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The Institute, Daddy Issues(100)

By:Evangeline Anderson

“I should want to be be­trayed and deser­ted by my part­ner?” I de­man­ded. “No, stop—don’t an­swer that. Let’s just go on.”

Be­fore he could protest I fast for­war­ded the video, which was just a nor­mal one of us sleep­ing, to the next night.

“Oh boy,” I muttered as I watched Salt bathing me in the big tub. “This has to go for sure.” I star­ted to fast for­ward it but he said, “Wait.”

“What are we wait­ing for?” I de­man­ded, frown­ing at him.

“I just…want to see it.” His deep voice held a note of wist­ful­ness.

“What—you want to watch us be­ing per­ver­ted to­gether?” I said roughly, fast for­ward­ing.

“How is this per­ver­ted?” he asked softly. “I am wash­ing you, that is all.”

“Yeah and in a minute you’re go­ing to be shav­ing me,” I poin­ted out, my cheeks get­ting pink. “Look—there.” I poin­ted to the screen where he was per­form­ing the ex­tremely in­tim­ate ser­vice for me. It was hard to watch, hard to see my­self be­ing so na­ked and vul­ner­able and stu­pid, let­ting Salt into my heart as I let him touch my body. How much more cliché could I get? “And there,” I con­tin­ued point­ing at the screen again. “Where you kissed me in a very, uh, in­ap­pro­pri­ate place. How is that not per­ver­ted?”

“I should not have done that,” Salt ac­know­ledged in a low voice. “But I wanted so badly to taste you.”

I felt my breath catch in my throat and I fumbled with the re­mote. I meant to fast for­ward the scene on double speed but in­stead my thumb hit the pause but­ton. The screen froze just at the place where Salt was pla­cing a soft, gentle kiss on my freshly shaved pussy.

“Crap!” I tried to un­pause the scene on the TV but I was all thumbs.

“Here. Al­low me.”

To my sur­prise, Salt got up and came to sit be­side me on the small love­seat. He took the re­mote from me and pressed play, re­sum­ing the ac­tion.

Of course that meant that we had to watch him dry­ing me off and tak­ing me into the bed­room where he rubbed the cool­ing oint­ment onto my bare be­hind. Then I turned over for him and he star­ted rub­bing my pussy while I writhed shame­lessly like a cat in heat un­der his touch.

“God!” I could feel my cheeks burn­ing as I watched my own wan­ton dis­play. Clearly this part of the video needed to be erased for sure. It looked like my part­ner and I had de­cided to make our own private sex tape. “I can’t be­lieve I ac­ted like that!” I muttered.

“I can,” Salt said in a low voice.

“Thanks a lot.” I glared at him, reach­ing for the re­mote.

“I am not mak­ing a com­ment on your vir­tue, Andi,” Salt said stiffly, keep­ing the re­mote just out of my reach with one long arm. “I am talk­ing about the drug that was in your sys­tem, mak­ing you act as you did.”

“What?” I turned to him, un­com­pre­hend­ing. “What the hell are you talk­ing about?”

“The Please,” he said. “It was in the punch.”

“Yes, I know—I drank a whole glass­ful of the stuff like a fuck­ing idiot,” I snapped.

“You were tricked by Berkley—we both were,” Salt poin­ted out. “But lab re­ports showed that punch was drugged every night—not just dur­ing our last din­ner. You were drink­ing it all the time, Andi. It was build­ing up in your sys­tem, mak­ing you re­act to me in the way that you did.”

“Bull­shit,” I said flatly. “I barely touched it those other nights.”

“You must have drunk more than you thought. Look,” he said and fi­nally hit the fast for­ward but­ton.

The scene jumped again, this time show­ing the med­ical wing. At first Berkley and the damn se­cur­ity guard were spank­ing my pussy as I writhed in my bonds. I felt Salt tense next to me and a low growl rose in his throat.

“I should have got­ten there sooner,” he said in a tense, angry voice. “I should not have al­lowed them to hurt you.”

“You got there as soon as you could,” I said neut­rally. “See?” As we watched, Salt burst into the room, dis­lo­cated the se­cur­ity guard’s arm and nearly choked him to death. Then he ar­gued an­grily with Berkley who handed him the thick, black plug.