Chapter Three
FRANCIS WILMOT went on his way to Chelsea. He had a rendezvous with Life. Over head and ears in love, and oldfashioned to the point of marriage, he spent his days at the tail of a petticoat as often absent as not. His simple fervour had wrung from Marjorie Ferrar confession of her engagement. She had put it bluntly: she was in debt, she wanted shekels and she could not live in the backwoods.
He had promptly offered her all his shekels. She had refused them with the words:
‘My poor dear, I’m not so far gone as that.’
Often on the point of saying ‘Wait until I’m married’, the look on his face had always deterred her. He was primitive; would never understand her ideal: Perfection, as wife, mistress, and mother, all at once. She kept him only by dangling the hope that she would throw MacGown over; taking care to have him present when MacGown was absent, and absent when MacGown was present. She had failed to keep them apart on two occasions, painful and productive of more lying than she was at all accustomed to. For she was really taken with this young man; he was a new flavour. She ‘loved’ his dark ‘slinky’ eyes, his grace, the way his ‘back-chat’ grew, dark and fine, on his slim comely neck. She ‘loved’ his voice and his old-fashioned way of talking. And, rather oddly, she ‘loved’ his loyalty. Twice she had urged him to find out whether Fleur wasn’t going to ‘climb down’ and ‘pay up’. Twice he had refused, saying: ‘They were mighty nice to me; and I’d never tell you what they said, even if I did go and find out.’
She was painting his portrait, so that a prepared canvas with a little paint on it chaperoned their almost daily interviews,. which took place between three and four when the light had already failed. It was an hour devoted by MacGown to duty in the House. A low and open collar suited Francis Wilmot’s looks. She liked him to sit lissom on a divan with his eyes following her; she liked to come close to him, and see the tremor of his fingers touching her skirt or sleeve, the glow in his eyes, the change in his face when she moved away. His faith in her was inconvenient. P’s and Q’s were letters she despised. And yet, to have to mind them before him gave her a sort of pleasure, made her feel good. One did not shock children!
That day, since she expected MacGown at five, she had become uneasy, before the young man came in saying:
‘I met Michael Mont; his cuff was bloody. Guess whose blood!’
‘Not Alec’s?’
Francis Wilmot dropped her hands.
‘Don’t call that man “Alec” to me.’
‘My dear child, you’re too sensitive. I thought they’d have a row – I read their speeches. Hadn’t Michael a black eye? No? Tt – tt! Al – er – “that man” will be awfully upset. Was the blood fresh?’
‘Yes,’ said Francis Wilmot, grimly.
‘Then he won’t come. Sit down, and let’s do some serious work for once.’
But throwing himself on his knees, he clasped his hands be hind her waist.
‘Marjorie, Marjorie!’
Disciple of Joy, in the forefront of modern mockery, she was yet conscious of pity, for him and for herself. It was hard not to be able to tell him to run out, get licence and ring, or whatever he set store by, and have done with it! Not even that she was ready to have done with it without ring or licence! For one must keep one’s head. She had watched one lover growing tired, kept her head, and dismissed him before he knew it; grown tired of another, kept her head, and gone on till he was tired too. She had watched favourites she had backed go down, kept her head and backed one that didn’t; had seen cards turn against her, and left off playing before her pile was gone. Time and again she had earned the good mark of Modernity.
So she kissed the top of his head, unclasped his hands, and told him to be good; and, in murmuring it, felt that she had passed her prime.
‘Amuse me while I paint,’ she said. ‘I feel rotten.’
And Francis Wilmot, like a dark ghost, amused her.
Some believe that a nose from which blood has been drawn by a blow swells less in the first hour than it does later. This was why Sir Alexander MacGown arrived at half-past four to say that he could not come at five. He had driven straight from the House with a little bag of ice held to it. Having been led to understand that the young American was ‘now in Paris’, he stood stock still, staring at one whose tie was off and whose collar was unbuttoned. Francis Wilmot rose from the divan, no less silent. Marjorie Ferrar put a touch on the canvas.
‘Come and look, Alec; it’s only just begun.’