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The Institute, Daddy Issues(20)

By:Evangeline Anderson

“And do you like it?” Berkley per­sisted.

“Sure,” I said flatly. “It’s great.”

He stood up­right, frown­ing. “You don’t seem too thrilled about it, my dear.” He looked at Salt. “Mr. Saltanov, I hate to ask, but are you cer­tain your Little is as com­mit­ted to this re­la­tion­ship as you are? We want only happy Daddy/Baby­girl couples here at the In­sti­tute. One un­will­ing or un­happy par­ti­cipant can spoil the mood for every­one.”

“My little mishka is simply tired from the long trip,” Salt said quickly. He drew me against his side, his arm firm around my shoulders, mak­ing sure I couldn’t get away. “Is a long flight from Mo­scow. Very long.”

“I see.” Berkley still didn’t look con­vinced. “Well, as you’ve come all this way we will of course, give you a trial as we do all of our par­ti­cipants.”

“Thank you,” Salt said with dig­nity. “I be­lieve we were sup­posed to ar­rive in time for din­ner. Are we too late?”

“Not at all! In fact, you’re a bit early.” Berkley smiled. “Why don’t I give you a tour of the In­sti­tute while we wait for din­ner to be served?”

“Very well. I am eager to see all of your fa­cil­it­ies.” Salt nod­ded.

“Good! This way if you please.” Dir­ector Berkley led us through the entry­way, past the two stair­cases.

“What’s up the stairs?” I asked in im­pulse.

He frowned at me. “Young lady, in the fu­ture it’s bet­ter to re­mem­ber that Littles should be seen and not heard. But since you’re new here I will an­swer your ques­tion. The right hand stair­case leads to the guest suites, one of which has been re­served for you and your Daddy. The left hand stair­case, how­ever, leads to the pun­ish­ment areas. Never fear—you will see those soon enough.”

Pun­ish­ment areas? That soun­ded omin­ous. I grabbed Salt’s hand just like a real little girl would and felt in­stantly bet­ter when he en­twined our fin­gers and squeezed. Then I felt ashamed of my re­ac­tion. We’d been on plenty of dan­ger­ous mis­sions be­fore and I’d never felt the urge to hold Salt’s hand. Why should I need his re­as­sur­ance now? But the fact re­mained that the touch of his big hand on mine made me feel bet­ter and try though I might, I couldn’t make my­self let go.

“Now this is the main hall­way,” Dir­ector Berkley was say­ing. “Most of the other pub­lic areas lead off from it. This is the way to the din­ing room,” he poin­ted at one door. “And fur­ther down here you’ll find the play­room. Does your Little like play-dates with other Baby­girls?” he asked Salt. “We al­ways have two or three Baby­girls play­ing there dur­ing the af­ter­noons. All we ask is that every­one play nicely.”

He shot me a side­long glance as though he wasn’t sure I was cap­able of that. I didn’t even try to smile back—the man was ser­i­ously creep­ing me out with his talk of play-dates and Baby­girls.

“Mishka al­ways plays nicely with oth­ers,” Salt said firmly and squeezed my hand again.

“Um, yeah. I do,” I chimed in.

Berkley shot me an­other dis­ap­prov­ing glance and nod­ded. Huh—had it been wrong of me to an­swer? Did he really mean that seen and not heard crap? What a load of bull­shit! Still, there was noth­ing to do but try to smile at him—I wasn’t very suc­cess­ful—and go on with the tour.

“So then, fur­ther down on the other side is the In­sti­tute cos­tume shop.” He poin­ted to a wooden door which had the thespian sign of two masks—one sad and one happy—painted on it. “Any­thing you need or de­sire for any age can be found there,” he told Salt. “And there’s no need to pay right away—it will simply be charged to your room.”

“Thank you—is good to know,” Salt said. “Mishka and I had to pack lightly so we have not many out­fits for her.”

“Leave it to Deirdre, our cos­tume lady,” Dir­ector Berkley said cheer­fully. “She has im­pec­cable taste. Now fur­ther down the hall­way we have a private in­door swim­ming pool, sauna, and spa. Littles can have beauty treat­ments just like big girls.”