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The Institute, Daddy Issues(103)

By:Evangeline Anderson

I clutched my wounded fin­ger to my chest and bowed my head as the sobs shook me. I didn’t want to be like this—didn’t want to be weak and needy and sick but some­how I couldn’t help it. The events of my child­hood had left me raw and warped in­side—flawed in a way that seemed im­possible to fix. I was scarred…dam­aged and I didn’t blame my part­ner for want­ing noth­ing to do with me now. I didn’t want any­thing to do with me either.

I wished I was dead.

Sud­denly I heard Salt come up be­hind me.

“Andi,” he said and his deep voice was wor­ried. “What happened—what is wrong?”

“I…I’m fine,” I choked out, try­ing des­per­ately to get con­trol of my­self. I didn’t want him to see me like this. Didn’t want him to think I was even weaker than he already did. “I just…I cut my­self but only a little bit. It’s a really small wound—I’m okay—you can go now.”

“Bull­shit,” he said. “Is not a small wound—there is blood every­where!”

“Is there?” I looked down and saw he was right—the pale green cel­ery and bright or­ange car­rots I had been cut­ting were now spattered with gory droplets of scar­let.

“Yes. So let me see.” He spun me around and tried to take my wounded hand but I backed away, keep­ing my dis­tance.

“I told you, I’m fine,” I said, wish­ing my voice soun­ded stronger. “Now please, would you just go?”

“I am not go­ing any­where un­til you let me look at your fin­ger,” he said firmly. “Come.” He held out his hand for mine but I still res­isted.

“No.” I lif­ted my chin. “You’re not my part­ner any­more and you’re not re­spons­ible for me.”

“I am re­spons­ible for you,” he growled. Then his voice changed—went low and soft and com­mand­ing. “Mishka,” he said. “Let me see your fin­ger.”

“Don’t.” I looked up at him, my heart beat­ing so hard I thought it would burst. “Don’t do that.”

“I must.” Salt cupped my cheek in his big hand gently. “Mishka,” he said again. “Show Papa your hurt fin­ger. Let me make it bet­ter.”

For a mo­ment a blind­ing rage filled me—how dare he do this to me? How dare he use my weak­ness against me? Then I looked up at him, looked into his eyes. They were filled with ten­der­ness and de­sire—he was look­ing at me the same way he had at the In­sti­tute. The way he had when he rocked me and bathed me and read me bed­time stor­ies. There was no lie in his eyes—no de­cep­tion. Only the de­sire to heal and pro­tect me.

Word­lessly, I held out my wounded hand.

“Hmm.” Salt ex­amined me wor­riedly. The bleed­ing had mostly stopped be­cause I’d been put­ting pres­sure on it but it was still a long, ugly cut right up the middle of my ring fin­ger. How in the world I’d man­aged to slice my­self in such an awk­ward way I didn’t know but there it was and it hurt like hell.

“Salt—” I began but he shook his head.

“Call me Papa. And come to sink—let me tend you.”

He walked me over to the kit­chen sink and ran cold wa­ter over my cut. This made it bleed again but Salt wrapped it firmly in a pa­per towel and had me hold it tightly while he went for the first aid sup­plies. By the time he brought the Neo­sporin and bandaids, the cut had mostly stopped bleed­ing again. Salt ten­ded the wound and band­aged me care­fully.

“There,” he said at last, eye­ing his handi­work with ap­par­ent sat­is­fac­tion. “Should heal with no prob­lems now.”

“Thank you,” I said, not meet­ing his eyes.

“Thank you, what?” Salt asked sternly. When I wouldn’t an­swer him, he lif­ted my chin so that I had to meet his eyes.

“Thank you…Papa,” I whispered at last.

“That’s good. Very good, my little mishka.”

Without warn­ing, he swung me up into his arms and car­ried me back to the liv­ing room.

I wanted to protest but be­fore I could, he had settled on the couch with me in his lap. I thought he was go­ing to kiss me but in­stead he pulled me against him and po­si­tioned my head on his chest. Then he stroked my hair and held me close. His big hands felt won­der­ful, mov­ing over my trem­bling back and shoulders, pet­ting my hips and arms and thighs, al­most as though he couldn’t bear to stop touch­ing me.