“But I still have my world. I’m still Kit Brennan, teacher; Kit Brennan, Sarah’s sister. I have my house and my books and my energy-efficient car. And now I have the bad boy, too.” Dimples fluttered at her mouth. “And he’s not that bad, Sarah. He’s actually really good.”
“Humph.” But Sarah was smiling and her heart felt tender. She might sound skeptical but she was actually happy for Kit. Happy that Kit was glowing and shining and living life. “Just know that if it ever goes south, I’m here for you.” She paused, glancing up at the massive stucco house next to them. “Literally. Just down the street.”
Kit laughed, and Ella started laughing, too, just for the pleasure of it.
And then Brennan cannonballed off the side of the pool, soaking everyone.
* * *
That evening Sarah took the kids to the game against the Rangers, having texted Boone after they got out of the pool, asking him to put them on the pass list. She invited Kit to go with them, but Kit had other commitments, and so the three of them headed to the park early so they could watch warm-ups, and Brennan and Ella could go down to the field and wave to their daddy.
Boone spotted the kids, came to the fence, and talked to them, only to be mobbed by a dozen other kids.
He talked to all the kids and signed autographs for a few minutes before heading back to the cage for some additional batting practice.
Sarah and the kids took their seats, and Sarah had butterflies as the national anthem played. She still got nervous for him, and it was here, when sitting high in the stands with thirty thousand cheering fans, that she felt the pressure Boone lived with daily.
Fans weren’t tolerant.
Fans quickly stopped cheering and starting booing and jeering if a player disappointed.
The game wasn’t just physical. It was mental. And that’s what separated the boys from the men. Boone had lasted because he was strong, tough. He was careful about allowing noise to enter his head. Careful to surround himself with the right people, positive people, and he’d learned to deflect the rest.
She liked that about him. And that trait of focusing on positives and eliminating negatives had attracted her to him in the first place.
Well, that and his beautiful face.
But humor aside, the athlete in her admired his drive, focus, and discipline. She knew from playing collegiate sports that success wasn’t just about what you did on the court or field during a game, but about your commitment to the game even when you weren’t playing. It impacted everything. What you ate and drank, how much you slept, how hard you trained.
And Boone was on fire tonight, going two-for-two and getting ready to bat again when Sarah’s phone buzzed with a text and Ella announced she had to go to the bathroom.
“But Daddy’s going to bat,” Sarah said, glancing at the scoreboard, then at Boone, who was now on deck, as she reached for her phone. Bottom of the fifth. Two outs. Number seven for the Athletics, Stier, was at bat. Two strikes, two balls. The fans were on their feet, chanting his name. Steir, Steir, Steir. Apparently Steir was a crowd favorite.
The pitcher wound up, threw, but lost control, striking Steir in the shoulder. Steir dropped the bat, briefly doubling over. The entire A’s bench were on their feet, even as the Rangers’ pitcher ran toward him, apologizing. Steir nodded and jogged toward first.
The players on the bench hesitated. The pitcher and catcher talked. The pitcher returned to the mound. The A’s sat back down.
Fight averted.
Sarah glanced down at her phone as she heard Boone’s name called. He walked toward home plate.
She blinked as she read the message, not understanding. She read it again. The text was from Olivia, one of the wives from Tampa Bay.
Since you were friends with Alyssa, Olivia wrote, I thought you’d want to know Alyssa and Jeff are getting a divorce.
Sarah shook her head. No way. There was just no way. She texted Olivia back even as the announcer called strike one.
What?? Why?? Sarah typed.
Alyssa found out he was cheating on her.
Sarah’s heart fell, plummeting so hard and fast she nearly threw up. With who?
Are you kidding me?!? Who didn’t he sleep with?
No. I don’t believe it. Sarah’s fingers trembled as she typed.
Strike two, the announced called.
Come on, Olivia wrote. Everyone knew. Jeff never could keep his dick in his pants.
Did this happen on the road?
It happened everywhere. He’d put these girls he was tapping on the pass list for home games. TJ said one of them sat next to Alyssa one game and she couldn’t stop laughing cuz she was sitting next to her boyfriend’s wife.
Sarah couldn’t read more, didn’t want to know more, and she turned off her phone and put it in her purse.