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The Institute, Daddy Issues(30)

By:Evangeline Anderson

“Now, Mandy, that’s not a very nice way to greet our new guests,” he said to her re­prov­ingly. “I thought maybe you and mishka here could have a play-date to­mor­row.”

“Huh…” Mandy looked me up and down, ap­par­ently see­ing me for the first time. “I don’t think so, Daddy,” she sneered. “She doesn’t look grown up enough to play with me.”

I felt sud­denly grubby and way too young in the blue party dress. I wish I had worn my own slutty school­girl out­fit even though I didn’t think I could pos­sibly out-slut Mandy. She ap­peared to be a pro at it.

“Now, Mandy—that is not nice. Not nice at all! I warned you that you were go­ing to get a pun­ish­ment, didn’t I?”

“Daddy?” Mandy’s pale green eyes got wide and her bot­tom lip trembled. “Please, Daddy, you’re not go­ing to spank me, are you?”

“I most cer­tainly am, young lady,” Berkley said, frown­ing. “Now get over my knee and pull up your skirt this in­stant.”

Mandy moaned and pro­tested but I no­ticed she moved pretty quickly to get into po­s­i­tion over Berkley’s knee. Every­one at the table was watch­ing their little dis­play by now and I had a feel­ing that was just ex­actly the way they wanted it.

Berkley pushed up her little blue skirt, bar­ing tiny white lace panties that were barely more than a thong. Even though most of her ass was already bare, he made a show of pulling the tiny scrap of lace down past her hips be­fore spank­ing her soundly on both cheeks.

“Daddy! Daddy, no—please!” Mandy wailed, wrig­gling like a fish as tears filled her eyes. I no­ticed though, that she never wiggled com­pletely off his lap, which she could eas­ily have done if she tried. I wondered if she was get­ting wet from this, like the red­head, Patty, had earlier from get­ting her new plug put in. Then I de­cided I really didn’t want to know.

Berkley spanked un­til both of his Baby­girl’s ass cheeks were a glow­ing red. Then he gave her a fi­nal smack and pulled her panties back up.

“Now,” he said sternly, look­ing into Mandy’s tearstained face. “Have you learned your les­son, prin­cess?”

“Yes.” Mandy gave a little sob. “I…I’m sorry, Daddy. I’ll have a play-date with the new little girl if you want me to.”

“Very good, Prin­cess,” Berkley said gravely.

Mandy’s eyes flashed. “Even if she does look like she got her clothes from the Good Will.” She gave me a wicked sneer and I real­ized she wasn’t really con­trite at all. In fact, it seemed to me she was angling for an­other pun­ish­ment.

“Mandy!” Berkley roared. “That is un­ac­cept­able. Get down—you’re spend­ing the rest of din­ner un­der the table.”

“Yes, Daddy.” Without even a protest, Mandy dropped to her knees and slithered out of sight, un­der the long white linen table­cloth.

“My deep­est apo­lo­gies,” Berkley said, frown­ing. “Mandy is…is…” There was a muffled sound from un­der the table that soun­ded like a zip­per com­ing down and Berkley’s’ eyes crossed for a mo­ment. “Mandy is some­thing of a brat,” he con­tin­ued at last, ob­vi­ously for­cing him­self to talk. “I have to…have to pun­ish her…con­tinu­ously.”

Salt and I ex­changed a glance. Was Mandy do­ing what we thought she was do­ing? From the way Berkley was grip­ping the table­cloth, it seemed likely. I wanted to take a peek un­der the table to be sure, but then I de­cided again that I really didn’t want to know.

“Is un­der­stand­able,” Salt said blandly. “Some­times Littles can be…trouble­some.”

“Trouble­some…yes, that’s it ex­actly. That’s my little Mandy in a…in a nut­shell,” Berkley groaned.

I bit my lip and looked down at my plate. We hadn’t even been in this per­ver­ted place two hours and already I was com­pletely over it. How in the world had I al­lowed the Cap­tain to talk us into this in the first place?

“Per­haps now is good time to say good night,” Salt said, ob­vi­ously pick­ing up on my mood. “We are very tired and jet­lagged from long flight. Is there any­thing else we should do be­fore we say go to our suite?”