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The Flaw in His Diamond(15)

By:Susan Stephens

She held her breath as tension sizzled round them. She hadn't stood in  front of many men wearing a see-through bra and a thong, if any, and  drank in Roman's frank approval. But could she match up to his  expectations? She glanced at the bed, wondering about all the impossibly  glamorous and sophisticated women he must have known. She drew in a  shaking breath. This was crazy. But what would life be without a little  crazy in it?

Roman's lazy gaze had a touch of warmth and humour, and it was that  that relaxed her. It also made her shiver uncontrollably with lust. She  wanted to be close to him. She wanted him to touch her and to draw her  into his arms. She wanted to nestle there, rest there...belong there.

Maybe he sensed this, or maybe he wanted it too. She huffed a laugh  inwardly. As if. And then asked herself impatiently, why could Eva  Skavanga be so bold in every area of her life except this?

Taking hold of her hand, he drew her towards him. What he did next  surprised her. He guided her sensitive thumb pad across the kiss-swollen  swell of her bottom lip.

'Do you feel that, Eva?'

She felt it in her core.

The corner of Roman's mouth had kicked up as if he felt her responses as if they were his own.

'And what about this?' he prompted.

He took her hand on another sensual journey, and the intensity of  sensation made her gasp as he moved the flat of her palm slowly across  her nipples. And all the time he held her stare firmly in his, so he  could watch her reaction, while her own arousal was heightened by the  approval in his eyes. At one time this would have seemed so wicked and  wrong, but with Roman, no. He was making her do this to help her accept  that she could feel and that she could respond without fear. The  sensation was indescribably good, and had a direct link to other places,  prompting her to squeeze her thighs together, which produced a pulse of  pleasure that drew a shaking moan from her throat.

Roman smiled when he heard this. 'I think you like that,' he said.

Like could not describe that feeling. She only knew she wanted more.

Sensing this, he took her hand on another journey, this time over the  sweep of her belly and down the smooth, warm length of her thighs.

'I think you like that too,' he whispered, smiling against her mouth.

'You know I do,' she breathed.

And while she was growing bolder on this journey of exploration, Roman  was stroking her buttocks, cupping and moulding them and caressing them  in a way that made her arch her back and ask for more. There was no fear  this time. He was introducing her to possibility, and the promise of a  lot more to come. His easy, relaxed manner reassured her that there was  no hurry, no test at the end of this, but just an endless capacity for  pleasure within her.

'What do you want most, Eva?'

She exhaled shakily at the sound of Roman's voice and had to bring  herself back to a reality that had expanded beyond her wildest  imaginings. 'I hardly know what I want,' she admitted honestly. 'I don't  even know what I can have.'

'Try to tell me,' Roman coaxed. 'Search your deepest fantasies and tell me what you'd like me to do.'

'Can't you?'

'No,' he whispered, bringing her into the circle of his arms. They were  standing by the bed. Roman was holding her with his chin resting  lightly on her head.

'You can't keep passing the buck and avoiding the issue. You have to spell it out, Eva.'

'You like to hear it?' she guessed.

'Maybe,' he admitted.

'You're merciless, while I'm a shivering wreck?'

'Shivering with desire,' Roman murmured, nuzzling her neck.

'You know me so well.'

'I can read you, remember?'

'Touch me,' she whispered.

'I am touching you, Eva.'

Yes, and her bones were melting, but it wasn't enough. Roman knew that,  just as she knew there was more-if she could only bring herself to ask.  But for once in her headstrong, outspoken life, she couldn't find the  words.

'Why don't you show me, if you find that easier?' Roman suggested.

'Ramp up the pressure?'

'Why not?' he murmured.

He was testing her. But she could do this. She certainly wanted it  enough. Finding his hand, she guided him, only to be rewarded by the  most fleeting and frustrating brush of his fingertips.

'That isn't fair.'

'Who says so?' Leaning back, he stared down at her, his voice husky and amused.

'Then I'll take you on a journey.'

'Please.' His stare was dark and not a bit concerned.

She gasped noisily when he cupped her.

'Dio, Eva. Do you know how hot you are, how ready, how responsive? Let me pleasure you-'

'Standing up?'

'Why not?'

It seemed so wicked, that was why not. And would her legs even hold her?

'Make it easy for me, Eva...'

Roman's urgent whisper told her what to do. She put her feet wider,  easing her legs apart. She felt shy suddenly. Eva Skavanga, shy. In the  short time she'd been on Roman's island, he had reduced her to a  trembling body of need with only one thought in mind, which was relief  from the frustration he had provoked.

This was incredible. Resting her head against the firm wall of his  chest, she parted her lips to drag in air. And still he was stroking her  everywhere except that one place she needed him. 'You will kill me-'

'I very much doubt that, Eva.'

A shuddering breath gushed noisily out of her as Roman explored her  sensitive flesh with his long, lean fingers, always denying her that  final contact she so desperately craved.

'You're too eager, Eva. You're in too much of a hurry to reach the  end.' Dipping his head, Roman stared into her eyes. 'And I'm going to  teach you the benefit of restraint.'

'I don't want to-'

His laugh cut her off. 'Do you have any idea of how ready you are? How  hot? How moist? How swollen? But if you want anything more from me,  you'll have to tell me exactly what that is.'

'Everything...I want it all.'

'Specifics?' he pressed, showing her no mercy.

Her answer was to shift position in the hope that Roman might not move his hand and she could trick him into touching her.

He laughed softly. 'Naughty.' He had easily anticipated what she was going to do. 'My rules, Eva.'

'So touch me again,' she insisted, turning from penitent and accepting into the old Eva.

Angling his chin, Roman murmured, 'What a relief.'

'What do you mean?'

'I mean, rumours that the firebrand Eva Skavanga has vanished have proved to be wildly exaggerated.'

'You're glad to say?' she queried wryly.

'I'm very happy to say,' Roman confirmed.

'Then get on with it.'

Breath shot out of her as he touched her. The ache was unsustainable.  It was beating in her head, behind her eyes and in her ears, drowning  out her heartbeat. It was drowning out everything. But this still wasn't  enough-

'Touch me, Roman. You know what I need. Don't torture me any longer.'

He laughed soft and deep as he stared down at her. 'You know I love nothing more than to see you burning up with lust.'

'I'll burn if you do as I ask. I'll go out like a damp squib if you don't. You started this and now you must finish it.'

'Finish you, don't you mean?' His firm lips curved in the dark,  taunting smile that could always send shock waves of lust racing through  her.

'Lie on the bed Eva.'

Her throat closed. Her heart stopped. She was clumsy with desire. Roman had to steady her and help her onto the bed.

'Don't stop this time,' she warned on a shaking breath.

'I'll do everything I can to help you, Eva.'

'Like an interesting project?'

'Like a woman I want to please-the only woman I want to please. Like a  woman I want to see come apart with pleasure in my arms.'

'So you enjoy administering and observing pleasure?' she said, making herself comfortable on the bank of cushions.

'I'm going to enjoy administering and observing your pleasure.'

How far had she come? How far had Roman brought her? This was deliciously bad, very bad indeed, but she wanted him to watch.

Grabbing the sheet with her inside it, Roman tightened it around her  and brought her against his chest. His kiss was hard and urgent. His  intention was all too clear. Cupping the back of her head, imprisoning  her in a way that made her warm all over, he caressed her cheek with his  other hand and stared deep into her eyes as he predicted with  amusement, 'It's going to be a long night, Eva.'

It could never be long enough for her. But could she please him without  going the whole way? Could she soothe her own frustration? Time was  running out. Roman eased onto the bed beside her. She had to decide now,  either to speak or to remain silent. She chose silence. Every part of  her might be tingling with fear, but her excitement overrode that, and  all it took to forget her fear was the thought of what he might do next.

'Come to me, Eva.'

Roman's gaze was steady and commanding. She reached for him and he drew  her into his arms. He made her feel so safe. This felt so right. And  perhaps because Roman was so relaxed and unhurried, she was able to  relax too. He stroked and kissed her anxieties away and she was more  than ready when he moved down the bed. First he suckled her nipples, one  and then the other, until she was panting with excitement and pleasure,  and when his hand slipped between her thighs while he was still doing  this she wondered if it was possible to pass out with pleasure.