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The Institute, Daddy Issues(53)

By:Evangeline Anderson

“I’m glad that speak­ing with Dr. Ne­w­house helped,” Berkley said to Salt. Be­cause I’m afraid I have some mat­ters of grave im­port­ance to dis­cuss with you.”

“Which is what?” Salt frowned at him and I felt my stom­ach clench with ten­sion. Was Berkley on to us? Had Dr. Ne­w­house told him she sus­pec­ted us of be­ing fakes?

“You may not know this, but we mon­itor each of our guest suites for…er, safety reas­ons,” Berkley said, lean­ing across the table and keep­ing his voice low.

“So you are watch­ing us in the pri­vacy of our rooms?” Salt did a pretty good job of look­ing out­raged. “I can­not be­lieve—”

“Please, Mr. Saltanov, as I said we only watch to en­sure the safety of our guests. And the fact that we do so is plainly stated in the con­tract you signed be­fore we agreed to have you here at the In­sti­tute,” Berkley said sternly. “Leg­ally, we are do­ing noth­ing wrong.”

Salt sat back and crossed his arms over his broad chest.

“I still do not like,” he growled.

“Well, you don’t have to like it but I’m afraid that while we were mon­it­or­ing you and your little mishka last night, we picked up both a safety vi­ol­a­tion and a breech of the con­tract which you signed.”

My heart star­ted beat­ing triple time. Here we go… I was cer­tain that they must have heard Salt and me dis­cuss­ing the case—the cam­eras must have mi­cro­phones on them after all. Berkley was about to tell us our cover was blown and our case would be his­tory.

I was so wor­ried and tense that the dir­ector’s next words al­most failed to re­gister with me.

“Your Baby­girl was seen tak­ing a shower by her­self,” he said.

“What?” Salt looked at him blankly and I felt my heart rate be­gin to slow a little.

“I said that mishka was in the bath­room alone in the shower stall,” Berkley re­peated.

“I do not see the prob­lem.” Salt shook his head. “Other than the fact that you were look­ing at my mishka without her clothes which I do not like.” He glared.

“Baby­girls can­not be al­lowed to take baths or showers un­at­ten­ded,” Berkley said sternly, ig­nor­ing Salt’s ac­cus­a­tion. “It’s dan­ger­ous. Our rules ex­pressly state that Baby­girls are not to bathe them­selves—they must be given a bath by their Daddy each night be­fore bed­time.”

“I…un­der­stand.” Salt and I ex­changed a quick glance and I felt my cheeks get­ting hot. Was Berkley say­ing what I thought he was say­ing? Was he really de­mand­ing that Salt give me a bath every night we were here?

Old per­vert prob­ably just wants to watch on the damn mon­it­ors, I thought sourly. Prob­ably has a bath fet­ish or some­thing weird like that.

But then Berkley made it even worse.

“So that was the rule vi­ol­a­tion. But the con­tract breech is even more im­port­ant. It clearly states, in the con­tract that you signed, that all Baby­girls are to be clean shaven…” He cleared his throat. “Down be­low.”

This time I couldn’t keep quiet.

“Ex­cuse me? Are you telling me I have to shave my…” I cleared my throat. “That I have to shave, Dir­ector Berkley?”

He frowned at be­ing spoken to so im­per­tin­ently by a Little but he did an­swer me.

“Most cer­tainly not, young lady,” he said sternly. “Every­one knows it isn’t safe for Littles to play with razors. Your Daddy will shave you nice and clean.” He turned to Salt. “I’ll see that you have all the ne­ces­sary equip­ment in your suite to­night. Just see that the mat­ter is taken care of without fur­ther ado or I’m afraid we can­not con­tinue host­ing you here at the In­sti­tute.”

“What?” I ex­ploded. “You’re say­ing that in or­der to stay here—”

“Enough, mishka!” Salt banged one big fist on the table, mak­ing the sil­ver­ware jump and jangle. “You must learn not to speak so to adults—to Bigs,” he rumbled men­acingly.

“But he’s be­ing an as­shole!” I poin­ted a fin­ger at Berkley. “A com­plete and total as­shole! And he prob­ably just wants to watch us and get off while he does.”