when we were still tech­nic­ally at din­ner.

“You won’t do it, will you?” Mandy gave me a de­ris­ive look. “I knew it—you’re just a bor­ing little vir­gin. You don’t really want to be a good Baby­girl to your Daddy at all.”

“That’s not true,” I pro­tested.

“Prove it then. Or else stop talk­ing to me.” She yawned. “I’m already bored of you.”

Uh-oh, I was los­ing her. I felt the choice be­ing taken out of my hands. Clearly Mandy knew some­thing about the Please that was be­ing channeled through the In­sti­tute—at least I thought she did. But she wasn’t go­ing to share any­thing with me un­less I proved my­self to her.