The Forsyte Saga Volume 2(91)
Chapter Ten
MICHAEL knew nothing of the City; and, in the spirit of the old cartographers: ‘Where you know nothing, place terrors’, made his way through the purlieus of the Poultry, towards that holy of holies, the offices of Cuthcott, Kingson and Forsyte. His mood was attuned to meditation, for he had been lunching with Sibley Swan at the Café C’rillon. He had known all the guests – seven chaps even more modern than old Sib – save only a Russian so modern that he knew no French and nobody could talk to him. Michael had watched them demolish everything, and the Russian closing his eyes, like a sick baby, at mention of any living name…. ‘Carry on!’ he thought, several of his favourites having gone down in the mêlée. ‘Stab and bludge! Importance awaits you at the end of the alley.’ But he had restrained his irreverence till the moment of departure.
‘Sib,’ he said, rising, ‘all these chaps here are dead – ought they to be about in this hot weather?’
‘What’s that?’ ejaculated Sibley Swan, amidst the almost painful silence of the chaps.
‘I mean – they’re alive – so they must be damned!’ And avoiding a thrown chocolate which hit the Russian, he sought the door.
Outside, he mused: ‘Good chaps, really! Not half so darned superior as they think they are. Quite a human touch – getting that Russian on the boko. Phew! It’s hot!’
On that first day of the Eton and Harrow match all the forfeited heat of a chilly summer had gathered and shimmered over Michael, on the top of his Bank bus; shimmered over straw hats, and pale, perspiring faces, over endless other buses, businessmen, policemen, shopmen at their doors, sellers of newspapers, laces, jumping toys, endless carts and cabs, letterings and wires, all the confusion of the greatest conglomeration in the world – adjusted almost to a hair’s-breadth, by an unseen instinct. Michael stared and doubted. Was it possible that, with everyone pursuing his own business, absorbed in his own job, the thing could work out? An ant-heap was not busier, or more seemingly confused. Live wires crossed and crossed and crossed – inextricable entanglement, you’d say; and yet, life, the order needful to life, somehow surviving! ‘No slouch of a miracle!’ he thought, ‘modern town life!’ And suddenly it seemed to cease, as if demolished by the ruthless dispensation of some super Sibley Swan; for he was staring down a cul-de-sac. On both sides, flat houses, recently re-buffed, extraordinarily alike; at the end, a flat buff house, even more alike, and down to it, grey virgin pavement, unstained by horses or petrol; no cars, cats, carts, policemen, hawkers, flies, or bees. No sign of human life, except the names of legal firms to right and left of each open doorway.
‘“Cuthcott, Kingson and Forsyte, Commissioners for Oaths: First Floor.”’
‘Rule Britannia!’ thought Michael, ascending wide stone steps.
Entering the room to which he had been ushered, he saw an old and pug-faced fellow with a round grizzled beard, a black alpaca coat, and a roomy holland waistcoat round his roomy middle, who rose from a swivel chair.
‘Aoh!’ he said, ‘Mr Michael Mont, I think. I’ve been expecting you. We shan’t be long about it, after Mr Forsyte comes. He’s just stepped round the corner. Mrs Michael well, I hope?’
‘Thanks; as well as –’
‘Ye-es; it makes you anxious. Take a seat. Perhaps you’d like to read the draft?’
Thus prescribed for, Michael took some foolscap from a pudgy hand, and sat down opposite. With one eye on the old fellow, and the other on the foolscap, he read steadily.
‘It seems to mean something,’ he said at last.
He saw a gape, as a frog at a fly, settle in the beard; and hastened to repair his error.
‘Calculating what’s going to happen if something else doesn’t, must be rather like being a bookmaker.’
He felt at once that he had not succeeded. There was a grumpy mutter:
‘We don’t waste our time ’ere. Excuse me, I’m busy.’
Michael sat, compunctious, watching him tick down a long page of entries. He was like one of those old dogs which lie outside front doors, keeping people off the premises, and notifying their fleas. After less than five minutes of that perfect silence Soames came in.
‘You’re here, then?’ he said.
‘Yes, sir; I thought it best to come at the time you mentioned. What a nice cool room!’
‘Have you read this?’ asked Soames, pointing to the draft.
Michael nodded.
‘Did you understand it?’
‘Up to a point, I think.’