Reading Online Novel

The Institute, Daddy Issues(23)

“I think you’d be sur­prised what your Little can bear,” Berkley said. “A gentle spank­ing does no good. You have to really red­den those but­tocks to get your point across some­times. And don’t stop un­til your Baby­girl is truly con­trite.”

The way Berkley was look­ing at me made me want to either shoot him or pis­tol whip him into sub­mis­sion. My fin­gers itched for my gun and I wished there was any place to hide it on the flouncy little girl cos­tume I was wear­ing. How dare he sug­gest that I needed this kind of pun­ish­ment just for speak­ing up? Be­cause clearly that was what he was say­ing. He was telling Salt that he was too soft on me. As if he owned me or had the right to pun­ish me in any way! I was my own wo­man, damn it! I’d been on my own from an early age and I could take care of my­self.

I could have taken care of Berkley, too, if I’d only had my gun.

Salt must have felt the ten­sion flow­ing through my body be­cause he simply nod­ded to Berkley.

“I will take your ad­vice un­der con­sid­er­a­tion. In the mean­time, what other areas are here?”

“Well…” Berkley turned off the lights in the spank­ing room and led us down the hall­way to an­other door. “Here we have the med­ical suites. Now this is where you’ll want to come when you need to change your Little’s plug.”

“Ex­cuse me? Plug?” Salt asked po­litely.

Berkley raised one salt and pep­per eye­brow at him.

“My, you really are new to the scene, aren’t you?”

“I have been in­ter­ested for a long time but only de­cided to pur­sue when I found my little mishka,” Salt said apo­lo­get­ic­ally. “So please ex­plain.”

From the time spent in Vice, I thought I knew what Berkley was go­ing to say but I sin­cerely hoped I was wrong.

“Why, her bot­tom plug, of course,” he said, con­firm­ing my sus­pi­cion. “Every Baby­girl at the In­sti­tute gets one. It’s ne­ces­sary to get her ready to take her Daddy’s cock deep in­side her back pas­sage.”

I felt cold all over and looked up at Salt with wide eyes.

“Papa?” My voice was a croak.

“This will not be ne­ces­sary for us,” he said quickly, speak­ing to Berkley. “I do not…take my little mishka in this way.”

Berkley frowned. “I’m afraid it’s one of the rules here at the In­sti­tute. Your Little must have a plug. But don’t worry if you don’t have one—we have a full se­lec­tion along with plenty of lube and other ac­cessor­ies. And all our med­ical suites are fully equipped for the pro­ced­ure. Here, see for your­self…”

He opened one of the wooden doors. I ex­pec­ted to see an­other room full of strange and kinky equip­ment and I wasn’t dis­ap­poin­ted. There was an exam table in the middle of the room with stir­rups at­tached to one end and a lot of weird equip­ment on a rolling metal tray be­side it. But the room was already oc­cu­pied.

“Oh!” The noise of sur­prise was made by a girl who looked to be in her mid-twen­ties. She had long, curly red hair and was kneel­ing on the exam table on her hands and knees. Her short skirt was flipped up to show she wasn’t wear­ing any un­der­wear. Her bare but­tocks were bright red, as though she’d just got­ten a harsh spank­ing. Be­hind her stood a middle aged man in a gray suit and glasses and be­side him, stood a stern look­ing wo­man wear­ing an old fash­ioned white nurse’s uni­form, com­plete with a little white cap pinned to her hair.

“Ex­cuse us, Nurse Nancy,” Berkley said. “I was just giv­ing our new Daddy and his Little a tour of the fa­cil­it­ies. I didn’t real­ize this room was oc­cu­pied.”

He star­ted to shut the door but the nurse stopped him.

“No, that’s all right, Dir­ector Berkley,” she said. “Ac­tu­ally, I think it’s quite a good thing you opened the door when you did. Little Patty here has been act­ing up out­rageously. It will be good for her to have the hu­mi­li­ation of let­ting strangers see her shame—it will help her learn her les­son. Don’t you think so, Daddy Thomas?”

“In­deed, I do.” The middle aged man nod­ded his head vig­or­ously. Nobody asked the girl but then, I sup­posed she didn’t have any say in the mat­ter.