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The Institute, Daddy Issues(44)

By:Evangeline Anderson

“Not in this con­text at least. Now…” She tapped her stylus. “I have been told that the two of you have been ab­stain­ing from sexual activ­ity in your play—at least up un­til now. Is that true?”

“Yes,” I said, truth­fully enough.

“But I think you would like to be sexual.”

“Well, um…” I shif­ted on Salt’s lap un­com­fort­ably and felt that hard, hot lump I knew was his cock press­ing against my ass.

“Yes,” Salt said at the same time I said,

“I guess so.” I wasn’t sure if that was true or not but it came out of my mouth be­fore I could stop it.

“Very good.” She nod­ded. “And tell me, mishka, what would that look like? What would it feel like to be sexual with your part­ner…with your Papa?”

“Um…you want me to de­scribe it?” I was get­ting more and more un­com­fort­able.

She nod­ded. “In the con­text of your play, yes.”

“So you mean I would get…get into Little-space and let him touch me?” I asked flatly. The idea still bothered me a lot, even though she had made it crys­tal clear that what we were do­ing was just role play­ing.

“Ex­actly.” She nod­ded again.

“What if I can’t?” I asked, try­ing des­per­ately to get back to the case and away from the for­bid­den ter­rit­ory Salt and I were stum­bling around in like a deadly mine field. “Are you go­ing to help me? Can you pre­scribe some­thing that will make me be a bet­ter, more, uh, sexual Little?”

“Nat­ur­ally not. We don’t pre­scribe phar­ma­ceut­ic­als here.” She frowned. “I don’t think you need such help, any­way. What I will give you is an as­sign­ment. To­night, when the two of you are alone in your suite, I want you to do your best to go into Little-space and let your part­ner—your Papa—touch you.”


“Now, you don’t have to be in the head­space of the age you’re play­ing now,” she said quickly be­fore I could get my protest out. “In fact, I think it would be bet­ter if you weren’t. But you can ima­gine your­self as older, if you like. A girl in the first flush of wo­man­hood, just dis­cov­er­ing her body.”

“But…how will that be for Sa—I mean, for my Papa?” I asked lamely, cast­ing a glance at him and shift­ing awk­wardly on his lap. My heart was pound­ing and my face felt hot—I couldn’t re­mem­ber ever feel­ing so un­com­fort­able. But some­how it didn’t oc­cur to me to simply leave and go back to my own chair.

“I think it will be good,” Dr. Lucy said simply. “Those that have a crav­ing for Age Play in the Big as­pect of­ten find the nur­tur­ing role a very ful­filling one. It al­lows them to en­gulf their Little with everything deep and power­ful within them. When that play be­comes sexual—as it of­ten does—and the Big guides his Little and shows her ways to en­joy her body, the en­ergy between them…the com­plex­ity of sen­sa­tions and emo­tions, well, it can be ex­tremely in­tense.”

“It, uh, sounds in­tense,” I said.

“But what about you, Mr. Saltanov?” Dr. Lucy asked, look­ing at Salt. “I can’t pre­sume to speak for you in this. How do you feel about this as­sign­ment? Do you want to touch mishka sexu­ally?”

“Yes,” he said in a low voice.

I looked back at him, won­der­ing if he was just say­ing this be­cause he thought the doc­tor wanted to hear it.

“And how would you like to touch her? What do you want to do?” Dr. Lucy in­quired, lean­ing for­ward with her el­bows on her knees.

Wow, I really wished she wouldn’t be so dir­ect! I had never heard of a ther­ap­ist be­ing so head-on, so un­flinch­ingly hon­est. Maybe this was just her tech­nique or maybe, as she had said at the be­gin­ning, she just felt like we had a lot of ground to cover and little time to cover it in.

“I want…” Salt cleared his throat. “Mostly I want to hold her. To touch her every­where. To bring her pleas­ure.”

“You…you do?” I couldn’t help ask­ing.

Hold­ing my eyes with his own, he nod­ded. I felt like my heart was beat­ing triple time but I couldn’t look away. Oh God, the idea of ly­ing com­pletely na­ked in his arms and let­ting him run those big, warm hands all over me…The im­age formed in my brain and some­how I couldn’t get rid of it.