Just seeing it, even on screen, made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. I squirmed in my seat as we watched Salt go down on me, licking and sucking my pussy as he inserted the plug into my tight rosebud.
Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Salt,” I said through gritted teeth. “Is there a reason we’re watching this? It’s fucking embarrassing!”
“Yes,” he growled. “To prove a point. You would not have acted like this—would not have allowed me to treat you in this way—if you had not been compromised by the drug in your system.”
“Is that what you think? That’s just…it’s not true, Salt.”
“It is true,” he insisted. “I took advantage of you, Andi. Did things I should not have done—things you would not have allowed me to do if you had been yourself.”
Which self is that? I wanted to ask. The tough-as-nails, feminist cop who doesn’t take shit off anyone or the woman who’s willing to put on a little girl’s clothes and call you “Papa” and let you take care of her in every way—physically, emotionally, and sexually? God, I was so incredibly screwed up.
I couldn’t sit still any longer. I jumped up and started pacing. On screen, the image shifted again. This time it was Berkley and Mandy and Salt and me in the Daddies' Lounge. Salt fast-forwarded through all the angry conversation and went to the scenes of me begging him to fuck me and him putting me over his knee.
“Watch,” he said, his deep voice hoarse.
I stood still for a moment and watched the spanking, saw myself writhing against him, begging him for what I knew I shouldn’t have but wanted so badly anyway.
“What does that prove?” I asked. “It just shows that when you knew I was under the influence of Please, you did the right thing. You spanked me instead of…of fucking me.” The words seemed to stick in my throat but I forced them out anyway.
On the screen, Salt pushed me off his lap and rose to unfasten his belt. I watched myself walk on shaky legs to the arm of the leather couch and drape myself over it with my skirts raised. Then Salt’s arm rose and the belt descended, making me jump and gasp.
Watching the beating, now that I was clear-eyed and completely free of the Please which had been in my system when it happened, was damn difficult. It wasn’t just the savagery of the act, though it was clear that Salt was beating me hard, it was also the frozen look on his face as he did what was necessary. I remembered thinking that this must have been hard for him—now I wondered how he had been able to bring himself to do it at all.
“Oh!” I whispered, unable to help myself as the belt rose and fell, striping my naked ass with lines of fire. I shifted from foot to foot, feeling the pain all over again.
I saw Salt wince as the small sound left my lips. The look on his usually impassive features was difficult to see. There was pain and shame in his ice blue eyes as he forced himself to watch the scene we had played out together. And self-loathing so deep it made my stomach twist.
“Do you see this?” he said hoarsely, turning to me at last when the scene changed to show him throwing down the belt and gathering me into his arms. “Do you see what I did to you? Why I do not deserve to be your partner anymore?”
“I know what you did to me, Salt—I was there, remember?” I said. “You saved my life.”
“By beating you. The way that I was beaten.” He rubbed a hand over his face and hit the off button so that the screen went black. “The way I never wanted to beat anyone. I never wanted to hurt you, Andi—I swear it.”
“There was no other way,” I reminded him. “Other than—you know.”
“I could not do that to you,” he said harshly. “Could not take from you what you would not have given me without that damn drug clouding your judgment.”
“So that’s why you told Captain Douglas you want a new partner?” I demanded. “Because you hurt me to save me?”
“That and because of the way I took advantage of you the other nights we were at the Institute,” he said stiffly. “I thought you were acting in such a way because you wanted me as…” He sighed. “As I have wanted you, from first moment I saw you.” He shook his head. “I should have known you would not act in this way on your own. Should have known only the damn drug could be responsible for such behavior.”