Reading Online Novel

The Greek Children's Doctor(63)

Libby looked at him, wondering how anyone could survive such highs and  lows of emotions over such a short time. Less than an hour ago he'd been  promising to make babies with her. Now their relationship appeared to  be in pieces.

And he was blaming her.

In fact, he looked angrier than she'd ever imagined he could be. She was  used to him being good-humoured and relaxed about everything, but he  certainly wasn't relaxed now.

How could he blame her? She shook her head incredulously. 'Look at it  from my point of view, Andreas. If you'd found that letter in my  bedroom, what would you have done?'

'What would I have done?' His handsome face was devoid of emotion. 'I  would have asked you about it, Libby, knowing that you would have had a  perfectly innocent explanation. Knowing that I was the man you loved.  You see, I trust you, agape mou.'

She looked at him in stunned silence and he shook his head slowly, his  expression sad. 'I love you, Libby, and I know you love me, but it's  never going to work between us unless you break down that great big wall  you've built around yourself and learn to trust me, too.'


'Forget it.' His jaw tightened. 'There's a flight leaving for Heathrow  late this afternoon. I'll book you on it. Our date is over, Libby.'

Chapter 10

'AlL right, what happened?' Katy dragged Libby into the treatment room,  her expression serious. 'It's been a whole week now and you still  haven't told me anything. Even Alex is worried about you. He's ready to  kill Andreas but he doesn't know what the motive is.'

Libby looked at her. 'It's just the usual.'

Katy frowned. 'What do you mean, the usual?'

Libby's eyes filled. 'Andreas had someone else.'

Katy stared at her for a moment and then shook her head. 'No. No way.'

'It's true.'

Katy wrinkled her nose and shook her head again. 'It can't be. Not Andreas. He loves you, Lib, I know he does.'

Libby shrugged and tried to look casual but it was impossibly hard. She  felt raw inside. 'So? Since when has that stopped a man from forming  other relationships?'

'You've had some rotten experiences,' Katy admitted quietly, 'and I know  how badly it's affected you, but I'm sure that this time you're wrong.  Andreas is crazy about you. I know he is. Tell me what happened.'

'I found a letter … ' Libby found herself telling every detail of that awful afternoon while Katy listened.

'But it doesn't make sense, Lib,' her sister said finally. 'Why would he  virtually propose to you if he was planning to marry another woman?  There must be a simple explanation.'

'The explanation is that he's the same as every other man,' Libby said stiffly, and Katy shook her head.

'You're not thinking straight,' she said. 'I'm absolutely sure that  Andreas isn't the sort of man who would have two women on the go at the  same time. He's too traditional. For goodness' sake, Lib, can't you see  that?'

Libby stared at her. 'What do you mean?'

Katy sighed. 'For a bright girl, you're very dense when it comes to  people. He's Greek, Libby. Family is hugely important to him. You said  that he'd virtually proposed to you. Why would he do that if he was in  love with someone else?'

'I don't know,' Libby confessed, 'and he didn't offer any sort of explanation.'

'Knowing you, you went in with all guns blazing and didn't give the guy a chance to explain.'

Libby stiffened defensively and then her shoulders sagged. That was  exactly what had happened. For the first time she wondered if she'd been  too hasty. Maybe there was an innocent explanation for the letter.

'I just find it impossible to trust him,' she said miserably. 'It's me,  Katy. It's all my fault. I'm so messed up I don't think I'll ever be  able to trust anyone. Perhaps you'd better just shoot me.'                        


Katy sighed and gave her a hug. 'I'm not going to shoot you. We're busy  enough in A and E as it is. And you're not messed up. You're just very  wary of being hurt after everything that's happened in your life. It's  the same with Alex. You're both commitment-phobes and I suppose our  parents can take the blame for that really. We grew up watching a  perfect example of a disastrous relationship. But you've got to put that  behind you, Lib.'

Libby struggled for control. 'I don't know how.'

'Do you love him?'

Libby gave her a wobbly smile. 'Oh, yes. So much.'

Katy beamed. 'Well, that's good.'

'Is it?' Libby sniffed and rummaged in her pocket for a tissue. It  certainly didn't feel good. It felt agonisingly painful and getting  through each day was a mammoth exercise in willpower.

'Of course it's good. A month ago you didn't think you could ever fall in love. At least you've moved past that stage.'

'I think I preferred that stage,' Libby said miserably. 'It didn't hurt as much as this stage.'

Katy ignored her. 'All you need to do now is relax and trust him.'

'It's too late,' Libby said. 'He's already decided I'm a lost cause.'

Katy shook her head. 'You really are hopeless sometimes. You can't  switch love on and off, Lib. If he loves you then he loves you. And I'm  willing to bet he's suffering as much as you are.'

'He said that our relationship didn't have a future.'

'Until you learn to trust him,' Katy finished, and Libby looked at her helplessly.

'You make it sound so simple but I have absolutely no idea how to do that.' She looked at her sister. 'How do I do that?'

Katy smiled. 'You have to believe that what you share is special. That  it isn't something he could possibly find with anyone else.' She paused.  'Is it special, Libby?'

Libby stared at her, remembering the way she and Andreas had connected  from the first moment they'd met, the laughter they'd shared, how well  they worked together-and then she remembered their incredible physical  relationship.

'It's special,' she croaked finally, and Katy's smile broadened.

'Good. Admitting that is the first step to learning to trust. Why would he damage anything so special?'

'Because men do that all the time?'

Katy shook her head. 'No. I disagree. There are plenty of mediocre and  bad relationships out there and it's hardly surprising that they go  wrong because they were always wrong. But when a relationship is special  it stays special and it doesn't go wrong, Libby. It just grows  stronger. Providing you let it.'

Libby gave a wobbly smile. 'You're back to your psychiatrist mode again. Are you leaving A and E?'

Katy glanced at her watch and pulled a face. 'If I don't get back to  work soon, the answer is very probably. But I'm serious, Libby. You have  to acknowledge that what you have together is something that neither of  you is going to throw away.'

Libby stood still, recognising the truth in her sister's words. What she and Andreas shared was special. 'So what do I do?'

Katy grinned. 'You go for it, angel. If you want him-and I know that you do-then don't let him get away.'

'What if he doesn't want me any more? What if it's too late?'

Katy sighed. 'You're doing it again-not trusting your relationship. Not  believing in the love you have for each other. Love doesn't die  overnight, Libby. Andreas still wants you, but he wants you to believe  that what you share is special, too. You need to show him that you do.  You need to show him that it's so special you're not going to give up on  it.' She gave her sister another hug and then made for the door. 'I  want to be your matron-of-honour while I still have something resembling  a waistline so you'd better get a move on.'

With that she pushed open the door of the treatment room and left Libby  to return to the ward, totally distracted by their conversation.

'There you are.' Bev hurried up, an expression of relief on her face.  'The SHO just called us from A and E. He's taken a call from a GP who's  sending in a three-year-old with a high fever and vomiting. Can you get  the side room ready?'

Libby hurried off to do as Bev requested and as an afterthought laid up a  trolley for a lumbar puncture just in case it was needed.

She'd just finished the room when the little boy arrived on the ward accompanied by the paramedics who'd been called by the GP.                        


'This is Max King,' one of the paramedics told her. 'He's been ill since last night but he's gone downhill very fast.'

Jonathon, the SHO, was by his side and looked distinctly flustered.  'I've been calling Andreas, but I'm not getting an answer,' he muttered  to Libby. She sensed immediately that he was out of his depth and one  glance at the child confirmed the reason.

The little boy was drowsy and irritable and his breathing was rapid. One  touch of his dry, scorching skin confirmed that his temperature was  sky-high.

'All right, Max,' she soothed gently, 'we'll soon have you sorted out.'

'I'll try bleeping Andreas again,' the SHO muttered, and Libby caught his arm as he went to leave the room.

'Has the child had penicillin yet?' she asked urgently, lowering her voice so that the parents didn't hear her question him.