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The Institute, Daddy Issues(113)

By:Evangeline Anderson

And above all, I didn’t want to get hurt.

These were my rather mor­bid thoughts as my part­ner drove me through the darkened Tampa streets, headed for an un­known des­tin­a­tion.

“Salt,” I said, try­ing to put the de­press­ing thoughts from my mind. “About that Pear­son’s case—”

“No.” He held up a hand and shook his head. “No talk of work to­night, please. And you will call me ‘Papa’—Da?”

“What?” I looked at him un­eas­ily. “Come on, Salt—you know we don’t do that out­side—don’t call each other those names where any­one can hear us.”

“Be­cause no one else would un­der­stand. I know.” He nod­ded. “But we are alone to­night and I would like you to call me Papa—is that clear, mishka?”

I felt the fa­mil­iar twist of pleas­ure in my belly at his low com­mand­ing tone. It was time to put all the doubts and wor­ries out of my head—it was clear that at least for now, Salt wasn’t tir­ing of our little game—not a bit.

“All right, Papa,” I said con­tritely. “So can you tell me where we’re go­ing?”

“No, I can­not. You must find out for your­self.” He gave me one of his rare smiles and then turned the car into a darker street.

“Where are we head­ing?” I couldn’t help ask­ing again. I hoped he wasn’t tak­ing me to an Age Play con­ven­tion or some­thing like that. I had seen such things on the In­ter­net but I had no wish to “play” with any­one else in any kind of pub­lic set­ting. I’d had enough of that at the In­sti­tute to last me a life­time, thank you very much. Just be­ing “mishka” to Salt’s “Papa” was enough to sat­isfy my crav­ings without in­volving any­one else.

“You’ll see soon enough,” Salt told me. “In fact—we are here.”

He turned the car to­wards a darkened build­ing—well, mostly dark—one area of it seemed to be lit up and that was the part he headed for.

“What is this?” I asked, frown­ing. Then I caught a glance at the sign out front. Parker Davis High School for Gif­ted Youth, it said. “Hey, why are you tak­ing me to a school?” I asked, look­ing at Salt, com­pletely mys­ti­fied.

He gave me a mys­ter­i­ous smile.

“You will see. Is private school and they rent out their aud­it­or­ium for events some­times.”

“Events?” I looked around the deser­ted park­ing lot as he pulled in. “What event? We’re the only ones here.”

“Which is the way we like it, Da?” He raised an eye­brow at me. “We have agreed that oth­ers would prob­ably not un­der­stand the way we like to be to­gether so this is a private event—only the two of us.”

“But what—?”

He got out of the car and came around to open my door. This be­ing Feb­ru­ary it was a little chilly—about as cold as Tampa ever gets. I shivered at the blast if cool air as it gus­ted into the car, lift­ing my short, frilly skirt.

“Come in­side where it’s warm, my darling,” Salt said gently. He offered me his arm in a gen­tle­manly fash­ion. I took it, still com­pletely mys­ti­fied, and let him lead me to­wards the aud­it­or­ium.

My little girl san­dals crunched over the gravel in the park­ing lot and I saw that the lights leak­ing out of the build­ing were dim and multi-colored. It was the same kind of light­ing I re­membered from the school dances I’d been to back in high school.

We got to the door and Salt drew a key out of his pocket and opened it with a flour­ish.

“Come, mishka,” he mur­mured. “Come in­side.”

I stepped in, com­pletely be­mused by his strange be­ha­vior. The aud­it­or­ium was a small one but it seemed large be­cause it was just the two of us in­side.

After Salt closed the door and my eyes got ad­jus­ted to the dim light, I looked around and saw that all the chairs had been ar­ranged around the edges of the floor, leav­ing a large, open space in the middle. There was soft mu­sic play­ing and the colored lights were com­ing from above, slowly blink­ing and chan­ging as they il­lu­min­ated the make­shift dance floor. Heart-shaped bal­loons and sil­ver and red stream­ers dec­or­ated the walls and in one corner a small round table was set up with a punch bowl filled with pale pink punch. From the ceil­ing, a ban­ner was hanging.